
Marvel: Serious People study Magic

After ten years of studying magic at Kamar Taj, he understood. It's not that I can't go home, it's that you guys can't teach me anything in this place! Goodbye!

RanobeMen · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Genius and madness are a hair's breadth apart

Strange's bad idea came to fruition when he spent three weeks in Carlo's lab. When he came out, he was a little disoriented. On the other hand, Carlo was still very bright. This was the advantage of the fact that he left the calculations to others, and he was responsible only for theories and questions. In science there was such a convenient tool as a calculator, and in magic there was a Strange. He wasn't as good a student as he was, but at least he could count correctly.

At the click of his hand, the formulas and guesses that filled the air disappeared. At least he realized that following the way of thinking of a Vaivant has no future. According to Vaivant, the way to break into this world was to blow up the barriers and then jump out before the gods of the outer realms noticed, like a cat stealing cookies when the owner is not looking. But there is a problem here: the world barrier is very difficult to restore, and the cookies that the cat ate will not return by itself. The gods of the Outer Lands could easily find peace with the barrier destroyed.

He doesn't want the world to be destroyed because of himself. He wasn't desperate enough to want to destroy an entire world as a price. Ultimately, a person must have some principles, otherwise he will not be able to look into the eyes of his parents, even if he returns. Returning to the topic, since the method of destroying the border does not work, let's go the other way. Although Wyvant failed, he at least proved one thing: the world barrier could be destroyed, it was not indestructible.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they shone with the light of a star - a special spell: The Eye of the Seer. It was a special spell-the Eye of the Seer. It was useless, except that it allowed you to see through the walls of the world. But that's what Carlo needs right now. There is no such thing as a useless spell, there is only a useless magician. The Eye of Vision directed its gaze at the invisible walls of the world, and if the walls were conscious, they would be screaming and beating Carlo right now. His gaze became more or less robber.

Five minutes later, he found the weakest part of the world barrier at the moment.


"Very good." The man muttered, his long hair pulled back, he looked more like a madman than a magician, but his handsome profile gave him an air of mystery-I mean, if you look good, you're beautiful, even if you're unkempt. The reality was so cruel that Strange was picked up by Carlo in less than twenty minutes, as he was already lying in bed, and he could not refuse.

"Come on, come with me."

"Ah... A sleepy Strange looked like he could die at any moment, but he pulled himself together and asked: "What are you doing?"

He quickly opened the portal, and a pale, snow-covered landscape opened up outside. They were standing in the middle of a blizzard, and Strange immediately froze, shivering and casting a constant temperature spell on himself before angrily saying, "You can't just use me like that! I need to rest! Do you understand?"

He didn't even listen, pulled him forward, gesticulating excitedly and dancing around: "Don't worry about sleep! You lazy bastard, just meditate for twenty minutes! Now show me this direction! See? Take a good look at it, and you will be the first witness of a new era!".

Strange swore to himself that you're the lazy one, and I have a whole world to take care of. But he did what he was told, and with the same starlight in his eyes, he said listlessly: "Yes, I see. What is so unusual about the weakest part of the world walls? Every year I have to look at this thing anew...".

"Now let me show you." He opened his hands, tapped two fingers of each hand on his temple and with a flash of powerful magic tore out half of his soul. Strange screamed in horror: "Are you crazy? Stop it!"

"Stop it? We've just started!" He put on a crazy smile.

In the midst of a blizzard in Antarctica, a man righteously merged half of his soul with the world wall - and in the next second something happened that Strange could not understand. In the corner of his viewing glass, his brother's body stood in place, the same color as the wall of the world: empty, transparent white.

"What the fuck... What did you do?" He thought that he had never seen anything as a Supreme Master, but now he realized that he had never seen anything like this!

It was as if a thousand needles had pierced his brain, and the pain was so intense that he could barely stand on his feet. The man fell to the ground, but he was still smiling happily, "See? I did it! Now I can pass through the barriers of the world at will!".

Strange looked at him, smiling like a child, and slowly shook his head, muttering under his breath: "You're crazy...".

"But I did it! There's a fine line between genius and madness, Stephen. You can stay here and be the Archmage that you are! I'm going to find my way home!" He struggled to his feet, jumped to his feet, and disappeared over the edge of the world barrier while Strange watched him.

The Archmage, still in his robes, rubbed his forehead, he could only wish him luck for now...

He yawned: "I have to go back to bed... I want to sleep." As soon as Strange's words left his mouth, the phone vibrated in his hands. His long face twitched as he reluctantly took it out and picked it up. A young voice spoke urgently: "You have to help me! Doctor Strange!"

Oh my God, can't I just take a break? he thought desperately.


Right now Carlo was swimming among the sea of stars, He didn't know if he would die the moment he crossed the world barrier. and wondered if there really were other worlds, as previously assumed. He just couldn't wait any longer, and it was better to die on the way home than to do nothing at all. God knows how long he was depressed, being alone in this strange world for ten years, from twenty to thirty years. He missed his home every minute of every day, a world without superheroes, magic and mutants. But there was a home in that world. It was something that no other place could give him.

He's just a wanderer who misses his homeland. Returning to their roots is one of the special feelings of this people.

Fortunately for him, the gods of the outer worlds, hidden in the darkness of the star seas, were not interested in him once he acquired the same color as the walls of the world. He didn't dare to look them in the eye, but just walked on in silence. Oddly enough, he didn't move or cast spells. Just knowing that he was moving forward made his body move. But he is not always lucky, and he was pulled by a strong attraction when he passed by a planet very similar to Earth. It's hard to describe this process, but the scene in front of him flew by in a matter of moments. After a moment of weightlessness, he was standing on a strange earth.

Looking around, he saw that he was on the sidewalk. There was a lot of traffic and tall buildings on the other side of the road. It looked like an ordinary city.

But what excited him was that he didn't see any pictures of superheroes hanging on the facades of buildings, or anything that looked particularly fantastic. This meant that this world could become his world-even if it was only one chance in a million. The man turned left and right into the alley, thought about the city in this kingdom, opened the portal and took a deep breath.