9 Banished to Another Universe

Suddenly, a car hits Peter. " Peter!" screamed everyone. Flash gets out of the car and saw Peter. Peter gets so much hurt, the Peter's went to help Peter while Miles was helping Ned. " Peter, you want to see something crazy", said Flash, and Agent Venom comes out. " Venom file?" said Peter. Peter was so confused about it. " The black goo", said Peter 2. All the Spidermen fight with the black goo for about 10 minutes. " Peter use something and make a sound. Its weakness is sound", said Peter 2. Peter used some iron rods and make some vibration sounds. The black goo came out from Flash. Peter get Flash out and used the green goblins bomb to kill it. One of the venom pieces get into Peter's body and Peter didn't notice. The Universe breaks and there were many peoples up in the sky.

Ned tries to close the universe but the Spiderman who started this is going to be banished which is Peter. Ned and others came to Peter. ." Peter don't leave us", said Ned and Gwen. Gwen cried and kissed Peter. Ned hugs Peter and cries. " I am sorry Flash. I had to say I am Spiderman but all changed", said Peter to Flash, Flash hugs Peter. Peter went to the other Spidermans and hug them. The other Spidermans disappeared and went back to their universe. Peter gives his favorite gun to Ned and gives his ring to Gwen. " Bye guys", said Peter, and He disappeared too. All of them cried for Peter.

Many Months later,

Gwen and Ned went to a cemetery and there was Peter's coffin and it was written Peter Parker the Spiderman. They put some flowers on the coffin and came. In the agent base, Flash cancels Peter's name in the agent's list.

" Spiderman, will never die and never fall. Spiderman is not a name is an icon. With Great Power, Comes With Great Responsibility ".....

In another Universe,

Peter walks to an apartment and saw a girl who was like Gwen. " Hi, I want a room please", said Peter. " Sure. Your room can be number 15, sir", said the girl. " Okay, thank you. What is your name", said Peter. " My name is Mary Jones. You can call me MJ", said the girl. Nice to meet you", said Peter and went to his room. He saw the news that there is a problem in the city and he wears Spiderman suit and swings all above the sky touching buildings.

Spiderman Journey Continues In Another Universe....
