

A/N: Pat-reon: HelloDarkness07

Any and all wrong facts mentioned here are entirely my own fault, and the fault of Google for not having enough information on the first page. Thank you.


56 BC, Central Africa:

I stare at the soldiers from my position on top of a tree branch, invisible, completely silent, odourless, and all around completely undetectable. My expressions slowly morph from curious, to horror, as I keep reading the minds of the 20 men stalking some animal tracks.

Ptolemy XII, Auletes. The current Pharoah, and if I know my history right, one of the last True Pharoahs of Egypt, the last being his daughter, Cleopatra. The 20 hunters, were men of his army, stationed leagues away from his actual Kingdom, to guard against attacking enemies.

It seems the Roman Empire is no longer supporting their Client State blindly, and have begun putting pressure on them. Plus, there's the fact that Rome annexed the Kingdom of Cyprus, from the hands of Ptolemy XII's brother, Ptolemy.

The Ptolemaic Kingdoms had no imagination for their rulers, huh? From the memories of all 20 men, all the recent rulers have either been Ptolemy, Cleopatra, or Berenice. 

The soldiers are currently in the upper parts of Central Africa, which explains the forests, and so am I. In Central Africa, somewhen before 50 BC, I can't say for sure. The Room of Knowledge didn't have much knowledge about the Ptolemaic Kingdoms, let alone which King ruled when. I just knew that Cleopatra became a Queen around 50 BC, at the age of 17. She's 13 right now, and her father rules over Egypt, which means the year is probably 57 or 56 BC.

Huh, so not around, but exactly 2000 years before my time? Can't say for sure, since the Roman Calendar hasn't begun to be used yet.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I mumble, realising the situation I am in, and realising how it had happened.

Then, I pause. I can't curse by Jesus's name anymore, he isn't even born yet! The Romans were still following the Greek Gods, just by changing the names, and the Greeks were following their own Gods.

The Egyptians, meanwhile, followed a variety of Gods, thanks to the many religions living in Egypt. Greeks, Romans, Jews, and lets not forget actual Egyptians.

Shaking my head, I bring myself back. I was in the Past, 2000 years into the past. All because I wore my fucking Time Watch to a battle, because I thought I might need it for a quick escape.

Fucking Grindelwald didn't even give me time to try to escape, he just blew up immediately. The explosion probably reacted explosively with the Sands of Time that made my Time Watch, that gave it the ability to go back.

Usually, I could only go back a month, which was the max I could do, either into the Past, or the Future. But the bloody Explosion probably supercharged the Sand or something, and pushed me 2000 years into the Past.

I can't even say for sure if that's what happened, because I don't have the remains of the Watch to find out. Hell, I doubt there remained anything to be classified as remains!

And now, I can't even go forward a single day, since I don't even have a single grain of the Sands of Time with me. I'd used about a quarter of my store in making the Time Watch, and in modifying the Time Slower. The rest, I had kept in my Forge, inside the Chamber of Secrets.

Why the fuck would I even take the Sand everywhere, even in Nowhere? 

I also don't have a Sling Ring, since I'd only made one for myself. I can make another one, since I do actually have Goblin Silver, along with a few other precious metals, but I will need a Forge for that. A Magical Forge, which I cannot just.. conjure.

So, I have very few options. The first step is obviously to go to the closest town, which, according to the memories of the Soldiers underneath me, is a two hours walk away, to the North. The rest, I can decide once I'm actually well rested.

But before I can enter any town, and show myself to the people here, I need to grow my hand back.

Sighing, I lean back, and summon a bottle of the Skele-gro Potion, and drink a single dose of it. I just had 3 more bottles, and this fourth one was already halfway empty. Then, I bring out a bottle of my own invention, the Org-grow Potion, and drink a dose too.

A few waves of my left hand later, I lean back on the cushioned tree, and try to sleep. My arm will be back by the time I'm awake, I know that. I can feel it, my body healing with the help of the potion.

4 hours later, I wake up, once more with two arms, and cry. I had actually missed my arm, missed the extra weight it had given me. I wave my newly regrown right hand in front of myself, while casting the Tempus Charm.

@$&#@ #$


Well, of course the spell failed, Time is not yet the same, so far into the past. The Spell has no meaning here, since people haven't yet begun using the 24 hour clock.

Sighing, I look up, and see that the Sun was just starting to set. So, evening then. 

Taking a tea bag from the Nowhere, I conjure a steel glass, half filled with water, and boil it with a spell. After preparing the tea, I lift off, Telekinetically floating into the air, while drinking the tea.

Thank God I had the good graces of copying Telekinesis from Essex. I really need to completely immerse myself in the absorbed memories, sooner rather than later. Essex's knowledge, the Ninja's training, they all will come in handy in this Era.

Stumbling a little, I begin flying towards North, towards the nearest town.

As I get a handle on flying, I wonder about this era, and a possible problem I might face. 

Essex's memories were very clear, with him having a similar Eidetic memory to mine. He met En Sabah Nur, or Apocalypse, in the 1870s, worked for him for barely a few months.

Apocalypse then took him to some place via a teleportation sphere. Whether it was technology, or his Mutation, Sinister didn't know. He also didn't know where the location was, and I haven't tried creating a portal to the location yet, afraid of accidentally awakening Apocalypse.

He was then dipped in some liquid, which was connected to what I know to be a Computer by some wires, which together changed Nathaniel Essex, and turned him into Mr Sinister. And then, Sinister betrayed Apocalypse, poisoned him by the Plague that he was ordered to create, in the form of a Techno-Organic Virus, sending him back to his original body, in hibernation.

Sinister didn't know if Apocalypse had woken before the 1880s, in the past, but I cannot guarantee that he will stay asleep for 5000 whole years, right under Egypt. 

He definitely has some method of leaving his body, and possessing someone else, which is how he had met Essex. But, I have no idea why he didn't just bring his true body outside. A question for another day.

When I had taken Essex's mutation, I barely had a handle on it. I could move things with my mind, because I had some experience thanks to my own Pseudo-telekinesis, I could create Telekinetic shields, although not too strong, and I could speed the motion of thrown things. But I couldn't fly, I couldn't stop bullets, I couldn't stop people in their spots, completely covering them with my Telekinesis.

But, I could feel it, my Telekinesis was improving, the more I used it. But even if I became a complete Master of Essex's brand of Telekinesis, it won't be enough. He wasn't an especially strong Telekinetic, not anywhere close to Jean Grey, or even Betsy Braddock.

He could make use of Telekinesis to move things (or people), freeze people, create forcefields, lift things, send TK blasts, and fly. Jean Grey and Apocalypse were so good at Telekinesis, that they bordered, and sometimes crossed into Matter Manipulation. I want that.

Betsy Braddock, meanwhile, could, or should be able to focus her Telekinetic energy into Psionic weapons. So, yeah, I have a lot to learn, and luckily, I am in the past. Time is all I have.

A few hours later, I reach the town, and use my Telepathy to.. take stock of the town. There were around 2000 people in the town, most of them Africans, but some were of Greek descent. It was ruled by a man named Aqer, an African man.

Aqer is loyal to Ptolemy XII, and has quarterly meetings with him, along with the rulers of other neighbouring towns. 

Aqer has a moderately big house in the centre of the town, guarded by tall walls, and a number of guards, some African, some Greek. He also had half a dozen servants, and 3 mistresses, all of them Greek.

I had made sure to go through all his important memories, but I didn't copy them. I didn't need to. I wasn't even remotely interested in Aqer, or how he lives his life. Him having servants(read slaves) does bother me, but if I set out to kill everyone who has servants, or even slaves, the population of the world will be quarter of what it is now.

The reason I'm now walking towards Aqer's house, is that he is rich, and hence, selfish. I have some gold, silver, weapons, and even gemstones in the Nowhere, which I can use to trade with him for currency. I also needed information, but his Mind already provided it for me.

As for Currency, I cannot just create money out of nowhere, since they use Silver, Gold and Bronze for that, in that order. Silver is rarer here, apparently.

Transfiguring fake coins will only lead to more problems down the line, and I cannot transmute Gold or Silver yet. And the amount of coins I'm hoping for, is not something an average man will have in his possession. So, Aqer it is.

While invisible, I transfigure my clothes, modelling them after what I had seen Ptolemy wearing in Aqer's memories, except just a tad bit cheaper, and then change my face and skin tone to seem.. Greek.

Africa was ruled by the Ptolemaic Kingdom, who are Greek in ancestry. These Greek Egyptians might be darker in skin tone to the Greek-Greeks, but their facial structure is still somewhat similar, and very different to the Africans.

Stopping outside the gates leading into Aqer's house, now completely different than what I normally look like, holding a heavy sack in my hands  I nod to the guards, who bow back, and say, "Tell Lord Aqer that Athreos Ateos of Cyprus is here, to make trade with him."

One of the guards nods, and goes outside to relay the message, while the second one stays staring at me, and I wait patiently.

5 minutes later, I sit in Aqer's Dining room, having some light lunch, and say, "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, Lord Aqer."

"I was told you have things to trade. What is it that you need? And what do you have to offer?" The man says, getting straight to the point.

I say, "I need some Alexandrian Drachmas, and tetradrachms. Silver, Gold and Bronze, all are appreciated. I have Gold, Silver, as well as some weapons to trade."

It takes a bit of haggling, and some Telepathy, but in the end, I exchange 2 bars of Gold and Silver each, two steel daggers, and a steel sword, for thrice their weight in coinage.

A handful of those coins are spent to buy clothes, and some spices.

And then, I start apparating further North, going towards the most famous African country in my time, although half the people don't even know the country is in Africa. Egypt. Specifically, the great City of Alexandria.

About an hour of continuous apparition later, I'm finally feeling tired, and stop, seeing the great City right in front of me, about 2 miles away.

Sighing, I stop, and cast a few spells, as I sit down to rest. 10 minutes of resting later, I start walking towards Alexandria, invisible, and smile, as I enter through the gates without any opposition.

Wandering around, I first go towards the Port, seeing the sights, and browsing Minds as I go.

The architecture was amazing, with a mixture of Greek and Egyptian statues and buildings. The City was divided into four quarters, one for the Royals(Greeks), the Jewish people, and the Egyptians. The last quarter was an extension of the Greek Quarter, the Brucheum, where the important places were based.

Each Quarter had their own Markets, and Temples for each of their Gods, along with the Theatre, houses, and a few other important buildings. I move towards the Greek quarter, to go and buy a house. Time to live in Alexandria, the Capital of Knowledge and Learning.


Welp, I'm officially back to being poor now. Almost 90% of my money went into just buying a small house for myself. The remaining 10% was barely enough to last me two days, let alone the years I'm expecting to spend here.

I had to sell a giant Ruby, for 60 Silver coins, making the total number of coins I have at 87. Sighing, I look at the building in front of myself, having a wonderful idea.

I don't have enough precious metal, or gemstones, to live without working indefinitely. Not unless I plan on living off the land, at least. And while I can hunt for food, gather fruits, in the Forest I had landed into the Past in, I cannot do it forever.

Besides, I'll get bored.

So, I was going to find a job. But not before a good night's rest, in a soft bed.

Turning back, I go into the Greek quarter, and enter my new house. The House was small, with just one bedroom, one kitchen, and a toilet. First things first, I raise my hand upwards, and cast a few protection Wards. The first one will Warn me of any intruders, and wake me if I'm asleep.

The second will make sure that Muggles, mutants, and Wizards alike don't see anything wrong with this house, and make them ignore the other Wards too. 

The third Ward is special, it'll only activate in cast the Intruder is a Wizard or a Witch, and if they're here with bad intentions. It.. won't be good for them, that's all I'll say for now.

Then, I go into the Bathroom/toilet, point my finger at the toilet, and write Runes in the air.

The Runes spin around once, in a circle, and fly towards the chamber pot, and then dissipate. I do it a few more times, with different Runes, all in Norse. The Runic spells I used will keep the toilet sanitized, completely clean, and un-smelly. They will also make any piss and shit I grant it, disappear into Nonexistence.

Conjuring a tap into the wall near my chamber pot, I carve Runes into it, that will make it always activate Aguamenti as soon as it is turned on, and do the same for a conjured Showerhead. The House came with a bed, a wood stove, and some furniture, which thankfully included a bucket for washing my butt, and a bigger bucket for bathing, both made out of bamboo.

Then, I go to the Bedroom, and make it more comfortable for me, softening the straw bed a bit, and casting a temperature control ward. It was a Runic Ward of my own design, one I had learned with Helena's help back when I was in school.

Damn, I miss her now. I didn't even speak to her for the last few years, I wonder if she'll hate me for not visiting.

Shaking my head, I go towards the Bed, and sleep, not minding that it's just 7 PM by now. I need sleep, and I need work.

The next day, at sharp 9 AM, I lock my house, both mechanically, and Magically, and go towards the Library of Alexandria.

Walking inside the gates, I move towards the line I could see forming, to be granted or rejected permission.

"Name and purpose?" The official asks, sounding as bored as he looks, once I reach him.

I say, "Athreos Aetos. I'm here to Learn, and find some work to do." 

The man writes my name down, and waves me inside. He says, "Ask for Head Librarian Apollonius, he is the one who hires for work. As for learning, you're free to go read anything inside, but only after gaining permission from the respective Librarians."

Nodding, I walk inside, my mind already busy looking for the Head Librarian Apollonius, while looking around at everything.

The Library is big, that much is for sure. It is almost as big as the Hogwarts castle, only not as tall. There were only two floors, and a basement. The building itself was supported by Greek columns, while flame torches were placed every few meters.

The Library itself was divided in Partitions, divided by subjects. Mathematics got a Partition of its own, and so did Geography, Medicine, Philosophy, and History. The other subjects were kept together, divided in a few other partitions. 

I stop suddenly, seeing something surprising. A hallway went to my left, with nothing to light it up. The halls were extremely dark, and I couldn't even see 10 meters in front of myself. Above the hallway, written in an arc, were the words 'Heka' and 'Khema'. Magic and Alchemy?

Huh, I'd expected it, but I didn't expect it to be written so openly, without any Wards that I could feel. It makes sense though, until 1673, when the Statute was established, Wizards lived freely, without worries for keeping Magic secret.

Curiosity taking over, I pick a flame torch from the wall, and start walking through the corridor, but stop just after a few steps. The flames had gone out suddenly, without any indication of a reason. No wind blew in the hallway, and the temperature also didn't suddenly decrease.

The darkness was too much, even my enhanced eyesight couldn't see a single thing. Raising my hand, I cast a Lumos orb, and hover it over my head. The Lumos orb lights the hallway up, and I continue walking.

About a minute later, I reach the end of the corridor, which had a plain wooden door. I wave my hand over the door, and not finding any curse on it, touch the door to push it inside.

I suddenly pull my hand back, however, feeling the door absorb some of my Magic. Okay, now I'm creeped out and excited at the same time.

The door slowly opens by itself, making a creeking noise, and I finally see inside, my Lumos orb now disappearing. There was a big hall, almost three stories tall, with flaming torches lining the walls. It was, obviously, a Library.

"It is not everyday that I get a guest. Who are you?" A voice says from deep inside the room, in Egyptian and I couldn't make out where it came from, thanks to the voice echoing.

I could, however, feel a Mind behind a shelf, hiding from me.

Walking inside, I look around, and answer, "My name is Athreos Aetos. Are you the Guardian of this Library?"

The person says, "Yes, so if you've come to steal, I suggest going back."

The man had stated that very calmly, which means people have actually tried stealing from this Library, when they could read for free. 

I snort, and say, "I'm here to study, and find some work to do. I was told to find the Head Librarian, and I was on my way there when I saw the Entrance. Be assured, that I'm not here to steal the knowledge."

Copy, probably. Steal, no.

The man finally walks out from behind the shelf, and I see him. He was dark skinned, definitely completely Egyptian. He had a gnarled wooden staff in his left hand, and wore just a white piece of cloth around his waist, and his shoulder. 

He is wearing few clothes, but it was nothing worth diverting my eyes over. Speaking of, I'm definitely going to have to get used to the frequent nudity I'm going to see here.

There were a few bangles around both his wrists, and half a dozen rings on his fingers. He also wore some sort of golden neck band, that went down to his chest, and two earrings.

The staff he held in his hand was pointed at the bottom, and had a claw at the top, which held a single round crystal ball. So, he can also use it as a stabbing weapon, along with using it to cast Magic.

"Where's your staff?" The man asks, as he observes me as I do him.

I shake my head, and say, "I don't use a staff."

The man scowls, and asks, "That Roman invention then? Wand?"

Not willing to use the Elder Wand, or even bring it out of Nowhere, when I'm not alone, I shake my head once again, and say, "I don't use any focus for my Magic, just my hands. I did use a Wand before, but it got destroyed in a battle, and I never created another one."

His Mind was.. impossible to get into, as I am now. I'm good, sure, but he is way out of my league. Probably because of those earrings of his. Besides, if all goes well, I won't need to copy his memories, he will teach me himself.

The man bangs his staff on the ground once, and emits a wave of magic from it. The Magic flies from the Staff bulb and the tip, and causes it to form into a wave, like a Ward, that disappears as suddenly as it comes.

However, when I try to get a feel for it, the Ward is no longer there. It's as if the Ward has become a part of the world itself. I widen my eyes, pleasantly surprised. I guess the Library does have some Magical knowledge that I might be able to study, most of all how to make Wards a part of the very world itself. I had thought whatever knowledge I might find here would be outdated, apparently not.

Wonder what else I might learn here.

He doesn't explain what he just did, and says, "You're strong for your age, not many young ones bother to train their Magic as well as you've done."

"Thanks, I began learning at a young age, practicing everyday to not get stagnant." I say, as the man stops once again in front of me.

He says, "Hm.. you're speaking the truth, you haven't come here to steal. Very well, you will be allowed to study here, but you may not take any books, scrolls or anything out of the Library. Be aware, that if a single book goes missing, I will hunt you down no matter where you go."

I smile at him, and say, "Don't worry, I won't steal anything. May I know your name, Master Librarian?"

"You may call me Master Onuris. I am a Priest of Lord Osiris. You may peruse the Library in your free time, but do not damage anything here." The man says, and turns around, banging his staff on every second step.

I nod at his back, and say, "I will return here later, Master Onuris, I need to find the Head Librarian Apollonius for some work first."


Two Months later:

I sit inside a classroom, many other people with me, as we all write on Papyrus sheets in front of us. On my table, I held a stack of Sanskrit books, that I was tasked with translating into Greek and Egyptian, and write with a reed pen, and an ink pot.

The Sanskrit book was a copy of the Bhagawad Geeta, a holy book I remember reading about in my past life.

The City of Alexandria had a policy, which was solely responsible for how vast the Library was. Every ship that was parked in the Port, was searched for pieces of literature, books, scrolls, etc, which are confiscated.

Everything is then copied, if copies don't already exist in the Library, and then the copies are returned to the original owners, while the original books are placed in the Library. Those original books are then given to the scribes for translation in the two most common languages in Alexandria, Greek and Egyptian. 

I was one of the scribes, but I also had other duties if I was free. Translating existing books into other languages as per demand, sorting the scrolls and placing them in the right places, and searching for books if one of the higher ups asks for it.

I got paid 3 silver coins for every day that I worked, which was enough to keep me going. In my free time, I spent a few hours everyday in the Magical Library, just reading, while sometimes Onuris graced me with his presence. He made it clear that he wasn't a friend, and he was definitely not a teacher. He was a Librarian, and that's it.

There went my plans to apprentice under him.

I did find out that the Library was not unprotected. The only way to get inside the Entrance door that led to the hallway was to have Magic, same for the Library door. But it doesn't just permit any Wizard entrance, no.

You needed to be somewhat competent in creating at least Light out of Magic. Mundane flames were snuffed out by the Ward, as had happened to me.

In the two months that I've been here, Master Onuris was the only Wizard I've met. The only reason there even was a Library, was that Alexandria wanted to hoard ALL books, doesn't matter if they cannot use the knowledge they have.

Done with translating the last page, I stand up, picking the three books(Egyptian, Sanskrit, and Greek), and start walking towards the Religious texts Partition. There were just a few people inside the room, some perusing the shelves, and a few sitting on the reading texts. I walk towards the shelf the books were supposed to be kept in, and start placing them.

Smelling something peculiar, I turn to my left, and see a few guards walk into the room, with a single person in between them. The person was a girl, barely 14 years old. But that wasn't what brought my attention to her, it was her scent, and her Mind. The girl was a Mutant.

Judging by the guards, she was someone important. And sure enough, a single glance into all their minds, and I realise exactly who she is. The Daughter of Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra. The future Last Pharoah of Egypt.

I could feel her passive mutation try its Magic on me, just like it did on the others as well as the guards, but my Telepathy could fight it. But I did marvel at her mutation, so subtle, yet so effective.

It was causing everyone that looks at her to do so in a favorable light, to like her. Everyone liked her, except for the extreme haters.

No wonder she's the most remembered Pharoah in the future, her mutation probably inspired a lot of people to not forget her.

She didn't even know she had a Mutation. Her mutation was very weak, but it was very affective on the non-telepaths. It is not too strong, people can still get over it, if they have a good enough willpower. Well, not my problem.

Bowing to the Princess Cleopatra, keeping my eyes down, I walk out, my job done, and go towards the Magical Library. I am not going to mix with a child, least of all the child destined to become the Pharoah and die soon.

Once again, I create a Lumos orb to guide me to the Magical Library, and enter through the door.

I've been focusing on Metal working recently, the Magical kind. I had already read all the books in the Warding Section, but I couldn't implement any of it yet. Most of the spells here, including the Wards, needed a Staff. Even Wands don't qualify as a focus for some of the spells.

Like the Spell that Master Onuris had used to see if I was telling the truth. It didn't force anyone to speak the truth, but every lie is caught, doesn't matter how you try to hide it. Most of the Protective Wards here were.. dangerous, cursed, but I had still read them storing the knowledge in my mind.

Smiling at Master Onuris, I move on towards the Magical Focus section, and continue reading where I had left off. This is what I had focused on these last two months, and I still had hundreds of texts to go through.

There were hundreds of pages about each wood type, sometimes entire books dedicated to a single wood. This repeated for the Magical creatures which can be used in creating Staffs, and which couldn't. Humans, funnily enough, can be used, but only if you use their blood or skull. Anything less, and the Magical value is not enough. Some Priests of Osiris and Anubis used Skulls to cover their Staff heads, magically fusing the two together.

It caused the staffs to be more oriented towards Darker spells, and the blessings of their Gods gave them a gift in Necromancy.

Then there were the other ingredients which can be used as catalysts, or focus points. Like the crystal ball in Master Onuris's staff. 

I have yet to read anything about a staff's creation process, still in the middle of gaining the necessary knowledge to begin. But, if the timeline stays like it is, within a single month, I would have my staff, and I can move on towards reading the other books, or towards my goals.

But first, staff.


Walking through the forests of Africa, I emit Magic through my feet at every step. The Magic sped away from me in a wave, and then returned within a single second, like Echolocation.

The first step of staff creation, is finding a wood, and if you're the future owner of the wand, then you need to find a Wood that reacts with your Magic. I know, many might think, 'Why not find Acacia and use it, your old wand was that, right?'

Nope, tried it. Acacia reacted to me alright, but the reaction was nothing like how the books described. I had lifted a piece of Acacia wood in my hand, and flowed a little bit of my Magic through it.

The wood glowed a soft yellow colour, but that's it. The colours was a very minor reaction, according to the books. So, Acacia is probably good for Wands, but definitely not for staffs.

I did ask myself if the wood needed to be alive first, and I managed to find an acacia plant in the forest. But that plant gave me no reaction at all. Which made me realise something. 

Just because one Acacia plant wood reacted well to my magic doesn't mean every Acacia plant is good for me. Just because one Hebridean Black Dragon heartstring was good for my wand, doesn't mean my next wand was also going to be made of the same core, even if the heartstring was from the exact same dragon.

This made me realise why other Acacia wands reacted wildly to my touch, during the Wand selection.

And so, I had developed a method for selecting the right wood for myself. Echolocation. Not many people can use Magic through any other body part but their Hands. For some reason, I can. Probably because I believed it can happen, and it did!

It has been a few days since I'd begun this search for Wood, having told the library I'm leaving for a holiday. I got paid by the day anyway, and I can live off the forest. But I hadn't found a match yet.

Finally, on the tenth day, just when I'm beginning to think that the method I developed was bullshit, I got a ping. I immediately apparate towards the location, and place my hand on the bark of the big tree in front of me.

I channel my magic through my hand, and into the tree, and smile, when something amazing happens. The Entire tree lights up in a golden light, and starts shaking. Some of the leaves drop down from their positions, and fly circles around me, flapping like a butterfly, while the ground underneath starts.. reverse raining? Rocks fly into the air and keep flying up, going God knows where.

Meanwhile, I feel my entire body thrumming with energy, with Magic, as the Magic of the tree and my own resonate with each other. I myself glow in a soft blue light, and feel my hair moving in some wind that I couldn't feel anywhere else on my body. I felt good!

As the Magic starts settling down, I take my hand off, still smiling from the amazing reaction I just had. This.. this was my wood!

Looking at the tree, I recognise it immediately, having studied an entire book about all of its properties. Mopane, the Butterfly tree. With leaves shaped like a butterfly's wings, the tree has a hard wood, and is termite resistant. This plant also has a ton of medicinal uses.

This is definitely my wood.

Raising my hand once again, I cast a spell at a branch near the middle of the tree. The entire branch is immediately cut, leaves and all, and floats in the air in front of me. Then, pointing the same hand downwards, I cast another spell, causing the ground underneath the tree to start digging itself out. I wait until a few dozen roots are visible to me, and search for the thickest root there.

Cutting it off, I float it to join the tree branch, now floating behind me, and frown. It wasn't over yet, I could feel something else down here.

Focusing on that feeling, I close my eyes. It takes a few moments, and I finally feel it, there was something buried here atleast a few dozen meters underneath the tree, that was calling for me, calling for my Magic.

Placing my hand on the ground, I transfigure the ground into Water, just like I had done when trying to find the Lost Diadem. I do it only in a small cylindrical shape with a diameter of half a meter, right over where I can feel the object buried.

The cylinder of water goes deep, at least 200 meters, and I feel the object now dropping downwards, along with a few rocks. A single tug at our connection is all it takes to pull the object out, and I look at it, widening my eyes.

"Well, well, well. Guess Goblins Silver wasn't invented by them as they claimed after all. Goblins Silver was found by them, buried in the Earth." I whisper to myself, staring at the ore of a Magical metal very much similar to Silver, but.. more.

Keeping all three items in the Nowhere, I transfigure the water back into ground, and apparate a few kilometres away to set up camp.

I'll go look for Magical dragons tomorrow, because I know, that only dragons will work for me.

Well, at least I have my Staff's wood now.


A/N: Okay, I'm going to confess lol. 

I had only planned on taking him to the past, not what he will do there. So, I will probably take the story fast. Within 20 chapters, Mason will be back into the Present, with all his goals covered(I hope).

Thank you for understanding, thank you for your support! Tata!