

After he lost his throne to the hands of his younger brother, Reginald is banished from the vampire kingdom, never to return, and sent to the human realm. He stumbles upon Hezab, and due to his thirst to rule and conquer, he devises a plan along with traitors from the royal family, to take over Hezab and rule for himself. He enters the palace and killed  the present King and some of his children, forcing the rest to escape for their life and go into hiding along with his wife, but before she left, being a powerful witch, she laid a curse on him and his generations to come for destroying her home and killing her loved ones, then she went into hiding never to be seen again. Reginald toiled all the earth trying to find her to reverse the curse but she could not be found. A curse of blood, a curse of death and bad luck, a curses passed to all his bloodline. Many years later : Astriana the beloved princess of Nardsia forced into marriage with the king of Hezab whom she had never meet, but had only ever heard his name of him being ruthless and heartless "THE BLOOD KING" or so they call him. What happens when she finds out the true reason why he married her, and the truth about what he is ? As she finds out she is his... *************************************************** Are you a virgin" he asked me, as l felt his hot breath fan my face, and I looked up to see his bright green eyes staring directly at my face with an emotion I can't dispere. I shivered when I felt his hands move upward my bare thighs, as my hands trembled unconsciously, and I clenched my fist together tightly to avoid showing any emotion to his touch. "because if you are not, I will send your disambered body to the front gate of your brother's palace, I don't like used goods" he said as his nose trickled my neck, while his hands pressed down on my legs in a tight grip, as his eyes roamed round my body. "I am" I stuttered as I tried to keep my voice and emotions abay, which I am obviously doing a terrible work at. " Good" he said, as he ....... ************************************* Note : This amazing book cover does not in any form or way belong to me , I found it on PINTEREST. All credits belongs to the original owner .

Naomi_lia · ファンタジー
24 Chs


Astria turned to the door to see Leonard leaving with the other nobles, as her heart raced fast, what is going on, why is Leo leaving with them is he not to stay, and discuss our marriage, she thought in her mind as a frown settled on her face.

"brother what is going on, and why are you so angry" she asked her brother in an annoyed tone, not minding he is the king, "and also who was that royal that just left".

"that is your future husband King Kaden" her brother said as he walked out of the throne room without turning back.

'What is happening, she thought in her mind, and did I just hear him say' future husband ', what about Leonard' her mind raced fast, as her legs carried her as fast as she can, and raced after her brother.

"Astria, why are you running" Flora said as she saw the princess running in the hallway, with tears clouding her ocean blue eyes.

"who is King Kaden", Astria asked Flora as she finally settled down in her room.

"sshh my Astriana don't say the blood King's name, it is said to bring badluck just by calling his name", Flora said as she put her fingers on Astria's mouth, and wipped the tears rolling down her face.

Although Flora is just 5 years older than Astria, she can still be seen as a mother figure to her.

As she had been gifted to the princess when she was just born, at her early age of 5, after thee death of Astriana mother and hers she had to grow up and take care of the princess, at that time she was just 15 while the princess was 10.

"The Blood king, who is he ". Astria asked her with a confused expression, she can can remember she had heard that name from the maids mouth in the palace.

"he is said to have the biggest provinces among all, the most powerful, scariest and most ruthless, I heard him and his men drink on the Blood of their conquered citizens to satisfy their hunger after every war", Flora said with a frightened expression on her face,

"why did you say his name" Flora said looking around to see if any abnormal thing had happened, while chanting a scripture in her mind to remove bad luck.

Flora had always been a very superstitious person and had many superstitious believe, Astria just rolled her eyes when she saw Flora looking around for any black cat that might bring badluck.

"My brother said he is my future husband" Astria said with a sorrowful expression.

"hus s s ba nd " Flora stuttered looking at Astria with wide eyes filled with fear, "Astria do you know what you are saying" Flora shoutexat her shaking her body,

"his highness would never do that to you, and allow you to marry that beast" Flora said as she took a deal breathe to calm her irregular breathing,

"rumour has it that he feeds on blood and performs blood sacrifices to dark lord, that is why he is called the Blood king" Flora said as her breathing became more irregular again, while looking at Astria with a tearful gaze.

"my brother would never do that to me, that I know, I am his only sibling" Astria said as she stood up with a determined expression.

"wait here, while I go tell him I do not agree to this marriage, and he can't force me, I will only marry the man of my choice and that is Leonard" she said as she walked out of her chamber.

"oh god please don't do this to Astriana, don't let her marry that beast" Flora said in her heart with tears in her eyes.


"brother , brother" Astria said as she entered her brother's chamber only to be met with his wife, Leonora, "sister where is brother" Astria asked her with an angry expression.

"Astriana calm down and go easy on your brother, just know what ever decision he made, he did it not of his own will but for thee betterment of us all" Leonora said with a calm gaze and gentle voice, thaat seemed to soothe Astria's heart a little bit.

"I'll try" Astria said as she went to find her brother in his study,

"brother , I do not agree to this marriage" Astria shouted , as she stepped into her brothers study to see him looking at a stark of papers with furrowed brows.

"you have no other option Astriana" her brother said this time with a gentle voice and sorrowful gaze.

"my hands are tied" he said with regret evident in his voice.

"that's a lie, you are the king you can decide to refuse thee proposal, it's your choice, I am not getting married to him and that is FINAL" Astria shouted this time with her chest rising up and down.

"he did not give us a choice Astriana, he demanded for the marriage not ask, do you want us to go to war with the largest province in the continent, he can destroy our enter kingdom with a flick of his finger if we become his target, then they will be no Nardsia, then he can take you as he likes this time not as a wife or as his queen but as his concubine, do u think thaat is better " her brother said with his eyes wide and his nose wide, like he is trying to suck all the air with one breathe.

" brother please don't do this " Astria said as she fell on her knees with tears clouding her vision making her gaze hazy,

" please don't make me marry a beast like that, I already have a man I love" she said as she continued to cry at her brother's feet.

"who do you love, do you even know the meaning of love" her brother asked her with furrowed brows.

"Leonard, I love him, he has been courting me a year before he left, and now he is back brother, I have been saving myself for him since, please brother let me marry him, I am sure he asked you for my hands in marriage when he came, right brother" she said as she looked at her brother with expectant eyes.

"Leonard, the Duke of the South son " her brother asked with furrowed brows,

" yes it's him brother " Astriana answered with a blush on her fair cheeks.

" but he is already married, he came back with his pregnant wife " the king said with a frown on his face.

As Astriana looked up to him and said...

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