
The Dark Side Of Society!

It's been about a week since I started going around, stopping crimes, helping some people here and there, or just sitting on the empire state building, which was turning to be my favorite thing to do before calling it a day. I did have to stay invisible for that though since that would be probably anticipated by some people and become an ambush situation.

I mostly operate at night, but I do go in the time Gwen is busy, after all, who wants to attend school when you can go around swinging? Other than that, I'm keeping an eye out for Oscorp, since most of Spiderman's rogue's gallery is somehow tied to them. Stryker and X-men are observed by Eve since I'm not ready to meet them. Once I can completely exert the powers I got from the gamma blood, I would think about it. There is no way Beast doesn't have vials of the blood of previous mutants like Darwin around. Not to mention the new ones, like Shadowcat or Storm.

Other than that, I finally decided to use my suit instead of the jacket and jeans combo. Obviously, it was all Eve. The suit was all black with gold eyes and a spider logo on the front and back, with red color on the hands, shoulders, legs, and hood, covered with a black web pattern. (The cover pic)

Neither like the original nor like Miles Morales. And boy do I love this final design. The suit also had all technological and magical weapons accessible by eve, but I don't think I need it. At least not now.

I once used it in stopping a bank heist, and the people loved it from the comments Eve has shown me so far. But the bank heist also showed me some parts I should be more attentive to, as one of the guys I fought in there was a mutant. I realized that when I was close enough, but I won't lie I kinda forgot Fisk and other gangs brought some to New York as additional hands. His ability was minor superstrength and matter manipulation. Yes, matter manipulation, but extremely limited. He had to touch something for it, and its range was barely 20 cms.

I quickly knocked him and others out and made sure to set up an illusion, while Eve made a drone to extract some blood. Even if I won't get anything at all from it, I could still study it. Other than that, I am currently thinking of how to interact with Gwen. She is handling stuff pretty well so far but would encounter difficulty sooner or later. Martin Li is still the reputable leader of Feast, a homeless shelter organization, and does many things for helping those in need. but he is completely ruthless to those who cross him.

I have my own matters to deal with, starting with Tombstone and Hammerhead. To be honest, their name is known to every cop in the city and they have more than enough proof to jail them. But catching them is impossible because of corrupt cops and politicians, as well as the big man behind them, Kingpin himself.

An easier way is to just wreck them up, but that would also cause Fisk to be more attentive to these parts and send more men. The last thing I want is for this city to start becoming like Gotham. But this is bound to happen sooner or later, so I don't have a choice either way. The most I can do is keep the streets safe, or fight aliens when the avengers form, not become Superior Spiderman and put the city in constant surveillance.

So for this, I have to use a basic rule to take them both down, divide and conquer!

*3rd POV*

"Move it" A man yelled at a young girl, who looked malnourished. The girl showed signs of crying and fear and did as she was told. Around her were many children of the same age as her, about 8-12 years old.

"Heh, we got some good ones this time, guess we can get a bonus eh?" Another man said to the first one while smoking his cigarette and held a young girl's face as if examining it forcefully.

"Hah, you bet yer ass," The first said and laughed. The 10 other men around them laughed as well but kept it low to not attract too much attention. They were forcing the children into cargo containers when they suddenly heard a thud on one of the containers.

"Huh, what was that?" The first guy asked. He looked around and saw that 4 of the men were missing. "Hey, where did Josh and his team go? Mike, check them." He yelled in annoyance. But he didn't notice as Mike and two others left, the remaining three behind were nowhere to be found as well.

"Bunch of lazy assholes. Cut thee dam bonus, no, cut there pay for slacking! Tell the bossman" The second grunted.

"Let them pass, will ya? It's just one time. We'll give them a warning," The first one said, but didn't notice the man behind was levitating in the air, trying to get something off his mouth and neck as if he was getting choked. And as that man lost consciousness, he disappeared behind him.

"Boss, we found no one? Somethings wrong here," Mike yelled coming back with the other two.

"What? I swear if they bailed now I'll-" The man started cursing, only to see the man and the others behind him missing. "What the hell? He was just here!"

"Stay alert!" Mike yelled as they tried looking around, aiming their guns around, but spotted no one. They were getting tenser and tenser when two web lines shot towards two and pulled them up. The first two tried aiming, but two shots came for their guns, and burst into the web, covering the gun and muzzle.

"What the? Shit, it's those spider freaks!" The man yelled, just as two web lines shot towards each side of Mike and something crashed on him. The man looked towards Mike, and saw someone in a black and red suit with a spider emblem on his back, holding Mike by his head as he had slammed him into the ground.

"That's your friendly neighborhood Spider-man. And don't forget the hyphen," Spiderman said nonchalantly, but the guy felt everything about him screamed danger. "Unfortunately, I just ran out of friendliness, so you'll have to deal with an unfriendly me," Spiderman said.

"Wai-" The man tried speaking, only to get gut-punched. He kneeled because of the pain, but Spiderman held his head and slammed him into the ground face front multiple times, breaking his nose. He then picked him up, and threw him into another open container, filled with some metal cylinders. he crashed into them, as some fell on the man, injuring him.

He was then pulled by a silk thread towards Spiderman, who lifted him by the face. He noticed he was lifted above three containers, with a direct fall below him.

"Now that the trailer is over. I'm going to ask one question. If you tell the correct answer, I'll let you go. And if you don't... well, I do have the full movie ready here. So you ready?" He asked, and the man could only silently nod.

"Good, now. WHO IS YOUR BOSS?" The man was scared shit when he saw golden eyes turn dark red and silently muttered. "G-g-g-Garris, H-he oversees the trafficking. Everything is under him."

"Oh, and you wouldn't know where to find him, would you?"

"T-the run down shares building near a church. He i-is usually there. That's all I know, please let me go," The man said and started begging.

"Poor choice of words," Spiderman said and let go of him, and the man yelled as he fell down. He was about to hit the ground when a string tugged his leg and stopped his fall, only to slam him had on the container and knock him out.

Tying him up, Spiderman then went towards the container containing the children while radiating a calming aura. The children got scared when he appeared, and he said " Hey, hey, don't worry. I beat those bad guys. You are all okay." The children still stood in shock, when he approached the youngest and patted her head. "Shh, don't worry. It's fine." The girl started crying, and the other kids followed after her, while Spiderman stood there with a blank face, unsure about how to proceed.

*3rd POV end, sometime later*

I sat on top of a nearby tower-like structure and saw how the female officers wrapped the kids in blankets while trying to entertain them. And all I did was make them cry and slowly make them sleep. What? I seriously have no idea how to console them. Looking below at the cops arresting them, while searching other containers, like the cylinders in one filled with weapons of military-grade.

I must say I'm baffled by the amount of ammo in there. That could easily blow a few blocks, and this thing has been going for who knows how long? And I doubt they would think twice before using it to cause mayhem.

[We still have a job Pete.] Eve reminded me.

"Got an approx hit on this Garris guy?" I asked.

[Sure did, and he just went towards the area mentioned. Unfortunately, that area has no cameras.] Eve said.

"Remind me to place cameras somewhere they aren't. For now, let's get some information," I said, turning invisible and swinging away.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

LifeIsAJokecreators' thoughts