
Malicious Romance

Sometimes, not every romance is bound to be as beautiful as it should have. Dean Winchester was born and raised to be a mafia. His stone-cold heart begged to be loved desperately, at least for once just like everyone else. While the boiling blood of the criminal circulates inside of him, his heart was crying in agony for every inhuman act that he does. No matter how much he tried to become a better person, it was impossible for him to wash that thick outlaw's blood away. In the end, he didn't expect anyone to care for him. All he ever desired in his life was to receive a motherly-loved like others. Unfortunately, even his mother still chose to abandon his young innocent self to his cruel father who was no other than the Cobra mafia boss. Everything that happened was just over the fact that the killer's blood runs in his veins. He didn't even get a chance to prove his worth because he was already labeled as a monster. Dean was tired of trying to change other people's views of him. Until the day that he met the daughter of his sworn enemy, his world turned upside down entirely just because of her. For the first time in his life that someone accepted him as who he is. For the first time in his life, he learned what it feels like to be truly loved. Every emotion was foreign to him despite the love, affection, and heart-shattering pain. Dean experienced it all. And, it began to grow numb to him gradually. ***WARNING*** Strong Adult Content & Explicit Language 18+. The story contains brutal acts of violence. The story is Unedited.

Ekphrastic · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 2

Dean didn't waste a second before he rushed his way to the elevator. The three guys followed their boss. The one who was panting hard continued on reporting inside the elevator as the door slid closed, "They are at the penthouse of the resort now. I heard that Mr. Aaron failed to complete the task that the old master gave to him."

No wonder he wanted to meet me tonight, Dean thought as his brows furrowed in frustration.

As soon as they reached the penthouse, Dean rushed in fearlessly after hearing the sound of Aaron screaming. 

His eyes widened the moment they saw an old man sitting on the sofa watching a young man who was on his knees while his arms were being held by the other two men. His face was brutally beaten and his white shirt was stained with his own blood and ripped at the back showing the detailed black tattoo of the cobra snake. 

The other four men in black were standing in a guiding manner near their old master.

"Father, stop!" Dean's voice echoed through the big penthouse as he walked in with a long stride. "What do you think you are doing?" He raised his voice as his eyes scanned his older stepbrother that looked half unconscious in the two men's hands.

His father chuckled at Dean's reaction. He stood up and turned to glare at Dean. 

"Punishment is for those who can't follow the rules." His father replied in a mocking tone while he raised one of his brows up. "You've been working so hard with all of these people for too long... It had been too long that it tricked you into thinking, that you are also one of them." 

The old man laughed and turned to look at Aaron. He motioned the two men to let go of his son with a wave. Aaron's body fell straight onto the floor as he groaned in pain.

Seeing Aaron in a state of half alive and half dead, Dean bit his own lips furiously. It was just a bit too much that his older stepbrother ended up in this state for just not being able to complete a stupid task that was assigned to him. 

Hearing his father's words was only making Dean's anger rise even more. He knew inside of him that no matter how much he tried to do good things, helping someone, sponsoring someone, and being a good boss, he will never ever going to be able to change the fact that he is a mafia's son, a murderer, and a gangster. 

He wanted to wash his bad blood away, but he couldn't. Why does it have to be him born to become such a beast's son?

The old man, Bowen Winchester, cleared his throat while his eyes were glued to his own son, Aaron. "You both are really a disappointment. One is an arrogant bastard who can't do shit. Another one is trying to act smart by helping the people and putting up an image of a good successful businessman. What is even in your guys' brains anyway? Don't forget that we opened up all of these businesses to just covering up what we all are actually doing." 

Bowen Winchester walked forward a few steps before placing one of his feet on Aaron's chest to pin him down on the floor. 

Taking out his gun from the back of his pants, the old man aimed it at Aaron's head. His icy voice said, "Since he can't complete one simple task, he doesn't deserve to be one of The Cobras either," 

His finger started to pull the gun's trigger, but Dean's voice stopped him.

"You have gone insane!" Dean swallowed hard as he stepped forward one step, "Aaron is your own damn son, and you want to kill him over just a stupid task? Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

The old man's lips curved up at the corner as he turned his eyes to stare at Dean. "I don't care if that person is my son or not, I will get rid of them if I have to." 

He removed his foot from Aaron's chest and then continued with his calm voice as if nothing serious was happening.

Bowen continued, "You came at the right time. I got an important job for you to do, Dean." Then he handed his gun to one of the men in black as his eyes glared deeply into his youngest son. "Have you ever wondered how your mother has passed away?" Bowen's tone of voice showed no sympathy or feeling. 

A tight fist was formed by Dean when he heard his so-called father mention his mother's death. 

Dean grew up without knowing the reason why his mother had left him with his father. All she did was leave Dean with a heartless man and just disappeared forever. 

Ever since that day, Dean lived his life with resentment towards his mother who left him alone to live a life worse than hell. The next time that he heard about his mother was when she had already passed away on the day he was graduating from high school. 

Bowen saw his son's reaction and then smirked before he motioned everyone to get out of the room.

The two men in black lifted up Aaron and helped carry him out of the room. The room was left empty with the old man and Dean who was burning red with anger. 

He bit his bottom lip as he watched his father continue talking, "One day before your graduation ceremony, I sent my person to go to China which was your mother's hometown. My person safely guided her here on the day of your graduation ceremony. However, I never expected her to have such a plan. That plan was to run away from me to her lover. Her lover was nobody else other than the bastard Richard Chu. As they were driving away on the freeway, going over the speed limit, they got hit by a semi-truck and caused their car to went off the road and hit a big tree. After a couple of days, I got notified that the man in the car survived while the woman in the car didn't make it." 

Dean's tears ran down his cheek uncontrollably as his fists were shakenly tightly held.

Mother, why did you try to run away with your lover? What about me? Were you even miss me at all? I had always been waiting to hear a word from you. You were my hope to live through the hell that you created for me. Why did you sleep with a man, and bring this unwanted child into this world? What wrong did I ever do to deserve this? Should I be laughing that your fate was so tragic, or should I be taking revenge on that stupid bastard who stole you away from me?

Dean thought as he blinked his tear away and gritted his own teeth with anger. Dean held his breath as he asked his father in a shaking tone, "Why are you even telling me this now?" His lips trembled as they were trying to hide the anger that has built up inside of him.

Bowen Winchester looked up and chuckled under his breath a bit, "You've grown more mature now. You should be able to think on your own about what to do."

Dean shook his head in unbelievable and said in an aggressive tone, "There would be nothing to affect me... I have died since the day I stepped into your house."

Just as Dean turned around, the door busted open as a woman and a man in between their 50s strumbled forward after getting pushed to walk. They both were tied up with their hands behind their back and blindfolded to prevent them from seeing the people in the room, and where they were being taken to.

The two were panicking. The sound of the woman's crying struck Dean's ears. "Please! Please let us go," The woman begged as her weak knees lost support, and caused her to fall down onto the carpet with both knees.

"Master, Mr., and Mrs. Matteo are here." The men behind them said after locking the door behind them. "We've killed everyone else inside the house."

The woman cried harder with her husband before she said breathlessly while sobbing, "Please don't do anything-"

"Shut up!" Dean's father yelled at the woman in annoyance before he got up on his feet and then turned to walk closer to Dean. He pulled up Dean's collar and chuckled at the same time with a smug look, "What are you waiting for? Go and get rid of them, and stop being a coward." Dean gritted his teeth hard as his gaze shifted from the crying mid-age couple to the old man who was standing in front of him.

He pulled the man's collar up with both of his hands as he said in anger through his gritted teeth from calming to the yelling tone of voice, "You better listen. I will not kill anyone. You can't force me to do anything anymore!" 

Dean released his father's collar and stole the gun from one of the men in black's hand before he shoots himself in the chest without a second thought. He felt so fully fed up at that moment. He never regretted it either.

"DEAN!" His father raised his voice in shock as he watched his son's body collapse down onto the carpet floor. 

Everyone in the room gasped in shock as they watched their young master kill himself. The crying sound of both man and woman stopped after they heard the shooting sounds that echoed throughout the room. 

Ivan and Leo started to run to their boss's body and started to cry after calling him several times and getting no response. Dean's blood started to soak all over his white shirt and blazer before it stained the carpet underneath his body.

Nobody ever needed me. Nobody ever wanted me either. Why should I continue living to just hurt the innocents? They did nothing wrong. I was the one to blame ever since the day I was born. My existence alone was enough to hurt them and the one I loved. Dean thought once last chance as a drop of tear escaped the corner of his eyes. 

So this is what death feels like, he pondered. He felt a sharp and unforgettable pain in his chest at the same time he lost his strength to keep himself awake.