6 Titanboa home

History says that Titanboa lived at the high rocks which is up the Himlaya mountains. The Titamboa went and Lily and freinds to follow they saw that there was a big rock behind that there was a nest. There was a nest and a egg too. The Titanboa went out and saw Lily and her freinds. The Titanboa went and eat them. But they escaped. The Titamboa's aim is only one that being the king for the monsters. At that time there was a guy wants to defeat the 2 monsters which is The Meg and Titanboa. His name is Dr. Alexander. He did 2 robot monsters too defeat them. He named it Megaboa(robot snake) and Robot Monkey. To destroy them he can get money so he do this. Lily, Mark and his freinds are now confused because they need to save a monster and also kill him. But only one monster has to stand.
