
Out of my way

Nizna's Pov:

Intercom: all students report to the Hall I report all students report to the Hall!

Kimberley: Nizna! come on wake up, you have to go to the hall.

" Nooo I'm tired besides I'm sure it's not that important, I said covering myself with more blankets."

Well you know that the new principle is coming today and you're headgirl so you're gonna have to be present.


No buts Nizna I have to go.

Why did I even run for headgirl, I said getting out of bed.

Okay hurry up catch yah later, Kimberley said grabbing her milkshake and heading out for her morning run.

She's a senior so she doesn't always follow the rules.

Whereas I'm a junior and a headgirl so I don't get to do parties alot and if I do I have to be discrete.

There's a new principle coming today which I really don't care about because the last one was shit.

He didn't have authority what's so ever and I like stern and serious people.

Going to the bathroom I quickly run the shower and brush my teeth.

Wear my uniform, grab my bag and rush down the hall.

Me not looking where I'm going I crash into someone.

Out of my way, I said pushing the person off me not even bothering to look at them.

Turning around the corner I quickly run backstage to get ready worried that I might have to say some words to whoever this principle is.

Peaking through the curtain I see almost everybody sitting down, climbing up the stage I stand next to parker the head boy.

Parker and I used to hate each other but now we're cordial, for the sake of our positions anyways.

Miss Odel: Good morning students today our headgirl Nizna will be announcing our new principle.

Can I get Nizna to come forward please?

As I step closer to the podium I spot the speech paper I'm supposed to be reading from, I take a deep breath and begin.

Good morning deacons today I'll be announcing our new principle. As we all know what happened last time.

We as the school ensure that we have taken deel thought into this and have chosen a reliable person to take this school to greater heights.

Without further ado I would like to call Miss. Max Unos to the stage,I said as I step aside for whoever's coming.

As I clapped together with the rest of the school a 6'4 woman came out behind the curtain.

I gulped as she walked with pride and stood next to me.

She smelled good, not of the normal strawberries or cherries.

She smelled of danger and I like that.

After the whole introduction I was sent to show her around.

" Uhm, this is the cafeteria alot of things happen here, I said as I waved to Anna the lunch lady."

Alot of things what does that mean?

Well food fights, cheerleaders vs nerd fights basically this is like a playground.

" I guess that's not going to happen alot I'm here so things are about to change, she said walking out of the cafeteria."

" Wait ma'am I'm not done you don't know where your office is."

It's fine Miss Parker head back to your class.


" Miss Parker! to class right now."

Why are you being a dick I'm just trying to do my job, I said fuming standing in the middle of the hall.

You know what Miss Parker scratch that follow me.

You just sa-

Follow me right now!

I started shaking until my knees were weak I think it's safe to say that I have PTSD.

Miss Parker I don't hear your fee-.

" Miss Parker are you okay, she said rushing to me while my eyes were rolling back."

" What happend! are you okay?

Infirmary please take me to the infirmary, I said as tears started forming in my eyes.

She picked me up ran to the infirmary and handed me to the nurse.

I think she's having a panic attack!

"I don't know what happened I told her to come to my office and then she just collapsed."

Rylie: " Don't worry she's fine she was just angry and pressured at the same time."

Nizna has depression you have to be patient with her.

Mind telling me exactly what you said to her?


" Rylie it's fine it was my fault."

" Uhm well Miss Parker if I had k-

Yeah If you hadn't know that I didn't have depression you wouldn't have scold me.

First of all I don't need your pity I'm not weak and secondly never ever talk to me ever again.

Nizna don't you think that's abit extreme.

" No! I don't think it's being extreme, I thought that you would've understanded Rylie."

After all you know why I'm like this, I said as I walked out slaming the door.

Sorry about that Nizna has been through alot.

Well Nurse Rylie it did kind of surprise me but I'm certain that I will have a talk with her.

I mean everyone has their problems Nurse Rylie but they don't act out like her.


Miss Unos

Well Miss Unos Nizna's problems are just not ordinary problems and I think you should speak to her when you're alone.

Just approach the situation very delicately, she's abit fragile.

Fine I'll try my best but I'll give her the necessary punishment for her behavior.

I guess I can agree with that, it was nice meeting you Miss Unos I hope you can help her.

I'll try my best Nurse Rylie good day.

Max's POV

Walking out of the infirmary, I'm confused.

" I don't know what's happening, she acts kind then she flips out."

Ok she has problems everyone has problems, I just need to find out what it is.

I find my office and quickly call James.

James is my best friend he's also the best tech guy in the U.K.

I don't know why I'm so interested in this Nizna girl but hearing what the Nurse told me.

I'm going to find out everything about her.

" I dial james number and he picks up on the third ring."

" James buddy I need your help."

Hey ya'll it's me your favorite teenage author.

This is one of my many books but I'm going to pulish it.

I hope you guys enjoy the setting

Lots of love from Shipshippers