
Majin Naruto

This is a dimention hopping Naruto DBZ crossover series. Buu was absorbed into the seal and then fused with Naruto. After eating all the other jinchuuriki, Naruto decides to jump dimentions. Now in One Piece. ------------------- This synopsis pretty much sums it I figured what would happen if I mix my two favorite characters majin buu and Naruto and mix with a bit of justice league and pow you got this come and join the fun

Rebel_Royal5 · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

chapter 2

Terra was a blonde haired metahuman with the power to control the earth. Many people would dream of having such a power. Unfortunately for Terra, she couldn't control her power and the results were earthquakes and avalanches wherever she went. And all her friends and family had turned against her the moment they found out. And so she ran away.

'I don't have anywhere to go. I am… all alone.' Terra refused to cry as she trudged through the snow. The village behind her had a kind elderly couple who took her in. Until she caused an avalanche that wiped it out. She didn't even notice the cold anymore, her teeth were chattering and the icicles were forming on her body. 'I feel… tired,' these were Terra's last thoughts before she collapsed in the snow. Above her, a shirtless blonde boy watched over her.

'Hmmm… her power level is one of the highest on this planet. But its raw, with no control. She's trying to push an ocean through a needle and she is hurt mentally. Stupid humans, to treat us, the superior fighters, like trash.' Naruto flew down and picked Terra up, throwing her over his shoulder. Before traveling back to the village. It appeared that most of it was destroyed, but there were around two dozen survivors. Naruto pointed his index finger at them, "Buu make you candy!" He fired a pink beam at the village which the spread out like a ripple. Everyone hit by it was turned into jawbreakers. He heard Terra groan and realized that he had forgotten about her, or at the very least, wasn't thinking about her when he made those people into candy. He might be able to survive off of high sugar content foods and drinks but she couldn't. A trip to another remote village solved that problem.

Regaining consciousness was a long process for Terra. First was the warmth. She was no longer cold, in fact, she felt toasty warm. Then there was the light. No colour, since her eyes were still closed. Just warmth and light. Slowly her eyelids crept open: to a strangely homey scene. She appeared to be in a cave, at night, due to the only light seemed to be coming from a nearby fire. A boy about her age was sitting there. He was shirtless and his back looked incredibly ripped for his age.

He had blonde hair and appeared to be roasting some marshmallows over the fire. Next to him was a roasted and stuffed turkey on a silver platter. She had no idea where the hell he had gotten a roast turkey, but her stomach reminded her how much she wanted it. She blushed and hoped the boy didn't hear that. Apparently he did.

"So you're awake." The boy didn't turn away from his roasting marshmallows whilst he addressed her.

Terra shivered at his voice. It was somehow harsh and smooth. "The turkey is for you. I only eat candy."

Now if that wasn't the strangest statement she ever heard. She even entertained the thought that it was poisoned, but nothing added up. "Umm, who are you? And where am I?" she began crawling towards the turkey.

"I am Naruto. Majin Naruto Buu," he told the second sentence very slowly, making an emphasis on each word. It sounded ominous as hell. Meanwhile Terra reached the turkey and began to smell it. The smell broke her will and she began to inhale the turkey. Halfway through tearing apart the turkey she froze, horrified at her table manners. But when she looked up and at Naruto he was eating his marshmallows. He didn't even spare her a glance. She couldn't see all of his face from this angle, but she could see that his front and arms were just as muscular as his back. She blushed and turned back to her food. Soon the silence became unbearable to her, and so searching for a conversation starter, she chose the most stupid and inane question she could think of. "Why do you only eat candy?" She then kicked herself for asking that question. For all she knew, this turkey was his meal and the marshmallows were his dessert. In fact, she was almost sure of it. She once again was about to get a surprise.

"Buu likes candy. And milkshakes. And cake. I need it." He held up a massive bag of giant jawbreakers. 'It must have been on the other side of his body.' He popped three into his mouth and bit down. Terra winced when she heard a crack, but to her astonishment the jawbreakers where quickly crunched up and swallowed. He then tossed her one. Surprised, she instinctively cased a rock to fly in its flight path to protect her. She froze when she saw that Naruto; or as he was calling himself, Buu, had seen it. Before he simply turned back and began eating his jawbreakers, nonchalant as you like. This was a first for Terra. 'Doesn't anything phase this guy? I made the earth move, yet he finds his jawbreakers more interesting.' Terra was a little ticked off, but she wasn't sure why. She had longed to be accepted. But this casual disregard for her power rubbed her the wrong way. 'I want to be acknowledged!'

"CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH!" Naruto continued to eat his jawbreakers.

Terra moved back a little in surprise. 'Where did that come from?' She then looked again at Naruto. 'This is the body of a sweet addict? What a hot weirdo… Ahh where did that come from? I'm only twelve!' Now thoroughly confused, Terra made as if to leave. To her surprise, Naruto didn't even try to stop her. She got outside and her powers, as well as her sight, told her that she was in a canyon lit by the moonlight. There wasn't a soul in sight. 'Maybe that's why he wasn't concerned about me leaving. But he wasn't surprised at my power either. So he should at least be worried that I could move through here or overpower him since this is my turf. But wait, he brought me here. Ahh, this is so confusing! I'll just ask him why he brought me here.'

She turned back and froze. Buu was right behind her, well, in front of her now. And his eyes. They were jet black with evil red irises. 'I didn't even feel the vibrations from him moving. Wait, he's not moving. At all. Fuck he's scary.' Throughout her mental debate, Naruto hadn't moved at all. Either Terra was braver then she gave herself credit for. Or she was still in shock. Because she didn't scream. Instead she whimpered.

"Um… excuse me, a mister Buu…" Terra was treading water here.


"Huh, what?" It was such a strange response. Wasn't he referring to himself as Buu a while ago?

"It's Majin Naruto Buu. Majin is my title. So it's Majin Buu instead of mister Buu. Or if we get closer, just call me Naruto."

"Closer?" 'That's it; I'm tired of being confused!'

"Why did you, ahh, rescue me? Where did you find me? Was it you who got me out of the snow? Why are you helping me?" Terra needed to voice all her concerns before they drove her crazy.

Naruto started laughing. "Hahahaha," It was full of twisted humor and suffering. Definitely not the laugh that should be coming out the mouth of a child.

"I helped you because we are the same. I was beaten and stabbed from the age of five. Again and again, they called me a monster. At that time the only unusual thing I had on my face were three lines on each cheek, like whiskers."

Terra was horrified. She checked his cheeks. No such marks remained. But those eyes. They certainly weren't normal. 'So they occurred after. But after what?'

"I finally became their monster. But I couldn't harm those precious to me. So I ran away. But all other humans are free game now. You know all about running from the weaklings, don't you Terra?"

Terra took a step back. It made her sound like a coward. From what she had grasped, the strong do not run from the weak. "Am I weak?" She didn't realize that she had said it out loud.

"Yes Terra, you are. Whether you want to rule the weak, protect the weak, or destroy the weak, the strong do not run from the weak. But I can make you strong. I can make you into Majin Terra."

Terra fell on her knees and grasped her head. "Can you teach me control?"

Majin Naruto Buu grinned evilly. "Yes Terra. I can make you control the world you live on."

The next day…

Both Naruto and Terra were standing on two boulders facing each other. The sun was just beginning to rise.

"Now Terra, the first thing I am going to teach you is to awaken your power and control it. In order to do that you have to throw away whatever it is that is holding you back." Naruto was taking a page from Minato and Kushina's memories, specifically how Jiraiya had trained Minato and how Kushina had harnessed the Kyuubi's power. Both times they had strong minds and were confident in their success. So the first step in her power was a strong mind.

'Awaken my power? No! I want to control it, not make it stronger!' Terra's conflict must have become visible to Naruto, because he answered her without hearing a thing.

"That's exactly the reason you can't control it. You're ashamed of it! You keep on denying a part of yourself, bottling it up again and again. And it will pop, again and again. You must accept it Terra! Accept that you were born different. That people will hate you for being different. Remember those that hurt you!"

'NO!' Unwillingly, Terra had flashbacks of her parents and friends. She tried to help them all, but her powers caused massive disasters instead. They all turned their backs on her. Worse still her second, adopted parents pretended to like her until they tried to kill her.

They were her first, be it unwilling, kills. Along with half the town being buried in volcanic ash.

The entire canyon floor was beginning to shake. Naruto grinned. 'Just a little more.'

"What are you going to do Terra? Are you going to hate them? Ignore them? Protect them! Whatever you decide, they can't control you! You have to ascend past their prejudices!"

"AHHH!" The entire canyon was shaking. Cracks in the earth extended from Terra. Cliffs split in half and collapsed. Rivers were redirected or sunk into massive potholes. Three hills or rocks were simply shook to pieces and collapsed. Terra's eyes were glowing yellow as her power ran its course. Naruto was laughing all the way through the quake. Finally Terra's powers ran out and she dropped to her hands and knees. Remarkably, her boulder that she was on remained intact.

Naruto stopped laughing and began to speak again. "Good Terra. It's being twenty minutes and already you have passed the first test. You have destroyed your first barrier. We have just begun to negate your human parents' hold over you. But we must completely destroy your fear to awaken your full power. Only then can you begin the long amount of training necessary to control it. I warn you, this second step takes a lot longer than the first step. You must stop being weak by abandoning your fear. Are you ready?"

Terra felt a bit better now that she had vented. In fact she was a little ticked off. As she stood back up her thoughts were a bit random. 'Doesn't anything phase this guy? I shook up an entire canyon and he laughs it off. He isn't even injured.'

"Sure. Um, what am I supposed to do?" Terra knew that he was helping her, she could feel it. But she got the feeling that this next step was physical.

"You are going to attack me with everything you have. Because no matter what you do, you won't be able to kill me."


"Ready, begin!" Naruto shot forwards right at her. She panicked and jumped off her boulder, making a rock ledge from the cliff behind her to catch her. And a good thing too, as Naruto's fist caught the boulder and vaporized it from the amount of strength he put in the blow.

'Whoa! No wonder he was confident. Can I actually hurt him?' Terra disconnected her ledge and used it to fly away. And not a second too late, as Naruto had jumped up and his kick tore a gouge in the cliff face. 'Ok note to self, do not get close to Naruto, or is it Buu? How close are we? Ahh, which kind of close am I talking about!' Naruto landed on the ground and took the choice away from her. He pushed himself up like a bullet, straight at her. She made a split second decision to jump off her flying rock ledge before summoning another boulder from the ground to ride on. She got a front row seat to watch Naruto plow head first through her earlier ride without the slightest hint of discomfort. He then dropped down without a hint of fear. In a burst of ingenuity, Terra created a deep hole where Naruto was going to land. A thing that happens with ideas: When it rains, it pours. Terra was shocked at how easy her power was coming to her, so she extended the hole and turned it into a slide, one that sloped up sharply at the end. Naruto went down one hole and shot up from another. Terra then levitated two massive boulders. Clapping her hands together, she smashed the rocks into Naruto, pan-caking him. She was confident that he was invulnerable; so imagine her shock when instead of a crash of two rocks hitting steel (his skin) she instead heard a wet splat.

She felt cold. Icy cold feelings of dread and fear wrapped themselves around her heart. Despair came soon after. What had she done?

She wasn't even aware that she was falling; all her attention was on the pink splat on her two boulders. She had killed her teacher. Terra hit the ground and passed out. She never saw the pink flesh begin two wobble and flex.

Slade had seen enough in his hidden mountain base. He turned off his cameras and went to go and fetch Terra himself. That boy's training methods would have put her completely out of his control, but hopefully his death would shock her so badly that she would become his apprentice. If not, he could wait a few more years for Robin but he was sure she would accept. Because Slade turned off his cameras, he too missed Majin Naruto Buu's resurrection. So imagine Slade's shock when he saw the boy, alive and well; holding Terra. Even worse for him, the boy saw him too.

That was when the boy began started laughing at Slade. For the first time in his life, Slade wondered if he'd being set up. Every sense of self-preservation was screaming at him 'Do not engage!'

At least without further information on the boy's abilities, as all he knew for sure was the boy was incredibly strong and devious to fake his death to see if Terra was under surveillance. It never occurred to him that his eyes; which saw the boy being squished by two boulders, did not deceive him.