

After the memory fusion between Ezra and Tony which resulted in me and me passing out the rest of it was exactly like the movies.

First the leader and some of his men came in we had to stand which was painful with the hole in my chest but the pain was barrable, next the doc translated but I didn't need him to after a wile but I didn't need to tell them that.

You might be wondering why I didn't need him to translate anymore well after talking a lot because I didn't do what Tony did which was refuse because I couldn't take the risk of water boarding with the electric wires and battery not protected which if short circuited I could die.

But enough of that back to what I was saying I quickly learned the language with how much translating and talking we did which wasn't long as I asked for the materials so I could get stated for my two projects the Arch Reactor and MK 1 which is only two of the many projects I came up with yesterday after going though my memories whoops sorry I got side tracked there again.

Ok so yeah after they took me out to go to the weapons depo I was startled to find this out because this was wired because Ezra was not that smart and Tony couldn't do that either even with his intelligence so after a lot of thinking but couldn't figure it out I just chalked it up to our souls possible merging which increased Tony's already high IQ and gave me photographic memory as well.

After figuring this out the photographic memory came in handy real quick as I didn't have the rout out but as they took me out for the materials I was counting my steps and turns which created a map in my head for later use wile also simultaneously thinking about my new found IQ and Ability.

After getting outside and nearly collapsing from the bright light yeah i was never good with light we went through the depo wile i was giving a list for the tools and materials need for the so called 'Jericho missle' that they wanted me to build which in end was finshed pretty quickly thank the stars becuase i wanted away from the light.

Wait now that i think about it thats gonna be hard even after i leave here because of my new found fame hmmm 'Note to self build sunglases that dont effect color but still dims light and acts as a HUD after getting back' yup this will solve my new probelm and can probably still be upgraded as well which can be said the same to all my other gadgets in my lab now that i have more ideas from diffrent shows or the future gadgets old Tony will make.

Well now that im done with my little rant again after the walking out side which was not fun i right away got started building after asking for a note book which i started drawing the blue prints for the MK 1 and Arch Reactor along with adding notes about the flaws and ideas to fix and imporve it along with future ideas and plans/steps i needed to complete for now and later in the future which will be key so that my life will be more enjoyable and I will not be killed by crazy godfathers or a mad titan bent on killing/wipping out half of all life.

Also wile writing the notes I didnt write it in any of earths laguages becuase i might mess up in the future like how Tony left his blueprints to his suit behind which was used by Stane to make his own suit which i will not doing that by the way, or someone could still just steal it also so yeah the language which im gonna be using will be from the earth Ezra was from which i will be calling Earth Prime from now on is Kryptonian the language is from the Dc superman/supergirl's planet this will make it extremely hard for anyone to decipher as it is from another universe entirely also i should start using this as my main computer programing laguage instead of Tonys prgraming Language even though its good which is an understatement its been around for a while and its from this planet so someone could possible find out how to crack it.

And so like this the days turn into weeks the weeks turn into months with nothing but builing and writing in my notbook for almost three months striaght with barley any rest and with the final day tomorrow being held captive in this crappy cave.