
Man lost in Infinity

During Luke Silver's last year of high school, he stumbled upon a captivating book at the library. Intrigued, he decided to borrow it. Little did he know that as soon as he opened the book, a peculiar thing happened - his eyes closed. When he reopened them, he found himself in the body of a boy named Lucke, residing in the human kingdom of Kanull in a whole new world. In this strange world , Luke discovered that the world was a vast place, home to seven different races. It was a world where he encountered magic, witnessed the incredible advancements of technology crafted by the elves, and marveled at the artifacts created by the divine gods themselves. However, amidst this wondrous discovery, Luke also came to realize that humans occupied the lowest position in the societal hierarchy. They were confined to the lawless kingdom of Kanull, struggling to survive.

Grader · ファンタジー
25 Chs

Chaos in Kanull part 7

Michael sprinted down the street, observing numerous homeless individuals seated beside the houses he passed. He had received information from Halavan, the leader of the New Order, that he had successfully tracked down one of the red scarlets. This person resided in the southern part of Kanull but was constantly on the move. Based on what Michael had just witnessed, it seemed likely that this individual was the one who had cast the powerful thunder spell.

Glancing up at the sky, he noticed that it was becoming cloudy again, indicating that the person who had cast the thunder spell was likely planning to cast another. The sound of his armor reverberated, causing people to exit their homes in alarm while others run. These were the same people who had witnessed the thunder striking down some of the soldiers wearing golden armor.

They spotted Michael running with some of his forces following behind him.


A gunshot was fired at Michael, narrowly missing him and leaving a scar on the side of his face.

"Take cover, they have a marksman!" he shouted, prompting the knights and mages who accompanied him to seek shelter behind a wooden house. Michael cautiously peeked out in the direction where the bullet had been fired and noticed a glimmer of light emanating from the clock tower.

"Oh, how wonderful," he sarcastically remarked. "Why are they doing this? It's not like they're going to win, so why bother?" Just as he finished speaking, another gunshot was fired, causing him to quickly retract his head.

They began to move behind the house, walking through a dark alleyway filled with crates and garbage. They passed by a pile of garbage emitting an unbearable stench and reached the end of the alley, where they encountered a man standing there. They halted and realized that the man was holding a large sledgehammer, nearly as tall as himself. On his brown leather jacket, there was the badge of an executive.

"So, you're the one," Michael said, his voice filled with rage. "You're the one Halavan found. Perfect. We thought we would never find you, but you came right to us. You've saved us a lot of trouble. Now it's time for you to answer for your crimes, for the chaos you've caused, for the people you've killed."

The man chuckled, reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out a cigarette. He lit it with a lighter, then hoisted the large sledgehammer over his shoulder.

He charged at Michael, preparing to swing the massive sledgehammer he wielded.

"Mages!" Michael shouted, and the mages cast a barrier spell to intercept his attack, throwing him off balance. Seizing this opportunity, Michael lunged forward, using his sword to sever the man's hand that gripped the sledgehammer. The man staggered back, but Michael quickly noticed something peculiar.

There was no blood, not even a single drop, spilled after his arm was cut off.

His severed hand was on the ground but there was no blood.

What? What's appening? he asks with a confused expression. There was no blood and the man made no sound after losing a hand, something is not right.

Oh gentlemen, he hears and slowly he looks up to the rooftop of the building he is standing beside. On top, he sees the same boy he saw when he entered the kingdom. The boy is wearing the same black and white suit with a black top hat. He has a mischievous grin on his face as he lies on the wooden rooftop.

What's going on? one of the soldiers says and immediately the boy who was standing on the rooftop slowly stands up. He claps his hands and suddenly, the man whose hand was cut off by Michael disappears.

An illusion? But how? I felt the blade hit his hand, I don't understand. The boy sighs and says, my name is Asher, it is nice to be in the presence of the great commander, Michael. After saying that, Asher runs off and starts jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

Follow him!!! Michael shouts and immediately his forces start chasing Asher. He tells one of the mages to cast a gravity spell on him and as soon as she casts it, he jumps onto the roof of the house and sees Asher running along the roofs.

The mages use the gravity spell on the other members who were close to Michael and they all chase after Asher. One of the mages who was on the wooden house draws the symbol for plant magic and immediately Asher trips and falls on his face. He looks at his feet and sees roots growing on them, preventing him from moving. The roots grow up his body and Michael gets closer and closer.

Oh dear mother, I can't move, Asher says as he struggles to move, but the roots keep growing and covering his entire body. Michael catches up to him. Michael sees him with his body completely covered in tree roots that reach his face.

He turns to the knights who followed him up the roof and says, well, that's one down.

"Are you sure, sir?" one of the knights asks, and Michael looks at him with confusion before saying, well, of course, he's right here.

"Are you sure, sir?"

Immediately after saying that, the knight shakes his head and slowly his body starts to glow blue. He transforms into the man they were chasing, it was Asher. He had tricked them again.

He laughs and laughs, saying, well, I guess you've been tricked twice by the same person in the same day.

One of the knights quickly grasped his sword and severed Asher's head, causing it to detach from his body as his body descended to the ground.

"Damn it, we were supposed to bring him back and question him about the whereabouts of the others. We were not supposed to kill him," Michael says angrily.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm still alive," he hears a voice saying. Slowly, he turns and spots Asher waving from a distance on the rooftop of a nearby house.


Among the chaos that occurs in Kanull, knights attempt to locate the red scarlets by forcefully entering houses and searching for anything related to them. This action sparks madness and anger among the people of Kanull, leading some to throw stones and other objects at the knights in golden armor, demanding that they leave their kingdom. Some individuals even grab weapons and launch attacks against the knights and mages, resulting in death and destruction. The cries of children who witness this chaos can be heard, while at the entrance of Kanull, some people try to flee to the kingdom of Havis. However, they are only met with violence and death from the knight guarding the large gates, further exacerbating the chaos and loss of lives.