
Marvel: I Am Thor

Mc is reborn as thor as he is getting exiled

EvilTranscendent · 映画
2 Chs


*Thud* I feel my body smack against the ground

"Arg-What the hell," I say as get up from the ground 'Did I fall off the bed' *Cough* "Why is it all dusty?"

*Vroom* I hear a car turning I saw a Weirdly equipped Rv coming right at me

"Shit," i say right before it smacks me

*Thud* I hit the floor again

"Please Don't be dead, Please don't be dead" I hear a woman's voice

Looking up I saw…Jane Foster? Did I go crazy? Why am seeing marvel characters? Multiple questions entered my head as my mouth began to move "What Realm is this?" I asked

'Realm?' I think to myself

"Uhh New Mexico" Darcy replied

"…" Did I truly transmigrate into the MCU as thor? Or did I lose a couple of screws when I fell? My mind was a mess

"Argg" I scream

"Are you okay?" I hear Jane and Erik before losing Concusioness, Upon waking I saw a doctor walking towards me with a needle "Oh you're awake, I'm just going to take a little blood" He says bringing needle near my arm

"No," I say crushing the needle, though Thor had no powers right now I still don't know how his blood would affect the earth and i don't want a Thor serum anytime soon

"Sir, It's just a small amount, No need to be afraid" The doctor chuckled thinking I had a needle phobia

"Can I leave? I feel fine" I ask the doctor

"Sir, It's really just a small amount now stay here and I'll be right back" he states walking out the door

'Guessing he's going to grab another needle' i think rising myself out of bed 'Man this body is really strong" Despite being dropped from the Bifrost and being hit by a car I felt better than ever

"I should get out of here before he gets backs"

Getting up out of bed I hurriedly walked around the hospital while thinking to myself 'So I really became Thor' The reason I fainted was due to gaining Thor's memories

The last memory was him getting thrown out of Asgard meaning I was at the start of the first movie.

'That's fucking' Unlike a normal person I was happy, most people would start wrecking their brains from trying to figure out how to survive in marvel, but me I was reincarnated as thor. One of marvels strongest characters and if this was the MCU like i hoped I was pretty much the strongest character

'Well it's not all good but with thors powers, I'm sure I'll be fine I think stepping into the lobby

"Um, sir are you ok?" The receptionist asks me

'Fuck I forgot about the hospital clothes' "I'm just looking for a vending machine" I respond with a friendly smile

"Oh well then, just go down the hallway to your left and you should find one" She points down a hallway

"Thanks," I say heading down 'Fuck how can I leave' Originally thor was released from the hospital but I can't go that route

But it seems The Allfather was looking out for me as an Exit door was right next to the vending machine

*Open* "Fresh air" I smile as I walk through the door

*Thud* something hit me as I was walking


So what'd you think??

I feel like I could have finished it off better but i think it's fine

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