
Confusion in the cafeteria

As I remain indifferent to the events, the scene before me unfolds with a grim inevitability. Pimpou lies on the ground, his fragile form writhing in agony as William prepares to deliver another cruel blow.

Before William can advance, a powerful voice resonates through the cafeteria, cutting the air with undeniable authority. My eyes turn to the source of the sound and find a young man with blue hair, sitting at a table surrounded by silent people. His expression is serious and determined, revealing an unyielding resolve behind his eyes.

The look of the weaker subordinates of the blue-haired young man, and of some girls around him, conveys a clear message, even if unspoken: they want him to intervene, to do something to stop the imminent violence.


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With a resigned sigh, the blue-haired young man drops the fork he was holding to eat and raises his voice, breaking the tense silence of the cafeteria. "William, that's enough! Let the boy go!"

William turns to face the intruder, an arrogant smile curling his lips as he recognizes the young man. "And if I don't want to?! What are you going to do, Nicolas?"

Nicolas approaches William with steady steps, his posture radiating a calm confidence. "You don't want to find out... And you know very well that I hate injustice. The boy is almost blind; he didn't see you. It should be obvious that it was an accident."

As I watch the exchange between William and Nicolas, a palpable tension settles in the air. William's defiant gaze meets Nicolas's calm and determined expression, creating an atmosphere charged with antagonism and confrontation.

"You know, we were some of the first to board this airship, and besides, we come from the same place," William begins, his voice laden with resentment and disdain. "And unlike everyone here who are children of nobles and the rich, we are just soldiers of wars, born to kill and die like mere pawns. We know the violence of war, so why do you insist on being merciful to these weak nobles? In this world, only strength matters!"

His words echo through the cafeteria, a declaration of his determination to impose his will on others. He turns to his own subordinates, his gaze resting especially on a beautiful young woman in a yellow dress, her crystal earrings glistening in the cafeteria light. This beautiful girl seems to have been born with a silver spoon in her mouth, as her skin is flawless and there is an aura of nobility about her that is impossible for others to imitate.

"We are like lions in a den of sheep," William continues, his voice dripping with malice. "The daughters of nobles, kings, and queens are defenseless on this airship, and we can do whatever we want with them, but..." He turns his gaze back to Nicolas, defiantly. "You keep acting like you're better than me; that morality of yours disgusts me."

Nicolas smiles in response, a look of calm confidence on his face. "I am better than you," he replies serenely. "After all, we came from the same place, but I chose honor, unlike you, who is an animal seeking only personal gain, imposing your desires by force."

He clenches his fists and flexes his biceps, adopting a combat stance, his determination unwavering. "Step away from the boy, or I won't have a choice!" The firmness in his voice is undeniable, a clear reminder of his willingness to defend his principles against any adversary.

William snaps the fingers of his right hand with a malicious expression. "Snap~~" In an instant, all the young men who are William's subordinates rise from their chairs and gather behind him, forming a small army that surrounds him like a compact and threatening mass.

The young men are diverse in appearance, some fat, others more agile and thin, but they all radiate an aura of confidence, an unmistakable mark of their noble origin. However, it is an aura different from that emanating from William and Nicolas; while the latter two seem to possess a more raw and animalistic aura, William's subordinates carry with them an aristocratic elegance, as if they were lords of a distant kingdom.

A triumphant smile spreads across William's face as he addresses Nicolas. "This is my current flock," he says arrogantly. "I have some of the strongest at my command, so you'd better sit back down and keep quiet, because this is none of your business!"

Nicolas shakes his head in disappointment, his expression of dismay contrasting with the determination in his eyes. He looks to the side and gives a signal with his head, and immediately a small army forms behind him, his own subordinates gathering in solidarity.

With a firm voice, Nicolas raises his voice above the growing tumult. "Flock?! So you raise sheep, right?! I raise wolves!"

Fury gleams in his eyes as he gives the command to his followers. "Attack!"

The confrontation is inevitable, and soon the two groups clash in a chaotic explosion of violence. The sound of blows being struck echoes through the cafeteria, accompanied by the war cries of the combatants and the dull thud of bodies colliding.




As I watch the chaotic scene unfold before me, my eyes fixate on William flexing his arms, preparing to deliver a powerful punch to Nicolas's face. However, my fascination is interrupted when Nicolas deftly dodges the attack, showing impressive agility.

As the fight continues to escalate, some youngsters around, realizing the futility of getting involved in the chaos, start to leave the cafeteria, choosing to distance themselves from the imminent violence. A sense of despair and perplexity overwhelms me as I realize that there's no one to intervene and stop the fight, and the mutant cooks remain indifferent to the turmoil around them.

"What kind of place is this?!" I think, incredulity coloring my thoughts. "Is there no one to stop this fight? Why are those damn mutant slaves indifferent to this mess?!"

Concern grows within me when I realize that if the fight gets closer to where I am, it could be dangerous. My current body, weak and muscleless, is a constant reminder of my noble origin, detached from the hard work and rampant violence I now witness.

Without hesitation, I get up and quickly move away, seeking refuge in my own room. On the way to my room, I pass by a group of girls whose eyes are fixed on Nicolas and William with evident adoration. Their words, laden with desire, echo in my ears as I continue to walk, resisting the temptation to look back.

"Those two are so manly!"

"Yes... they are different from the others, I would accept sleeping with either of them."

The girls' observations impress me. It's a primitive sight, seeing how even the girls raised as princesses are attracted to the roughest types of boys. I guess women are women, no matter what world they're in.

I continue to walk and approach the door of my room, gripping the doorknob firmly. I turn it clockwise and, with a fluid motion, pull the door back and enter my refuge.

I walk towards the small bed in the corner of the room and let myself fall onto it, feeling the mattress give under my weight. As I settle in, my thoughts continue to revolve around the chaos I witnessed in the cafeteria. "This place is total chaos," I think, frustration building inside me. "There are no guards to maintain order, the weak are subdued. I'm sure those two groups that were fighting are the dominant groups among the young people on this airship."

William's words echo in my mind. "We are like lions in a den of sheep." The implicit threat in his statement that he could do whatever he wanted without facing consequences is disturbing, even if he violated some girl here, no one would try to stop him.

I clench my fists tightly, a fierce determination burning in my chest. I can't let my weakness make me an easy target in this ruthless land. "I need to get stronger to protect myself, at least I have to ensure my physical integrity. I can't be at the mercy of others and can't expect mercy from these unscrupulous people."

"Chip, examine the entirety of the previous owner's memories and organize them!" After issuing this mental command, the chip obeyed and began to work.

"Beep! Task established! Initiating..."

In my old world, we always believed the human brain was underutilized. We thought most of our capabilities were not taken advantage of, including the ability to access all memories since birth.

Some memories, even if I couldn't consciously recall them, were still stored somewhere in my brain!

Now, when I gave the command, all the memories of my new life, from birth to being chosen as a Mage acolyte and embarking on this journey inside this airship floating in the sky, were displayed before my eyes, with the assistance of my chip.

Every memory, even what I ate at each meal and my preferences, was kept and displayed in my mind.

That massive collection of memories was confusing and full of useless information. In the past, I only paid attention to what was necessary, ignoring the rest.

Now, with the help of the AI chip, I'm organizing and classifying everything!


1587 Words


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