

作者: chuyu
連載中 · 4.6K ビュー
  • 8 章
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WebNovel で公開されている、chuyu の作者が書いた MARVEL'S MERCHANT OF DEATH の小説を読んでください。Coming to the multi-dimensional Marvel world, shuttles countless movies, anime, and television planes, based on Marvel arms giant Umbrella. Predatory Terminator, Mechanical Octopus, Mechanical Enemy, ...


Coming to the multi-dimensional Marvel world, shuttles countless movies, anime, and television planes, based on Marvel arms giant Umbrella. Predatory Terminator, Mechanical Octopus, Mechanical Enemy, Galaxy Fleet, Pacific Rim, Transformers’ high-tech technology to build a mechanical empire, devour and merge, Superbody, New Iron Warrior, Endless, Super Out of Control, Underworld, Naruto The power, genes and technology of tomorrow’s fringe …. established a steel empire belonging to the gods of science and technology, becoming the strongest arms dealer in Marvel history. PS: In the real world, Marvel movies are the main line, with comics as the auxiliary. The protagonist takes science and technology as the main body and magic as the auxiliary.


The Destiny's Chosen Son

Visnagar, where Cruelty lurks in every corner, a boy named Krishna, navigates life with an unwavering kindness despite enduring constant bullying. His altruism leads him to unexpected encounters, from aiding a mysterious figure left for dead to saving a girl from abduction, each act unraveling a web of gratitude from unexpected quarters. As Krishna continues his selfless journey, he unwittingly garners the favor of powerful individuals, including a revered Mafia leader and the granddaughter of a real estate tycoon. These acts of kindness ripple through society, elevating Krishna to a revered figure. However, beneath the surface of gratitude lies a darker truth. A rising gang threatens the peace Krishna has unwittingly established, putting his safety at risk. Yet, unbeknownst to him, a network of protectors, orchestrated by those he once aided, stands ready to defend him at all costs. Meanwhile, a mysterious woman emerges, claiming to be the true "Big Smile" most influential writer, leveraging his reputation for personal gain in cutthroat business ventures. As industries vie for her talents, Krishna finds himself entangled in a battle for identity and legacy, with the woman's true intentions shrouded in deceit. Amidst the chaos, Krishna discovers the ultimate twist: his humble acts of kindness have not only changed lives but also shaped a powerful empire. With allies and adversaries converging, Krishna must navigate a world where influence and deception collide, all while unraveling the truth behind his own destiny.

Develle · ファンタジー
4 Chs

6 Times a Day

6 Times a Day (6TaD) is a story centers around a male high school student named Alan Plummer, who starts off as an awkward young man. Unbeknownst to him, his mother's best friend and neighbor lusts after him and concocts a phony medical diagnosis that requires him to have six orgasms a day, in order to seduce him. Things don't go quite as she plans and a chain of events and circumstances results in an increasing number of gorgeous women finding themselves 'helping' him with his "medical treatments." **Not my Own Novel, but found on SPACER X Website which is down nowadays.. thus i am re-editing and re-posting this novel which i have greatly enjoyed..If the Original Author wants to take down this publication, pls pm me at chufeng.a@gmail.com** Otherwise Have Fun Reading this Novel you Bit$$es. Since i am editing this you expect a good update speed.. Image is from Deviant Art. ------------ TAGS: HAREM, INCEST, TEACHER, NURSE, SEDUCTION, NTR (somecases but consensual by female),SlowBurn Note: Here the NTR tag is Alan SEDUCING Female Lead & other rare cases, which you can definitely skip. ------------ Edit: Small amount of netorare has been mentioned by the readers, which the team is looking into, we haven't crossed that threshold,IF THERE IS NETORARE, THEN Read at your own risk, as it mostly woman seducing her son[ Acording to the readers, and i am not pushing myself to read ahead as it time consuming and not worth it] . If you are not into this categories, THIS IS A FREE NOVEL I AM PUBLISHING DURING MY FREE TIME, NOBODY IS FUCKIN FORCING YOU TO READ THIS NOVEL, SO STOP FUCKING GIVING 1 STAR REVIEWS WHEN I HAVE CLEARLY MENTIONED THE TAGS AND STORYLINE YOU FUCKIN IDIOTS.. P.S Thanks for all the Loyal Readers who have followed this novel from the beginning........Much Love...!! **/////////////////////////////** Please consider Donating however much you can to support me to keep this novel going. Every Little Donation counts. ----------------------------- patreon.com/SnakeEmpress paypal.me/SnakeEmpress buymeacoffee.com/snakeempress [Consider becoming a Patreon and enjoy a minimum of 5 chapters ahead.] Please also Support my other Novel which is a Fan-Fic. Harry Potter and the Gift of Kali **/////////////////////////////**

Snake_Empress · 都市
1193 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


