
Chapter 1 : The Beginning

Every story has a beginning right?

So this is my beginning...

On a stormy snow night I walked with my dog, Swevern in to the high mountain of La Neige Glacée.

Cold and alone without no direction to go to, me and my dog kept walking aimlessly. Even though I'm afraid, for some reason my feet will not stop walking, besides not having any other choices I was curious of what there is in the top of the mountain.

As I walk, the past trauma that I had suddenly flashed before my eyes and I was full of guilt.

Yes, I ran away from home due to a toxic abusive family that I could not handle anymore, I'm tired on putting a fake smile and forcing myself to be in a place that I don't want to be, with the people that I don't want to engage ever and an environment that I would never be in even in a million years.

And I know for a fact that everyone in my family hates me, they just never told me in front of my face, but I do know that they talk bad about me a lot.

I'm not close with my aunts and uncles because I was quiet and shy, and I am truly horrified of adults.

All my cousins gets along except for me, I feel like a huge outsider, I even thought to myself was I supossed to be here in the first place?

I was indeed suffocating, and I feel like the only choice I have to make is to get out of here as soon as possible, so that saturday night when my big family was having dinner, I packed my beautiful blue velvet bag and left with my dog through the window.

Went down with stairs and ran as far as possible before they could get me and weirdly they didn't notice a thing.

It was a huge success! and I felt like a bird that was free from its cage. I feel like I could go anywhere I want.

But now here I am. Lost without direction and the only way I can survive is if I can get on top of Mt.La Neige Glacée.

And so me and my dog walked up and up to the mountain. The snowstorm just wont stop and seems to get even worse. I then decided to carry my dog and run as fast as I posssibly could trying to fight the heavy snowstorm that was clearly trying to stop me from going any further.

I felt like I could've die at that moment, as the snowstorm felt like it was going to swallow me whole and freeze me to death. As much as I want to die, my hunger for curiosity is even bigger than I ever have felt before. I just truly deeply want to know what's on top of that mountain.

So I ran and I ran and I made it. I made it to the top of the mountain. I smiled brightly. I felt as if I had won a battle with the snowstorm. And what have I saw you asked?

I saw a beautiful pink and white with a touch of light blue mansion that is truly picturesque. All the lights were shining bright but has a sense of warmness to it.

It captivated me indeed as I walked slowly while staring deeply at that enchanting mansion. It was deeply alluring, intriguing it's as if its tantalizing me to come and enjoy a sickly sweetened condensed milk and a blackberry soufflé.

I was completely hypnotized. So I walked in to the mansion.

There was a glamorous party inside. I believed that everyone was tremendously rich.Everyone was dressed up in strangely unnatural dresses and suits. Their hair was all exceptionally odd. There were a lot of food and everyone was busy. A lot of people running around and there was a lot of chatting. It was beautiful but it was too loud for me.

I got confused. I felt so lost in a crowd. This felt like a fever dream. I looked around, and I saw a magnificent fountain that is outstandingly gorgeous. I was sitting in the middle of the mansion and it was filled with pearls and blue diamonds. There was a huge chandelier hanging in the middle of the mansion on top of the fountain.

As I was so mesmerized by the beauty of this mansion, I made an eye contact with man and he then walked towards me. He had a gorgeous grayish white hair and a tall pale skin. I admit he was stunningly handsome. I got a sense of neurotic and shivers up my spine. It was daunting. I was trepidatious I couldn't move a single inch, I just stood there like a statue while he walk even more closer to me.

He looked at me from head to toe and suddenly he said, "I for a fact certainly sure that you aren't my guest because I know each and every single one of my guest's face here in this room and you..." he proceeds to lean towards me with a suspicious gaze.

"I've never seen you before, are you perhaps some sort of a burglar, or even worse

a tresspaser?" he said while folding his arms arrogantly.

He has a sense of egotism in him as he seems to look down on me and it was terrifying.

"I-I..." I was so nervous and terrified. I really felt like I would throw up at that moment.

"Is it hard for you to speak clearly?" He asked.

I just nodded.

"Huh, Well okay then.." he looks at me again.

"Well, it looks like you and that thing" He glares with a disgust look to my dog.

"I-It's my dog, sir" I answered quietly.

"Oh whatever, have no place to go...."

"So would you like to work here at Masquerade Manor?" he asked.

My eyes shines brightly. I would definitely work here. I mean this place is truly splendid.

"Yes, Yes thank you very much,sir" I said.