
Forgot his Promise

"Huo Jin, I want you to do something for me. It is an important job. From the Fourth Brother, I found out that you are in good spying that's why I want you to do something for me," Jian Guozhi asked for help from him.

"What does His Highness want me to do?" Huo Jin asked him.

Jian Guozhi opened the door from his desk and took out a folded paper. He put it on the table and unfolded it. Showing it to Huo Jin, he said, "Princess Xue is being blackmailed by someone. She has handed the Palace Map to the bodyguard of her late father, who used to be the Prime Minister. But they were both punished to death. Now, the question is who sent this message to my wife?"

Huo Jin picked the paper and read the message. "So, does His Highness want me to find out about this blackmailer?" Huo Jin asked him.

"Yes," Jian Guozhi nodded his head.
