
Married To A Heartless

This is the story of computer hacker Dark King, Abhaya and the angry Devansh. Abhaya comes to Mumbai to find his child. He doesn't know who is the father of that child? Where is that girl? In all this, Abhaya has to face the heartless business tycoon, the uncrowned king of the underworld, Devansh Khurana. Devansh is very rude and arrogant. He had hardly ever smiled in his life. Both of them consider each other as their enemy whereas the enemy of both of them is someone else. Due to their daughter's insistence, both of them get into a contract marriage unwillingly. Will the heartless Devansh and the arrogant hacker Avaya ever be able to love each other? Will Devansh be able to know the mystery identity of Abhaya? What is the story of Innocent Barsha? What happened in his past? Who forced her to transform from innocent Barsha to arrogant hacker Abhaya? What will be the destination of their hatred? What is Devansh's dark past? Why are they keeping themselves away from the world? Keep reading to know ""married To A Heartless ""

roma4008 · ファンタジー
5 Chs

start,, hatreds and searching

In a dark room of the hospital, a girl wearing a hospital gown was sitting near the window, with long hair open, silent, silent, thousands of questions in her big eyes, her entire face was white. There was a wound on the side of the lips and on the forehead. But still her beauty can make even the moon feel shy. It was like dark spots on the moon.

This is our lovely rain, our sweet innocent rain. Who is admitted in the hospital for the last 2 days. Varsha was lost in his own thoughts. Tears slowly came out of Varsha's eyes.

"Why am I in this world? Am I really a burden on the earth? Is our life so useless? Is there any purpose to our lives or not?"

Tears were continuously flowing from Varsha's eyes. She was crying. A sweet, scolding, heavy voice was heard from behind him, "You have started again? Have your eyes become too watery? Look, don't start raining all the time like your name. Did I tell you to rain like this?" Why did you call me here from Indore? And that too after taking so much risk?"

Hearing this lovely scolding voice, a slight smile appeared on Varsha's face. The glow returned to his face. She wiped her tears and looked back.

This is Varsha's best friend Mahi, white color salwar suit, scarf around the neck and small earrings in the ears. This too in terms of beauty is nothing less than rain and nothing more than that.

Varsha smiled slightly and said, "Otherwise, it's nothing."

"Okay, now, what was there in those eyes? Weren't you crying?"

Varsha understood that Mahi was about to start again. Before Mahi could start again, Varsha silenced him and said, "Dude, don't sit down again over one thing. By the way, have you brought something to eat for us, or not?"

Hearing this, Mahi said while hitting her head, "Oh God, I forgot, look what I have brought for you?"

While speaking, she opened the food ,she had brought with him and placed it in front of Varsha.

Varsha saw that there was a packet containing Chole Bhature and Paneer curry.

Seeing this, Varsha's mouth watered. Lowering her voice, she said, "Dude, you really care about us so much. How did you know that this is all we had to eat? In fact, we were very bored eating hospital food for the last 2 days."

Hearing his words, Mahi felt proud of herself and said, "I am not your best friend just like that. My name is Mahi, Mahi...,"

"Yes, you said this absolutely right."

Then Varsha herself started eating and started feeding Mahi also.

While they were eating, they heard footsteps outside the door of their room. On hearing the sound, Mahi turned all the food towards herself and Varsha quickly lay down on the bed. A doctor and some nurses came in through the door.

Seeing Varsha lying down, the doctor said smilingly, "How are you?"

Varsha got up and sat on the bed and said, "Yes, we are fine. Doctor, can you tell us when we will be discharged?"

While checking him, the doctor said, "There is no need for you to worry too much, if you want, you can take leave today itself."

Hearing this, Varsha's happiness knew no bounds. His withered face blossomed like a flower. She started looking at Mahi happily.

After the doctor left, Varsha hugged Mahi and said, "Did you hear? The doctor will leave us today itself.

Mahi also became happy with Varsha and said, "Yes, it will be so good!"

She said glowing with happiness, "Absolutely..." Then she became silent. As if he remembered something.

Seeing him becoming silent like this, Mahi placed her hand on his cheek and said, "What happened now, you s

tarted thinking about everything again?"

Varsha slowly shook her head in the negative and said, "No, I am thinking where i will stay now? I came after your call, but where will I go now?"

Hearing this, Varsha hit him on the shoulders and said, "Are you talking like crazy? Am I dead that you have to worry about my survival?"

Varsha immediately hugged Mahi and said, "Mahi, please don't say like this, you are only one in my life, If you also say the same to us, then where will i go?"

Mahi hugged him and said lovingly, "Varsha, if you get nervous on such small things, then how will it work? I am with you. Together we will make everything right. And we will selectively take revenge on all of them."

Then she separated herself and said, "You finish all this, till then I will bring your discharge papers."

Saying this Mahi left from there.

then suddenly

"Barsha, are you listening? You are pregnant, Barsha? Barsha?" A lady doctor spoke to the daughter in front of her.

"Yes? Yes" Barsha said softly.

In the doctor's room, there was a twenty-year-old innocent girl, who had the innocence of the world, a lovely girl, who was sitting wearing a blue colored loose kurti and white jeans. Milk fair complexion, sharp features, thin pink lips. Her face is so beautiful and innocent that whoever sees it just keeps looking at it.

The eyes should never blink, the mind should never be filled. Her long black hair extends till her waist. Her stomach looked slightly bloated. Still she looks much more beautiful in it.

Varsha was looking at the doctor silently. There was sadness in his eyes. As if he has a lot of complaints about this world.

Despite being a lady doctor, she just kept looking at Varsha's beauty for a moment. How can someone so innocent be so beautiful even in this selfish age….

The doctor diverted his attention and became a little tense after seeing Varsha's report. After reading the report carefully for 5 minutes, the doctor said worriedly, "Varsha, it's already been 5 months of your pregnancy, and you are very weeks. You need a lot of care. Where is your husband?"

Varsha choked after hearing this. She was not able to understand anything,


Varsha nodded to us slowly. And where "Maam, this child is only mine. And her/ his has no father."

After listening to this, Doctor looked at Varsha for some time, then she wrote a prescription and gave it to Varsha and said, "Continually keep taking the medicine, and keep coming and getting yourself checked from time to time. Both you and your baby need a lot of care." Needs care. Okay."

Varsha silently nodded yes.

After coming out of the hospital, Varsha placed her hand on her stomach. Every girl is very happy in this situation. But Varsha was crying. Tears were flowing like a waterfall from his big lake-like dark brown eyes.

She simply placed her hand on her stomach while talking to her baby and said, "Baby? Whatever happens, i will give birth to you. Even though I have not seen your father. Still, I am your mother and I am your father." Like your mother, you too will be born with a different but unique destiny."

"Abhaya, Abhaya, daughter, get up, the flight is about to land"

The voice of an elderly woman reached Abhaya's ears. When Abhaya opened her eyes, a foreigner's lady was sitting in front of her.

Till now, Abhaya was only seeing the truth of her life in a dream. This is the truth of his life which has passed in the last 5 years.

Abhaya had tears in her eyes. She slowly looked at the corner of his eyes and said with a smile, "Thank you, mam."

"Welcome," the lady said, smiling in return.

The foreign lady was just staring at Abhaya, she was attracted by the beauty of Abhaya's face.

Those brown eyes of her, which reflected a confidence deeper than the ocean, so many rasas, and convictions that set the world on fire. As if she wants to control the whole world with her eyes.

And her thin and soft hair is no less than the petals of a rose. The color of her lips is so natural that even the pink color started fading in front of it.

That lady could see something familiar in Abhaya's face. As if he had seen this face somewhere but could not understand it.

(Here is Abhaya Thomas, the world's wettest, best computer 🖥️ expert, Dark king. No one has ever seen her till date. For Abhaya, she only needs one computer so that she can run the whole world. For her, computer is like a toy. . Hacking any system of the world is like her left hand's game. She has also worked in many secret missions for the government but till date no one has seen her.

5 feet 5 inches tall Abhaya was sitting wearing a blue denim jeans, white t-shirt, black long coat, layered cut till half the back, diamond pendant with a simple chain around the neck, only one in her hand. A thin golden chain with some diamond studded bracelet.

She is looking very beautiful even in such a simple outfit. Her body is so chiseled and perfect, she is no less than a model. Her perfect body, long legs, thin waist along with body height were so beautiful that it could make even a film star fail.

Looking at that lady, Abhaya said, "Thank you again, I lost track of time with you, and please say hello to your friend on my behalf and also give her blessings for her speedy recovery."

The lady smiled and nodded yes.

Actually this is an American lady, who is coming to India to meet a friend. The interesting thing is that their friendship happened on Facebook. Her friend's health has been deteriorating for quite some time. So he is not able to talk to her for much time, and today that lady came to India from America to see her friend.

Looking at the lady, Abhaya started thinking in her mind, "Your friendship is on Facebook. But I was friends in college. But now??? I don't know where is she?""

By the way, where are you staying?" Abhaya asked.

The lady smiled and said, " Hotel Nightingale ."

Hearing this name, Abhaya's face turned a little white.

" Hotel Nightingale! How can I forget you, you are my ladder into the dark night"

See you soon next chapter....

Internat!!" There is no person in the world who does not know this word. There is internet, that is why we have toy-like phones, laptops, computers, so many gadgets in our hands.

The internet is both very good for us and it also proves to be equally bad for us. The more people move away from each other because of the Internet. Similarly, people from every region of the world meet each other.

And because of this internet, this computer, laptop, many problems come in our life. Imagine if someone, anytime, from somewhere, hacks our computer and phone? There will be nothing called secret in our life. Everything is in the hands of that hacker.

We will become a toy in someone's hands. No one will use us for their own selfish ends. Can blackmail us with our private photos,

In our country, lakhs of people are its seekers every day. Some commit suicide or something else after being blackmailed for a long time. But how many people raise their voice? This crime has started ever since technology fell into wrong hands.

That is why today, with a new hope, I have tried to do something different this time. I am going on a new journey, which is not possible without you all. If you want changes in the story then please tell. See, the story is as critical and mind-blowing as it is romantic. If you understand the story then I think you will definitely like the story.,

please read,and give more more supports, have a good day

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