
Marvel's Lantern

Spin-off Novel of Marvel's Atom following Hal Jordan and the rebuilding of the green lanterns

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


After saying his goodbyes, Hal departed the Starjammers once more to return home to his wife and family. But more than that he returned to decide what he would need to do with the Inhumans as he was still a Green Lantern and as such had to take in account, they had tried to commit just as a heinous war crime as Vulcan did.

" Hailing Hal Jordan, Green Lantern and royal Prince of the Inhumans!"

One of the Kree soldiers declared Hal's arrival.

Hal walked swiftly into the royal throne room and stood before his wife and her sister, choosing not to mince his words or waste time, Hal got right into his topic.

" What where you thinking, Medusa?"

Hal asked the woman.

" Husband, please, my sister has lost her husband once more. Please do not judge her for her actions."

Crystal pleaded with the man.

" I'm sorry, Crystal. And I sympathize with, Medusa. But what she and the others were willing to do could have had drastic effects on all life in the universe. Not to mention the hole she and the others blew in the fabric of space and time. There are dire consequences to your actions. I was able to patch it up and prevent it from further spreading, but that could change at any moment. And that's not to mention the problems we will face should other races find out what almost happened."

Hal explained to the woman who sat in her throne in shame. However what caught her attention the most was the fact Hal had said if others find out.

" You said should others find out. You mean you haven't told anyone?"

Medusa asked in disbelief.

" No, Medusa I don't haven't. And you have my word that I won't. I love Crystal more than anything in this universe. She and Luna have become the two most important people in my life, and I would do anything to keep them safe, even turn my back on the corps. But I need to know Medusa why you were so ready to risk killing trillions, in an experiment that might not have even worked."

Hal explained to the woman as he stood directly in front of her.

" We were desperate, we wanted to bring an end to the bloodshed, we wanted to put an end to all prejudice once and for all. We thought making everyone an inhuman would finally bring peace to the many races of the galaxy. I thought we were doing what was right."

Medusa explained to the man as she sat on her throne. She began rubbing her eyes and using her hair to hide the fact she had started to tear up.

" I can understand why you would want that; Medusa I do. But think. Do you really believe the people who hate the Inhumans would simply just stop hating you all because they were Inhumans now? Would The Skrulls stop hating the Kree Because they were Inhumans now? Would Humans stop hating Mutants if they suddenly became Inhumans? No, they wouldn't because the only thing that would change would be the names used against them. Your plan was never going to work. And now you've lost your husband and your king. And it's for that reason, that I won't pursue this any further. there has been enough tragedy in this bloody pointless war for enough lifetimes. I can only hope, Medusa that in the coming days you or whoever it is that sits on the throne thinks carefully about their actions and the consequences and sacrifices that come with those actions."

Hal said to the woman. He then turned to crystal and gestured for her to follow him.

After giving her sister a hug, Crystal followed after her husband.

" Hal, thank you for understanding."

Crystal thanked the man for not pursuing the subject any further.

" You shouldn't thank me, Crystal. Much has been lost in this battle and I'm afraid things aren't going to be any easier moving forward."

Hal explained to the woman.

" But why not? Lilandra is back on the throne and Vulcan is gone."

Crystal asked the man.

" All true. but there are new threats springing up across space, and this Raptor is one of them. I fear things are about to change for all of us. I fear we may not be strong enough to stop them. I fear the end of us all is approaching, and I fear I won't be strong enough to save you."

Hal explained to the woman.

" Hal."

Crystal gently placed her arms around Hal's neck and kissed him softly.

" You can do this my love, and you won't be alone. We'll do this together. You, me, and Luna. We will overcome this together as a family."

Crystal explained to the man.

Hal smiled softly and kissed his wife once again.

" I love you, Crystal. So very much and I promise I'll always protect you and Luna. Now come on, I want to enjoy spending time with my family for the first time in months."

Hal explained to the woman as he carried her back to their home.

On earth a New face was going around and was making a storm amongst the people of earth.

" Bad guys beware! Because Kyle Rayner is coming for you!"

Kyle exclaimed as he flew over New York city.