
Marvel: Random Power System

Just ordinary guy who transmigrated to the MCU world with a random power system. Well, it's my first time writing this novel so expect nothing from me XD I'm not good at English and my grammar was not that good. I just wanna try writing this novel because this idea already stuck in my mind for a while ago. I'm also warning you that this novel may have plot hole in it.

Shon_Zeck · 映画
7 Chs

Chapter 1

"What just happened?" Zack asked himself. Zack was standing there feeling confused. He sees a night sky and many buildings around him guessing that he is in some foreign country. Zack thought about the situations that he was in when suddenly...


Start booting the system...

"What?!" Zack asked himself even more confused about what just happened. Suddenly something like an interface appeared in front of him. And he sees a percentage from 0% slowly goes to 100% .when it reaches 100% nothing happens. The interface slowly faded out in front of him.

'What just happened?' Zack asked. Immediately after that interface appears again and Zack sees it kinda like a button with the word 'random' in it in front of him.

"What is this?" Zack asked himself again.

"And again..what the fish just happened to me? Is this some kind of lucid dream? But I just finished my poo-poo just a minute ago...am I being kidnapped? No...that's just stupid...maybe I just feel tired that I sleep after doing my poo-poo... Yeah, maybe that's the reason." Zack tries desperately to believe that what just happened to him is just a dream but deep inside of him knows that this is not a dream. Because he already experienced many lucid dreams in his life, although he didn't experience a dream that was so vivid like this. He knows that this was not the dream. And then Zack sees that button again and when he sees it. It feels like it's begging for Zack to press that button.

'This is just a dream' Zack thinks to himself.

So Zack pressed that button and the word 'random' moved to the left and countless words followed after that it's kinda like a wheel of fortune. So Zack waits for a couple of seconds and the wheel stops and Zack sees the word Ultimate Intangibility on that interface.

"Is this an ability?" Zack asked himself

"You okay man?" A voice asked

"W-what the fish! Omg you just scare me there " said Zack while turning around to see an old man who has no hair and has brown eyes and a small beard sitting near Zack leaning his back on the wall of the building.

"Hahaha sorry if I scared you there. It's just you standing there and speaking to yourself like a crazy person." An old man chuckled

"Oh right hahaha..." Zack nervously laughed.

" So are you okay man? I can tell by seeing your face a moment ago." An old man asked

"I'm fine but did you see me suddenly teleporting here?" Zack asked

"What are you talking about? You stand there like 20 minutes ago and I just wake up from my sleep when suddenly I see you standing there near me in the middle of the night. I just thought I just see the ghost but when I hear you babbling about something weird it makes me think that you are just a crazy person." Said an old man.

"Well...hahaha" Zack nervously laughed while feeling confused.

'So this old man didn't see what just happened to me a moment ago? ' Zack thought.

"Umm by any chance do you know what year is now and where are we?" Zack asked.

"It's 2010 and we are in New York City. Do you not know? Is your head ok?" An old man feeling worried about Zack mental health.

"Oh yeah, I'm okay don't worry. thanks," Zack nervously smiled at the old man while scratching his hair.

"Not a problem. My name is Jaxton Darell, just call me Jaxton. What's yours?" Jaxton asked with a smile on his face.

"My name is Shon Zack. Just call me Zack" Zack nervously smiles.

"What are you doing here Zack?" Jaxton asked.

"Uhh, nothing. I just wanna walk around here hahaha" said Zack.

"Hrmm, it's okay Zack if you didn't want to tell me the truth but just be careful around here especially this late at night." Said Jaxton while he grabs his blanket and before he closed his eye. Jaxton said.

"Well, I wanna go back to sleep now. Nice to meet you, Zack." Said Jaxton.

"Okay, Jaxton. Nice to meet you too." Said Zack.

After that Jaxton closed his eyes and Zack could hear the old man snoring with his blanket covering his body. Zack stares at the old man while he starts to think about the situation he was in.

'What a nice guy.' He said while sitting near the old man and starting to lean his back on the wall of the building. Zack starts to think for a while and let his thought flow through his mind. After that, he stands up and starts to speak.

"Status," Zack said.

And immediately interface with blue colour appear in front of his eye.


level 1

Name: Shon Zack

Permanent power:

Current power: Ultimate Intangibility

Coin points: 0


'So this is my status huh?' Zack said while he stares at his status.

'Hrmm... I remember doing that random thing... I think this ultimate intangibility is my current power and this permanent power also means that my current power will not last for a long time but the question is for how long is this ultimate intangibility gonna last? Maybe it will answer my question tomorrow. And for this Coin Point thing, maybe there is some sort of shop in the system, hmmm. '

Afterwards, Zack wondered what else his status could do. He starts to press randomly on his status. It did nothing until he pressed the word Ultimate Intangibility and it did something.


Ultimate Intangibility

The user is simultaneously both intangible and tangible, being able to attack or make physical contact with their targets while their targets cannot touch or attack the user, even while the user is making physical contact.


"W-what the freak is this ability!?" Zack feels surprised at what this Ultimate Intangibility could do.

'So if this ability already gives so much power what other power will the system give me? But again it was randomly picked so I have to be prepared if it picks something like Super Fart or Blast Of Pee. ' Zack seriously thinks about it until he feels tired and sleepy.

"Well for now I will try to find a place for me to sleep." Said Zack while he started to walk around the place looking for any place that seemed safe to sleep in. After an hour of trying to find a good place to sleep. Zack looked around the place and suddenly he stopped walking around and started to look at one big building that had the word STARK in it. Zack stared at the word for a while and immediately began to panic.

"Is this Marvel universe?" Zack asked himself while feeling panic. After that, he began to breathe slowly and for a while, he began to calm down.

"I hope whatever system I got will be useful or I will die pretty easily in this world," Zack said. Suddenly his stomach began to roar.

"What now...I don't have any money in my pocket right now." Suddenly he starts to smell something nice. And after that, he began to follow this smell. After like 2 minutes he found a restaurant.

"Huh...there still restaurant open in this late at night? Well, even if it's open...I didn't have any money to buy those foods. "said Zack while he started to stare at people eating inside in the window. At some point, his face was glued to the window watching everyone eating their food. His stomach began to roar again and again as if it demanded Zack to eat the food. However, he didn't notice that nearly everyone was watching his action including that woman at the counter watching a man's face glued to the window.

"Why am I here? Just to suffer?" Zack started to complain about why he had to go through this. After that, he began to cry while his stomach was still roaring at him.

"Can I help you, sir?" A woman's voice asked.

"H-huh!?" Zack felt surprised when he suddenly heard a woman's voice beside him.

Zack started to see this woman. She is around 5'11 ft and around 20-30 years old. she has blond hair and dark blue eyes.

"Hello, sir? Do you hear me?" A woman asked.

"Y-yeah... Umm, can I work here miss?" Zack asked.

"Well you have to write a form application first before we hire you here sir and you can call me Emma," Emma said with a smile.

'Shit...I'm pretty sure I don't have any identity here...' Zack felt sad when he thought about that.

"Well I'm just asking hahaha...ha," Zack nervously laughs. And immediately after that, he runs away feeling embarrassed.

"Wait!" Emma yells at Zack. But Zack just continues running away until he finds the same old man Jaxton and goes that way.

Zack stops running and starts to walk toward the old man and sits near him while Jaxton is still sleeping in his blanket. Zack starts to lean his back on the wall even though he still feels hungry.

"I guess I'll just worry about it tomorrow," Zack said and began to close his eyes.

Suddenly a mysterious man approached Zack and Jaxton the old man. He stares at them while smiling on his face.