
Three Runes

Ardelt didn't unleash his sword but only stood still at his place menacingly. Even without his sword, his brute force was enough to finish the assassin off. As both assassins open their eyes, they immediately lunged forward, trying to attack Ardelt, who was at the forefront.

Understanding their intention, Ardelt didn't hesitate to swing both of his fists. Colliding with Ardelt's fist, the two assassins once again get thrown toward the wall due to the impact given by their clash. However, because their body's condition was a lot worse this time, they suffered more damage and ended up coughing much blood, almost sufficient to create a pond of blood. With their arms break, Exia was certain the assassins were in no state to exert fight back.

"It seems the torment wasn't able to teach you a lesson, huh?" Bernard remarked and looks like about to cast another spell when his eyes catch one of the assassins mumbled something under his breath. Not wanting his opponent to finish his chanting, Bernard quickly interrupts him, "Torment."

Like before, the assassin's motion turns sluggish, and a vacant look replaces his sharp eyes. Seeing his spell was working, Bernard breathed out a relief. However, without getting noticed by everyone, a drop of blood has quietly seeped through the wall.


Strolling in the street, Exia repeatedly tapping his foot on the ground lightly and looks like in the middle of enjoying the scenery. His eyes narrowed in happiness, and his mouth keeps curled up in a smile. His whole presence radiating an aura of joyfulness. Even a stupid person could tell that Exia was in such a happy mood.

This appearance of him was the result of Bernard and Ardelt's statement earlier. Early on, after enchain both the assassins and ensure they couldn't move their limbs to prevent them from escaping, Exia was offered by Ardelt to learn some knight movements.

Of course, such an opportunity wouldn't be miss by Exia, who thirsts to get stronger. He aimed to become a sorcerer who could fight in both close-range and long-range. In addition to three spells provided by the scarlet-orb, Exia becomes more convinced that his path would become unordinary.

When Exia agreed to Ardelt's proposal, Bernard, who remained quiet throughout the time, surprisedly proposing the same offer as Ardelt. It was the offer where Bernard would teach Exia various things about sorcery and all the knowledge he gained during his stay at Claudia, the capital city of Sorcerer's Faction.

And all of it was free. Even Ardelt was taken aback by Bernard's sudden proposal. It's not like he only gets to know Bernard recently, so it was shocking news for him. He knows better than anyone regarding Bernard's true nature that only did something for the sake of his own benefit. And now witnessing Bernard, who only looks for profit, suddenly decides to help Exia in return for nothing. Ardelt couldn't help but become suspicious about Bernard's true intention.

Nevertheless, he keeps his lip tightly shut after watching Exia nodding his head enthusiastically. Well, as long as Bernard's aim won't hurt Exia in any way, Ardelt wouldn't intervene on their matters.


Arriving at his homestay, Exia immediately goes to the public bathroom that belonged to the homestay to rinse his sweaty body. Exia also bought some new clothes from the shop during his journey like he always dreamed the first time he arrived in Xinar.

"Finally, decent clothes," Exia sighed in satisfaction as he wears the clothes he just bought from the shop.

Currently, he was inside his room, lying on the bed comfortably. Recalling the incident he had to experience today, Exia pumps his right fist into the air, "I must train diligently from now on."

Spiritedly, Exia jumped out from his bed and sauntered toward the study desk. Since he didn't know when the same incident would befall on him, Exia had to utilize his time wisely.

Sitting in the chair, Exia slowly begins to close his eyes and enter a meditation state.

He was immediately brought into the same world where a vast universe exists with dozen comets or keeps advancing toward his Mana Core. Based on Bernard's explanation, Exia learns the comet thing was actually a Mana that enters our body. And the reason why Mana keep attracted to his Mana Core was to supply his Mana Core.

Ignoring his Mana Core, Exia proceeds to float to the scarlet-orb, which exists in another part of the universe. Within a minute, he arrived at a certain distance ahead of the scarlet-sun and was getting struck directly by the scarlet-arrow like the last time.

Instantly, many pieces of information start to surge forth enter his brain. Many complicated patterns, techniques, and explanations of words were displayed in his mind. This continues until Exia feels he couldn't take it anymore and immediately end his meditation session.

Exhaling an exhausted breath, Exia smiled bitterly, "I estimate the time I need to master these spells is months or so. No wonder Sir Bernard said talent in comprehending something was important for a sorcerer."

Without a good brain, even if you succeed in establishing a Mana Core, it'll still be unclear about your future in becoming a great sorcerer.

Shaking his head, Exia starts to jot down all information he receives from scarlet-orb. Strengthening Rune, a rune that has a shape more or less looks like a hammer. Its function was to increase physical prowess for the duration of time.

The second rune is Acceleration Rune. This rune has the shape of an arrow. As the name stated, Acceleration Rune is used to accelerating physical speed and flexibility for the duration of time.

The last rune is Amplify Rune. Unlike the other two runes with the shapes of weapons, this rune has a more complex shape. It's shaped vaguely and looks like a shape that resulted by combining a few shapes. The purpose of this rune also special. Instead of increasing any other physical attributes, this rune was specifically dedicated to sorcery. By applying this rune, a person could increase its magic outburst.

'I wonder what would Sir Bernard's fireball be if this rune amplified it?' Exia couldn't help but wonder as he recalls the might of Bernard's fireball, which could destroy whatever in its path.

Are there among you guys who can proofread a chapter of my book? If so, then do message me at discord: Billly#4202

Thank you!!

Billy_Castellanoscreators' thoughts