
Mechanical technology

Magical Realism
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What is Mechanical technology

WebNovel で公開されている、Usman_Ahmed_5309 の作者が書いた Mechanical technology の小説を読んでください。When you consider the fate of mechanical technology, your underlying contemplations are likely a long way from the kitchen, and maybe encourage far from planning new suppers. However this propelled in...


When you consider the fate of mechanical technology, your underlying contemplations are likely a long way from the kitchen, and maybe encourage far from planning new suppers. However this propelled innovation is entering each edge of our lives, and robots are rising as developing piece without bounds of sustenance. When you consider the eventual fate of mechanical technology, your underlying musings are likely a long way from the kitchen, and maybe facilitate far from getting ready new suppers. However this propelled innovation is entering each edge of our lives, and robots are developing as developing piece without bounds of food. Zume Pizza’s completely mechanized procedure of influencing pizza, to will guarantee that customers get their pizza inside shorter periods and keeping in mind that they are as yet hot. For anybody living inside the region of Mountain View California, you could have your pizza conveyed inside 5 minutes after ordering. The robots make every one of the pizzas at Zume. The main human touch required is for the garnishes. The new robot, known as the doughbot does everything from working the mixture, spreading the sauce on it and lifting the pizza to the broiler. Why this innovation is winning hearts The presentation of robots in organizations does make each work less demanding as well as produces more salary for organizations.



  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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