
S rank hero and fighting saitama.

i talked some more with the girl and then i went back home and then just teleported to the hero association office scaring their boss or something.

i told him to make me into an s rank hero if not oh well it's not only monsters they would be worried about, using fear on him made it easier.

i could have done the test bu that seemed boring, i did see blast as i went around the world to ste- i mean buy some boxes of chocolates yeah buy.

kara,kloe and nero were back but i didn't go meet them yet, i just saw genos literally about to clash with death thankfully saitama was playing around, i decided to go down to see both of them.

"yo guys it's been some time since we last mer" i said while looking at the gaping hole on the original mountain.

"hello there chara it is great meeting you once more" genos replied.

"hey how have you been" saitam casually said.

"good i actually got stronger" i said answering him.

"oh then do you want to fight" saitama asked a very interesting question, well might as well at least he would be strong.

"sure why not, genos id suggest you move like at least a hundred kilometers from here" i said as he nodded his head and went far away.

"so we can start" saitama said as he readied he disappeared as he came up behind me with a punch, i turned around as i gave my own punch as our fists collided a shockwave spread,spider web crack's appeared on the ground as the debri flew everywhere.

"wow that actually hurt" i said looking at my arm.

"huh you actually blocked that…this may be fun"saitama said with a smile, heh well then let's warm up. i punched him with a full powere attack which destroyed more of the ground but that didn't push him back.

"Consecutive normal punches" saitama said as multiple fists appeared in front of me,….yeah i can't dodge that. the attacks hit me sending me back quite a while…well since we are using abilities lets go undertale.

everything around me turned black and white as multiple red sword's appeared behind me all which are aiming at saitama.

each of the swords went after saitama, he dodged but the knives werent slow as it quickly followed up with his speed, some of them landed on the ground creating small craters.

a black floating heart appeared on my hand as i sent a blast of dark red energy at saitam, the blast hit him as it melted some of the stones on the ground.

saitama stood up and dusted his clothes, they seemed damaged. well it looks like is back to fists fights.

"serious series:Serious punch" saitama said as he punched the air in front of him.

i braced my self as i was thrown back several meters, i stood up feeling my skin got cut a lot some of my bones got broken but, they were instantly healed with trial by error.

well looks like i may have to become betty for a while, i took out the fear soul and tossed it into my mouth, i could here bettys complains but i completely just ignored it.

my eyes turned black and pink as my hear turned pink, in the middle if my chest was just hate beating as it empowered my feared hate form, yeah i'm calling it that.

i appeared in front of saitama as i gave him an uppercut which sended him flying into the air i jumped up as he turned around and this time we went all out.

each time our fists collided a disaster level shockwave hit everything, the clouds disperse as we fought, the very air arround is turning into a storm with each clash.

then saitama hit me on the face as i hit the ground making a hige pit,now my eyes were secreting liquid hate prompting my strength got boosted by a bit…but i decided to stop rhis before we eventually end up destroying the planet.

the area we fought in has been reduced into a large pit, i turned back to normal as betty turned into a kumu and just looked at me angry and annoyed, Hate turned into a kumu too but it was excited, i made them go back to.

"ok i think it's time for us to stip" i said looking at him, it's already evening.

"…really i was getting warmed up but i guess we will fight again next time" saitam dejectedly said. i scratched my face as i waved my hand and teleported to the front of my apartment.

i went in,nero was watching anime as usual.

"hey dad you're finally back" nero said as he turned around to look at me and then just turned back to look at her anime.

"hey chara" kara said as she and kloe were cooking something.

"what are you cooking" i asked looking at them strangely.

"sushi" death replied as she added some ingredients to the food…i'm guessing, i just went to sit near nero she immediately used me as a chair…sigh whatever.

im checking chat.

[Paranoid bat]:my world does have magic…but i'm pretty sure explosion is magic,but that can be easily made.

[Explosion girl]:oh come on pretty please, can you get me an explosion spell.

[Supreme being ainz]:wow she loves explosions, i could probably make an item for you…but what would you offer.

[Explosion girl]:uhhh i'm broke what about a favor.

[Supreme being Ainz]:better than nothing, alright i'll be done bu tomorrow i'm working right now.

[Foul Mouthed black egg]:i just copied the technique and movements of a skilled person is that normal and also the floating eye shot a laser at the hulk and pushed it back, i think it has gotten bigger these days.

[Cursed kings vessel]:…my heart was pulled out by sukuna..

[Warbound evil tyrant]:Excuse me but how the fuck are you genuinely still alive.

[Cursed kings vessel]:…i don't know but sukuna healed me,….and i'm pretty sure he is up to something bad.

[Desperate time traveler]:…is it wrong trying to save your friend while sacrificing everything.

[Advocaye of gender equality]:…i would just let them deal with their own problems, but if they truly need my help me and the boys would pull upe.

[Genocidal child]:of course we would at this point we are all friends.

[Desperate time traveler]: so it's not bad, and sure.

[Paranoid bat]:i will assist anyone whi asks.

[Explosion girl]: hey kazuma what do i do when i accidentally blow up an entire party's quest and now and they are getting ready to chase us.

[Advocate of gender equality]:…WHYY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT, OFCOURSE WE RUN.

well seems everyone is lively today, i chatted some more with them, kira and kloe finished cooking as we enjoyed the night with some food…id still finish my batch of sto- i mran bought candies and chocolates.

i got a bit bored and jist decided to go and sleep, sigh todayvwas a tiring day….os what i would have said if i was actually tired.

i currently am on the top of a building i woke up hours ago so i'm just chilling here, no monsters and no enemies. peaceful.

yes peaceful if i wasn't being hugged from behind by kloe, kara and neo were playing a small game, well it's still peaceful.

the skys were strangely cloudless,which is weird and also intriguing i do wonder why that is, well i guess we wouldnt know unless we investigated but i do not feel like doing detective,i'd rather not do that...
