

I arrived at the jewelry store that the robbers were well... robbing. I was on top of a light post and i quickly use my thermo sight to see how many people were inside the building. There were 4 people inside and 2 people in the backdoor. There was also 1 in the front of the store.

Me:Gotta take out the people in the back and front first.

I went to the back of the store and crouched on the edge of the building.

Robber 1: We're gonna make big money from this store.

Robber 2: Yeah. Could you imagine all the money we can get if we rob more?

Robber 1:Yeah but we gotta be careful though. Some of the stores are own by that Kingpin guy.

Robber 2: Ehhh. Why should we care about some rich guy. We're robbers, not businessmen.

Robber 1:Guess you're right.

Me💭:So Kingpin does exist in this world. Just another bad guy i gotta take down.

Robber 1:I heard that someone called the Bloods Gang has started to gain notoriety.

Me💭: What's this?

Robber 2:Bloods Gang? Never heard of them.

Robber 1:From what I've heard they started out 2 months ago and they're a drug dealer and human trafficking gang. And i think they also have a secret lab somewhere in Massachusetts.

Me💭:Next stop is gonna be the lab.

Me:*Whispers* Karen. You got all of that?

Karen:Yes Peter. I am currently finding the location of the lab. Should i also contact the police about this?

Robber 2: How'd you know all about this?

Robber 1: Sometimes the news are helpful.

Robber 2:You watch the new? What are you a grandpa or something?

Robber 1:I watch it when I have nothing to do okay? Now drop this and lets guard this place. Wouldn't want some guy to see us and Contact the police.

Me: Joke's on you the police are almost here.

Robber 1:Huh? Who said that— Ack!

I shot him with my Impact Webs and he flew straight to the wall fast and is now knocked out.

Me:Damn these things are powerful!

Robber 2:Ah shit! Bricks is down!

Me:And you're about to be down too.

Robber 2:What do you mean— Ugh!

I uppercut him in the chin and he flew to the air by a little bit. I then shot out my webs. They stick to his face and i pulled down hard. Well the guy is gonna be brain dead forever. Who said Spiderman doesn't kill people?

I the quickly went to the front of the store and went behind the guy in the front.

Robber 3: Man this guarding thing is boring! Why can't I be robbing the store!?

Me:*behind him and whispering* Because you're a pussy.

Robber 3:Huh! Who the fu— Agh!

I chopped him in the back of the neck and he fell down. Not before i catched him Wouldn't want to alert people inside. I laid him back against the wall and webbed him with my webs. Wouldn't want this guy to run away now would we?

Me:How should I do this inside? Smoke bomb then knock out all of them? Yeah that sounds like a plan. Or i could just web bomb them and then they would be stuck stepsis style. God why did i say that? Guess sex with Natty has changed me.

Me:I could knock them out and just walk out. But not before.... Hey Karen! Have you found the location of the Bloods Gang lab yet?

Karen:I was done a while ago. And i also found locations of where they store drugs and sell them as well.

Me:What about the human trafficking? That's important too.

Karen: The human trafficking is done outside of Massachusetts. It is done in Providence.

Me:Wow. That's not far at all. I can get there like in 10 minutes if i take my time. But I'm not gonna take my time. There's lives on the line. Put that on the Crime list.

Karen:Roger that.

Me:Switch to smoke bomb.

Karen: Switched.

I fired the smoke bomb in the middle of the store.

Me:The Thermo Sight is still activated. Dunno why i didn't deactivate it but it's whatever.

Robber 4: Huh! Why is there smoke?

Robber 5:Hey somebody clear the smoke out!

Robber 6: I'll open the door—Ack!!

I fired my Impact Web at him and he flew to the wall. He is now asleep with a broken rib. Wonder why JJ always called Spiderman a Menace.

Robber 5:Ah shit Ian! What happened to him!

Robber 4:Ian are you okay?!

I tapped both of them on the shoulder and they turned around.

Robber 5:Who touched me— Oof!!

I kneed him in the gut and in the face. He fell down i turned to the guy beside him and punched him in the solar plexus. He fell down. When he wakes up he's going to be in a different place which is called prison. I webbed both of them up. The web can last for 3 hours so they're not going anywhere for a while.

Robber 7:Hey what's all of this commotion!?

The robber saw me. He immediately took his gun out!

Robber 7: Die!

I shot my web and it attached to his gun. I pulled the gun to me and dashed to him and kicked him in the face. He's sleeping now. I did not forget to web him up. Sounds like a sex joke now.

Me: Well that was lame. Next stop is the drug lab. Karen. Put a GPS marker on my HUD. We're going straight there. Then the place where they storw it too. That should put a big hit to their money reserves. Now is there a paper here?

I wrote a message and stuck it on the ground. I then immediately went to the drug making lab.

Me:Hey Karen. Should i put a live cam for the police? Just a thought.

Karen:I have no answers Peter. I do not know what would happen. Maybe the police will think it's fake. Maybe they'll follow your tracks.

Me:Well we have to try right?

Karen: Conveniently we have a camera so we can I record what people are saying and how to improve the gadgets by using the videos. Never have i thought we would use the camera to tell the police where to catch criminals.

Me: Same. Should we start?

Karen: Hacking in one of the TV's in the police precinct.

Karen:Hacking complete.

Me: Alright. Starting Criminal Livestream.

