
Chapter 6

Raven was frustrated that she couldn't save Shanks even though he was so close to her.

Psylocke shook her head and said, "Raven, I understand how you feel, but you're not the only one who wants to rescue him as soon as possible. We have to prevent the future from happening again."

"Future? What are you talking about?" Raven asked.

Before Psylocke could answer, she sensed someone approaching them and turned around quickly. Everyone else followed her gaze.

A woman with a collar around her neck walked towards them with her hands up.

She said, "Don't attack. I'm not here to fight."

Psylocke recognized the woman and said, "We can relax. She's not a threat to us."

She then walked up to the woman and said, "Domino, you're lucky to have escaped from Trask. Your luck never ceases to amaze me."

Eric asked Psylocke, "Do you know her?"

Psylocke replied, "Yes, but from the future. She survived the Sentinels with just her luck."

Domino looked confused and said, "Look, I don't know how you know me, but I'm glad you do. I escaped from Trask, but this collar can explode anytime they want. Can you help me?"

Psylocke examined the collar and said, "I've seen this collar before. I don't think I can remove it in my current state. Shanks might be able to help you with this. You'll have to wait until we free him."

Hank then stepped forward and said, "I'll see what I can do in the meantime."

Psylocke suggested that they leave the place. On Charles' private jet, Raven asked Eric, "Weren't you supposed to be in jail? What's going on?"

Eric replied, "I don't know any more than you do. She said she'll explain everything after we find you."

Psylocke then sat down and said, "For those of you who are confused, let me recap what's happening.

I'm Psylocke and my mind was sent back to this time from the future by a mutant to change the future. In a few years from now, Trask Industries will create these robots called Sentinels, which will wipe out most of the mutants. The rest will be captured and tortured until they die.

I came here with the help of my friends to stop the events that lead to this future. The events that trigger this future involve Shanks and Raven.

Everything happened the same way until we met Raven in the forest. After that, she went alone to try and free Shanks. She planned to take Bolivar Trask hostage and demand Shanks' release, but she chose a bad time.

Raven attacked Trask when he was on his way to a meeting with the president about the Sentinels project. She was caught by the president's guards and Trask used her DNA to make the Sentinels adapt to any power, making them unstoppable against any mutant."

Eric asked, "If Raven's DNA is all they need to make the Sentinels of your future, then why should we rescue Shanks?"

"Shanks is a powerful mutant who can kill many others by himself. Even when we arrived at the research facility, he took out 14 mutants on his own, even though he was weak. I've seen what he can do when he's in shape. We can't let the government have him." Psylocke answered.

Eric said, "If he becomes so strong and dangerous to us in the future, why not kill him now when he's vulnerable?"

Psylocke instantly formed a psionic blade and pointed it at Eric's eye.

She said, "I know how you think, Eric. The only reason I'm bringing you along is because I need all the help I can get. If you even think of harming him when we get there, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Kayla, who had been silent the whole time, asked, "You said Trask used Shanks to kill a lot of mutants. Why are you defending him?"

Psylocke withdrew her psionic blade and said, "Trask used Shanks to kill the mutants when his perfect Sentinels were still under development, but after he finished the Sentinels, he had a problem. Shanks was more efficient than the Sentinels, which were costly to make.

This was a problem for Trask, who spent a lot of time and resources on the Sentinels. So, he stopped using Shanks and locked him up, announcing to the world that he died. This left the other governments with no choice but to buy the Sentinels. They didn't kill Shanks because they couldn't replicate his powers. As a scientist, Trask refused to give up on trying to copy Shanks' powers.

Later, Emma Frost managed to save Shanks. After she saved him, he helped the mutants survive and prevented them from going extinct. So, if anyone ever talks about killing him again, I'll kill them first."

Emma heard everything and said, "Trask knows how to deal with me easily. My future self shouldn't be able to break Shanks out without dying. This means..."

Kayla finished it saying, "They wanted to create a demand for the Sentinels."

Psylocke asked confusedly, "What do you mean?"

Emma replied, "As you said earlier, with the mutant population almost extinct, there would be no need for Sentinels if there were no mutants. So, to keep the mutant population alive, they needed someone who could resist the Sentinels. This would increase the demand for the Sentinels."

Psylocke was furious when she heard that because what Emma said made sense. She hated that her kind was only a tool used by Trask Industries to make money.

Charles then said, "Don't worry, we'll make sure that the future doesn't happen again."

Emma asked Psylocke, "You must have a plan since you brought us all together."

Psylocke replied, "We have to rescue Shanks before Trask meets the president at the Paris Peace Accords meeting. Shanks is in a truck that is constantly moving. It should stop at Paris, as Trask thinks that there's no safer place than where the world leaders are meeting.

We have to rescue Shanks without causing a scene. We have to make sure that the president doesn't see us as a threat that needs to be eliminated immediately.

We know where they're going, but they'll be surrounded by guards and media at Paris. We can't go public and become villains in front of everyone.

The truck will follow the same route as the president, so we can't attack it until it reaches the venue. I don't know where it will stop when it gets there. That's where Emma will use her powers to find its location.

Raven, your task is to capture a soldier named William Stryker. He will cause a lot of trouble in the future. He also knows everything about Trask, so he can help us find other mutants or get valuable information.

Hank, you seem to be good with technology. You need to infiltrate Trask headquarters and copy all their data. You can choose anyone to go with you. They have information about the bombs inside Shanks. We need that.

I will try to rescue Shanks if everything goes as planned. If anyone has any suggestions or objections to the plan, please speak up. The rest of you should decide which task suits you best, based on your skills and mutant abilities."

Kayla offered to go with Raven to capture William Stryker. Charles agreed to join Emma in searching for the truck, while Eric said he would be ready to assist Raven or Emma if they ran into trouble.

Then, Domino, who had been listening to Psylocke's plan, stood up and said "I want to join too. I can help Hank steal the data from Trask headquarters. My luck will ensure that we get out safely."

Kayla asked Domino "Why do you want to help us?"

Emma read her mind and said "She just wants people who can protect her. Right now, we are the only ones who can do that. If she went back to working alone, she would be caught and taken back to Trask."

Psylocke said "Fine, you can come with us."

With their plan set, they waited for the jet to land. Everyone was busy with their own things. Eric and Charles were playing chess while Hank was examining Domino's collar. Emma, Psylocke and Kayla were having a conversation.

Shanks had finished his battle five minutes ago. He could have handled the robot with a few minutes of rest, but he had exhausted all his haki and strength, so it was a one-sided battle.

He was too fatigued to move as he wanted. He could barely dodge the robot's attacks with his remaining haki, but he couldn't fight back. He held on for 10 minutes before he lost all his energy and a punch to his face knocked him out.

The robot then picked up Shanks and locked him in a cage, which was in a truck. The soldiers and the mutants woke up after a while and they loaded the other mutants into the same truck. They headed to the Paris Peace Accords with Bolivar Trask.

Back in the private jet, Raven asked Psylocke "Why did they let Shanks escape and then capture him again if they didn't want to free him?"

Emma answered her question "This has to do with an intelligence agency he was part of before he was in Trask's hands. It is called the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division and they were competing with Trask for Shanks. The president ordered that the agency should have Shanks, so they faked his escape while he was under their supervision.

This allowed them to keep Shanks while also making mutants look like a threat to the government that needs to be eliminated as soon as possible."

Raven already hated Trask for killing his fellow members of the Hellfire club. Now, after hearing everyone talk about how everything they do is just for their profit, she was filled with rage and wanted to kill Bolivar Trask.

Psylocke looked at Raven and said "I feel the same way Raven, but this is not the time. We will have plenty of opportunities to kill him after this."

Meanwhile, in a secret office hidden under an ordinary antique store in Brooklyn, two people are looking at a file.

One person said "Peggy, we have no chance of getting Shanks back now that he has escaped from the facility and blown it up. Even if he is captured again, he will be either killed or experimented endlessly."

The person sitting in front of him, Peggy Carter, said "Howard, I won't let him suffer any more, not after finding out that they cut him open while he was awake and planted bombs inside him. I should have realized that something was wrong when they took so long to study his powers."

Howard Stark said "I know that Shanks grew up here and everyone is attached to him, but you can't forget that he destroyed the research facility he escaped from, killing 63 people. He is a criminal now."

Peggy argued "Yes, a criminal we made. I don't know why I ever agreed to a special mutant division. Howard, I knew you were heartless, but this is too much."

Howard said "We have to be realistic, Peggy. Now that P.E.G.A.S.U.S. has the tesseract, the government thinks our department is useless and wants to merge it with the C.I.A. The special mutant division was the only way to keep our department alive. Now, we have to find a way to take him down ourselves so that we have something to defend ourselves when they talk about merging our department with the C.I.A."

Peggy didn't say anything more to Howard and left the room. She then walked into a room that was a laboratory. There were many glass tanks with ants.

Peggy walked to a man who was experimenting on something and looking at something under a microscope.

Peggy said "Hank, I need your help with something and it has to be off the record."

The current year in the story is 1973, when the Paris Peace Accords were signed. If some incidents don't match with the actual timeline of the movies, just consider it a butterfly effect due to Shanks.

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