
First day

*alarm beeping* "huh?" "IM LATE ON THE FIRST DAY!!?!" "gotta go faaasssterr"mumbling under breath while stuffing books in backpack* *bell rings* Teacher-"so, who would liketo introduce themselves first?" i stand up and raise my hand i dont know why but i felt awkward doing both. The teacher looks at me and says "yes, you. whats your name and wats your favorite thing to do?" i lower my haind quickly showing confidence. a boy accross from me stares. "i-im kidi ome and i like art!" "Good, nice to meet you kidi have a seat now and we will all introduce ourselves. *bell rings for lunch* i was sitting at a table with a few of my new friends, shuki, Ova, and lola. i was caught looking at the boy staring at me from first hour history class by lola. He had short black hair and stunning blue eyes. "Whatcha lookin at hot shot? he was looking at you in history too, might just be destend to be together" all 3 of them laughed "yeah whatever lola not like id stand a chance anyway." i look down and stirr my food anxiously. once home, i shut my door and lay on my bed hugging my giant teddy bear my sister had gotten me last valentines day. (does he really like me? what if he does? would we ever be something?) i stop talking in my head and say "nah." my sister lola walks in "were you talking to me sis?" "no lilly, im ok" she nodds and walks off shutting the door slowly.
