
The beginning

I had moved to a new city. I moved to New York, I've always wanted to live there it's been my dream, except it wasn't the same dream I had hoped for.. I was on the run from my ex boyfriend. He had been very abusive and mentally abusive. I had been scared to leave because he threatened to harm my family..

So a few years later I left I ran and never looked back. I came to New York. I met amazing friends and I had my own apartment I was doing good. It had been my 20th birthday and me and my friends went out.

I was dancing like a madman and was having the time of my life, I had looked up to the vip area of the club, I saw this man staring at me.. God was he beautiful he had short black hair that was styled perfectly he had a chizzled jaw he was perfect..

He had men around his waist like they were protecting him, honestly as if he needed protecting this man was huge and built like a God.. anyway the night was finally over and I headed home.

As I headed home this guy came up to me and started grabbing my wrist I started screaming " HELP ME "


I heard this gunshot.. I scream even more when I saw blood on my white long dress and I tasted the blood in my mouth, I almost threw up.. The man I saw at the club grabbed me and brought me to his car I kept telling him to let go of me but he just said to "shut it your making to much noise"

To be honest I was confused I didn't know if he was trying to kidnap me or help me..

all I knew was that in this moment I needed my mom