
Marvel: Let There Be Chaos

Jeremy Gilfish who was originally from a different world crossed into the world of Marvel and awakens [Chaos Bringer System]. He can gain points by causing chaos or creating big scenes that affect the world. And using that points he can draw a lottery that will help him cause more chaos. And also as a bonus, he will become a powerful being. Which was a win-win situation for him. So let’s there be chaos.

Monhoo_Tuuguu · 映画
13 Chs

Ch 11: Vampires Fought Back

If you follow goes down to the underground of the vampire bar you will find corridors full of prison cells. And inside every prison cell young people from 18-25 years old and in very of them teens or kids are prisoned. They are fresh blood bags aged about 18-25 when their blood is most delicious or mature you could say. Of course, some vampires are interested in the taste of young ones and that's this teens and kids are for.

Most of the time people here could only spend the rest of their lives here. They will be taken care of and raised by vampires like animals and once they are too old they will serve their final service. Which is drained from all their blood.

People here all know there is no way to escape at least they couldn't escape so they gave up hope of escaping. So most of the days here are quiet but today seems not like any other day.

*Gunshot sounds.*

"Agh!" Prisoners here heard a scream of someone and a gunshot then it stops. The other vampire guards will rush towards the direction scream from and then scream and gunshots again.

This continued a few times and after that, they finally saw who was killing these vampires. They were a man in a red suit, a bulky black man, and a woman. The red-suited man is using a staff as a weapon and the end of his staff is covered in silver while a black man is wearing silver knuckles and the woman had silver rings.

Then the black man and woman walk in front of all the prison cells and break open their doors. While this is happening everything is recorded by a camera that was hidden from the eyes.

In the unallocated underground hidden base, there was a handsome young man in his early twenties who was sitting while looking at the monitor screens. Through screens, he saw everything that is happening in the bar and the underground dungeon.

A young man has blond hair and blue eyes. His skin was white as snow without any flaws. But don't underestimate him because of his young look even though he looks like in his twenties he is already more than a hundred years old.

"Master Deluck it seems like our number 4 storage is under attack." The old butler beside him said while looking at the screen.

"You don't need to say I can see. And you don't need to hide your intentions head butler Ian. Your bloodlust is leaking." Deluck then looked at the old butler. Who is eyes were shining blood red and having a crazed smile on his face.

"I apologize deeply Master Deluck but it's been a long time since this old slave excited like this. Please Master Deluck allow this poor old slave to punish this filthy alives." Old butler Ian said while looking at the trio on the screen with battle-hungry eyes. Especially towards Luke Cage his battle lust increases significantly.

"Head butler Ian how long have you been serving our Loneblad family?" Deluck asked.

"274 years, 6 months, and 13 days Master Deluck. I am serving since the day the family head made me a vampire." Head butler Ian said.

"Hmm, pretty long time you got there. I guess it's long enough to a make warrior like you starve for a good fight. So I will agree to your request. You can go now." Hearing Deluck's approval Ian shines with a red light then he turns into dozens of bats and disappears into the darkness.

"Hmm, looks like the Cristopher family seems to need to pull another few strings in the upper class." With that Deluck stop talking and continues staring at the screen.

While in the vampire bar storage area trio of Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil rescue people from their cells. After a little, they finally finished freeing everyone.

"Did you find Lily?" Luke asked while looking at Daredevil and Jessica who both answered no. Luke let out a disappointed sigh and the trio headed toward the exit. When they reached the exit of the storage area they saw the black bag laying there covered in dust. Seems like nobody noticed it while running from here.

Jessica tries to rush towards it and see what's inside. Seeing this Luke and Daredevil stopped her immediately. And Luke whispered: "What are you doing Jess?"

"I'm just checking it. Who knows maybe inside of it is something that rewards our good deeds." Jessica said while looking at the bag with greedy eyes.

"Inside the bag is no money I can say you that." Daredevil said while 'looking' at the bag vigilantly. He has a bad feeling about this bag.

"Then maybe there is something valuable. What's wrong with just checking?" Jessica was still trying to break free from the two's grasp and tried to open the bag. And she did succeed after a few minutes of nonstop trying.

She run towards the bag and opened it. Inside it wasn't money or any other valuable things but a bunch of explosives. And moment she opened the bag it activated and start counting down. Now they have 10 seconds to leave this place.

"What The Fuck?!" Jessica exclaimed in shock.

"That's our deadline," Luke said then pick up the bag and throws it towards the deep dungeon and lift the Daredevil throws him towards the exit. Jessica just flew and which leaves only Luke there. Who jumped but wasn't fast enough.

The explosion covers the whole underground area and the bar shakes like crazy. Luckily these vampires are rich they build this bar very well. It didn't fall apart and still keep itself. And from the explosion, Luke comes out now looking like a beggar.

"Aw, man. These were my favorite clothes now it's all gone." Luke said while looking at now seriously damaged clothes.

"Favorite? I thought that was your only clothes." Jessica said while looking at Luke. Which earned her a smack on the head. "Ouch, what is that for."

"You are really asking that from me after what you did? Just look at the underground floor. Also, it's my favorite clothes so I wear them as many times as possible." Luke and others head towards the exit but they noticed their door is blocked by bats. And many of them.

Soon among the bats' old butler, Ian walks out. He looked at the trio with a kind smile then looked around the bar and said: "You guys did quite a number on this place you know? I have no idea how much will Goldchist and Christopher family will charge us this time."

"And who the hell are you? What did your grandchild or something be among them?" Jessica asked while taking a fighting stance.

"Please it's a rule of the Loneblad family that servants can't have children or blood successors. I am here merely for taking the trash out. Which are you guys of course. You filthy alives dare to invade us. What gives you courage?" Ian said while walking towards them slowly. And slowly kind smile on his face turns into a crazed one.

"Dunno? Maybe how weak you guys look." Jessica then punches Ian with her fist but the punch just goes through Ian. It turns out she just now punched afterimage.

Jessica felt someone holds her shoulder from behind and before she could turn around she was already thrown into Luke. Luke catches her but when he looked up what he saw was a fist that's speeding toward him.

*Crashing Sound.*

Punch resulted in Luke crashing into the wall with Jessica. Even though there was no serious damage it still made Luke's nose bleed.

"Damn it because explosion just now my inside is not good I am fighting against this crazy strong old man? Can't you guys give me a break?" Luke muttered while getting up slowly.

"You don't need to say it I need a break too." Jessica also agrees with Luke on this.

"Guys little help here." They then heard Daredevil's voice and saw him being thrown around like a toy by Ian. Luke then rushed towards Ian and tries to punch him but Ian catches his fist and headbutts him. This time Luke still maintained his stance but not long Ian does an uppercut which made Luke lose his balance. Then Ian kicks him on the chest resulting in Luke falling on the floor.

Jessica does a dropkick to save Luke but Ian blocks it with his arms crossed. But it made him still take a step back. Seeing that Ian is focused on Jessica and Luke Daredevil tries to stab him with his staff. Which succeeds but before it could go deep enough Ian catches his staff from the part without silver and kicks Daredevil away.

Jessica punched him using this chance. Even so, it was only skin contact level. Ian dodged it spinning and lands an elbow strike on Jessica. But even so, you can still see the injury on Ian's check. But it soon heals completely. So does the injury Matt caused him but this one still left a mark.

Luke gets up from the floor and pulls a table out from its foundation and rushes towards Ian. He slammed the table to Ian who countered with a punch. Ian's punch and the table collided. A loud sound of metal hitting each other echoed. And steel table breaks into many pieces. But it also resulted in Ian's fist swollen for a second before healing.

Luke then catches Ian's hand and does a judo slam on him but in mid-air, Ian's body bends inhuman level and lands on his feet. And does a hook strike which made Luke let go of his arm then Ian continued his attack with an elbow strike then Luke from the head and kneed him in the face.

Then Ian was about poke him in the eyes to blind him but was disturbed by Jessica's attack with Daredevil's staff. Which hit Ian in surprise sadly Ian dodged it easily by tilting his head back inhumane way.

Luke who recovered from the attack just now did a little dirty trick. He punched Ian in the balls. Which was effective Ian looked at Luke with anger to just hit Jessica in the face. He spits out blood and looked at the duo of Luke and Jessica. He let out a roar and his eyes start glowing red.

Tables and chairs start to fly out from their foundations on their own and spin around Ian. Then shatters into many sharp small pieces and rushes toward Luke and Jessica. Small pieces didn't do too much damage to the duo but it still made the situation problematic for them. Using this chance Ian creates a blade made out of small metal pieces and then drops a few drops of his blood. Suddenly blood fused with a metal blade giving it the effect of being covered in a red aura.

Then Ian stabbed Luke with that blade. Blade didn't break like other small pieces just after reaching his skin. It fiercer his skin and stabs him even though not too deep it did injure him. Seeing this Jessica screamed Luke's name and tried to attack Ian but Ian just used Luke as a shield and then used his power to throw her away. Daredevil who saw this took out a small bottle from his pocket and throws it toward Ian.

Before it touches Ian it breaks into small pieces. And powder inside is scattered around the floor but that's Daredevil's goal this time. Ian who was about to pull out his blade from Luke smells something in the air. Smell that disgusts all vampires. It walls the smell of garlic.

Ian's mind starts getting weird. His head started spinning and he let goes the metal blade. And his power weakens significantly. Most of the small pieces start falling to the ground. Ian looked at where Daredevil was and screamed in anger: "You filthy alive!"

He tried to rush toward Daredevil but he felt a sudden pain in the back. He turn around and saw Luke stabbing him with Daredevil's staff. And directly fiercer through Ian's stomach.

"H-how dare a filthy alives like you dare to injure me like this," Ian said while coughing blood. He tried to pull out the staff but Jessica didn't give him that chance. She punches him in the face then slams him into the ground and continues punching him.

After a few punches, Ian's skull shatters and he dies. Jessica gets up from Ian's corpse and helps Luke to sit on the floor softly. And said to Daredevil: "We need to go to the hospital."

"No need for a hospital. Just pull this thing out and bandage my wounds and after a good night's rest I am fine." Luke said while pointing at the metal blade that stuck in his stomach.

"I am afraid this time your injury won't heal that easily. Vampire just now used his blood magic to enhance that metal blade. It won't be so easy for you to heal injury caused by it without professional treatment." Suddenly they heard a cold voice say this from behind them. Both Daredevil and Jessica turn around and saw a black man with sunglasses.

"Who are you?" Jessica asked.

"My name is Blade. And I am the person who can heal your friend's injury."