
March to the Capital

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  • 45 章
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  • NO.200+

They deserve what happens to them. Ever since they enslaved us, ever since they shackle us underground to bring them their ore or chain above ground to harvest their grain. We suffered, while they fattened their bellies. No more, now we deserve justice. We will ravage through their countryside, we shall burn their homes, and slaughter their young. For now, our rebellion has begun. The time of my people’s slavery ends with me for I will lead my people to greatness. The Cinari will do anything to stop me, with their ancient war machines and pathetic armies. But I will push them back and claim what is rightfully mine. We built their Empire with our blood and tears. It is time we take it back. When I was a slave, they called me M-24:6. But as a free man, they know me as Marak. Content warning: This story mentions and features mature content. Which includes sexual assault, torture, gore, genocide, slavery, racism, and more. (Book 1 of 2 of the Capital series) (New chapters every Thursday)

10 タグ

Heavenly Wars

In the Shadow of Heaven: A Gripping Tale of Rebellion, Redemption, and Uncovering Truth In the dawn of creation, a celestial rebellion ignited, shattering the heavens and casting a shadow over humanity. Lucifer, once an angel bathed in divine light, led a legion of fallen beings in a defiant war against God. But their rebellion was not without consequence. Cast down to the depths, they vowed vengeance, their whispers of darkness forever poisoning the hearts of men. Generations passed, shrouded in a veil of ignorance. Humanity, corrupted by sin, wandered blindly towards oblivion. But amidst the darkness, whispers of hope arose. Prophets spoke of a coming Anointed One, a Messiah sent to vanquish the shadows and usher in a new dawn. His arrival, heralded by angels and marked by miracles, ignited a spark of faith in the hearts of the weary. Yet, the forces of darkness did not surrender. They tempted the Anointed One, tested his resolve, and unleashed the full fury of their malice. In a battle spanning realms unseen, the fate of humanity hung in the balance. The Anointed One, descending into the abyss to confront the fallen, fought not with earthly weapons, but with the unwavering power of faith and love. His victory reverberated through the heavens, shattering the chains of darkness. But the struggle for light was far from over. Deceptive whispers still slithered through the world, disguised as truth and masquerading as salvation. The path to redemption, illuminated by scripture yet obscured by doubt, demanded a journey of personal exploration and unwavering faith. Within the pages of this book lies not just a tale of epic battles and divine intervention, but a poignant exploration of humanity's eternal struggle against darkness. It is a call to arms, urging readers to embrace the transformative power of faith and step into the light, armed with the knowledge of truth and the unwavering conviction to claim the ultimate victory: salvation.

Jide Forbes · 軍事
46 Chs

The American Dream: A Modern Officer Sent to the Revolutionary War

Due to a mysterious transcendent being, United States Marine Corps First Lieutenant Samuel Kim from 2016 is thrown back in time to the year 1775. To make matters worse, he wakes up near Bunker Hill, mere hours before the famed Battle of Bunker Hill begins. Realizing the unique situation he finds himself in, the lieutenant takes the opportunity to change the fate of the battle and ensure an overwhelming American victory. Guided by his "patronizing" "God" and the American revolutionaries, Lieutenant Kim embarks on a journey to help America gain its independence and to ensure the nation upholds its "most promising" ideals from the very beginning. Author's Warning: The story is very rough in the first few chapters (and as some readers pointed out, some parts are laughable, such as "American idealism"). However, the pace and quality of the story improve from chapter four and onwards. You will enjoy the story if you are interested in history, worldbuilding, and the butterfly effect (along with a few badass characters). So even if you are a bit turned off initially, I promise that the story improves quickly. Some early details were accidentally left out, as I wrote the first two chapters a year before writing the third chapter. If you wish to support my writing, feel free to support me on Patreon. All my chapters will be free, but I appreciate a tip! https://www.patreon.com/okmangeez

okmangeez01 · 軍事
178 Chs

The strongest Demonic Immortal

I will not be bullied in his life, so i shall take on the name Frankenstein, when my enemies remember my name let them shiver......wait i am a transmigrator? and i also have a system ? Frank was abandoned in the military academy at the ripe age of 15 only to find out that his parents had mysteriously disappeared leaving a message explaining that he was not really their child but the transmigrated soul of an evil entity from another world, he refuses to accept it but slowly he comes to understand his true nature and after unlocking his memories he sets of to control the world his motives unknown but his drive and determination unquestionable Follow our protagonist Frank as he sets off into this new world, his goal to become stronger and one day rule the world,. with war is at every corner. Watch as he makes alliances and enemies in this world of mythological beasts, cultivators, ,evil entities, and gods on his road to the top, Will his ambitions lead to peace in this world? Or will he bring about the ultimate destruction of this world ? chat on discord https://discord.gg/k93VX3H4 NOTE: Fair warning the mc will not start out ambitious but when he unlocks the seal in his mind around chapter 108 he will become smarter and more scheming Make it to that point so we can go on this journey together For those who don't like the fatty jack please note that the author and the fatty are one and the same i will make myself a beast in my own novel no need to be worried he will be a badass

primodial · 軍事
175 Chs

The Lord's Empire (Translation)

“Ding! Soulbinding has been successfully completed; you will now head to the Heaven Awaken World.” After hearing this, Zhao Fu’s vision darkened as he fell to the ground. With bleak prospects in the real world, Zhao Fu’s life is turned around when countless crystals fell from the sky one night, which people could use to enter an alternate, game-like world. After obtaining an ancient Chinese empire’s legacy, Zhao Fu uses his intellect and resourcefulness to develop his own empire from a tiny village. However, with enemies both in the real world and in the Heaven Awaken World, he must make brilliant decisions and use creative schemes to survive. Firstly, This is a translation, thus no amount of moaning, groaning, and whining will get me to do absolutely anything other than translate. Secondly, If you have a problem with the stronger ideas in this book of any variety, please refer to the sentence above. Thirdly, If you have a problem with any of the things in this synopsis, Do... Not... Read. I have the attention span of a fruit fly, so skip the time wasting negative review (Including constructive criticism, again I'm the translator not author, I couldn't care less) and just don't read, simple. Fourthly, Don't expect perfection. I am human, this human will not be remembering the entirety of this book, thus there will be a few names that are miss spelled or are entirely incorrect (I will attempt to keep this at a minimum though). this is exacerbated by the fact that this is purely a passion project, thus I'll be making absolutely nothing moneywise. Fifthly, I will attempt to put up a chapter at the very least 5 days of the week, but if my other books are anything to go off of, that may not happen. However, translating this is supremely easy compared to creating a whole new story so we will just have to see. Finally, This is in no way going to make me money, thus I beg of thy, do not strike me down Webnovel gods. MrVoltaire's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com(Remove)/mrvoltaire

LiquidCallous · 軍事
115 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating