
MADE FOR EACH OTHER (fated love)

Cambridge has always been peaceful, it's rare to record any murder case or immoral activities. But it all changed when the two brothers came into Cambridge. Ethan came because she heard that Kathleen,his first love who turned him into a vampire is in Cambridge. He came to Cambridge to have his revenge on her for all the things she did to him. But he didn't know that the girl he thought was Kathleen was not her at all,They just look the same, like doppelgangers. It got worse when Ethan and his brother Niklaus both fall in love with the girl that looks like Kathleen. Kathleen, who's 178 years old but looks like she's in her early twenties is in Oxford, she'd dated many guys humans and vampires but he couldn't forget him, her first love. she knew he had never love her. she had compelled him into falling in love with her. she turned him into a vampire so they could live together forever but he immediately he became a vampire, all the compulsions wears off and he vowed to kill Kathleen. The girl that looks like Kathleen was exposed to the super natural beings, Things she has only read in books. then one of the friends she made in school later discovered she has magic potentials

DaoistKXwDZq · ファンタジー
12 Chs

CHAPTER 1- Resumption

It was the resumption day of Cambridge High School, after a long strike due to the pandemic that break out that year.The strike was taken as a safe precaution in order to protect lives and minimize losses.

The students of Cambridge High School were glad with the resumption, some came by public transports while the rich ones among them came with their private cars,to the various hostels while some to their rented apartment.

Ethan arrived at his apartment after the long and "boredom" registrations and paying of necessary fees as a new student. He came out of his car with fatigue written all over his face. He looks like he's in his early twenties, he has blue eye balls and tall in height, his handsomeness can be described as unnatural. He is perfect in all ramifications.

As he settled down on the sofa,he brought out his phone and dialed a number

"Damon", he called out immediately the line was connected.

"Hi Ethan" Damon answered from the other line with masculine deep voice, He sounds like someone eager to hear something important.

"I have gotten to my apartment and done with the registration, I think lecture should start in a week time".

"Good" Damon replied shortly, he waited a bit like he was thinking of something and then continued

"What about the task?"

"It will be done" Ethan said and ended the call.

He stood up from the sofa and proceeded into the bedroom, he placed down his bag on the magnificent bed in the room and opened it, he started bringing out the things in it unsure of what he is searching for, as he was looking into the bag, he saw a picture, The picture. He stared at it for a long while and started studying the person in the picture. Hatred was obvious in his eyes as he stares at the picture.

"The task shall be done". He said as if assuring himself of something. He dropped the picture and brought out a drink in the bag, he stares at the drink in a darkened bottle and he seems to remember things.

He started emitting an aura and his blue eyeballs changed into a reddish color. He closed his eyes tight and gulped down the drink in a second.He dropped the bottle and a bit of red liquid dropped on the floor. His eyes remain shut and he was as still as a rock. After about three minutes, he opened his eyes and they were the perfect blue again.

His countenance bare pains of the past. He took his phone and send a text message to a number he stored with Niklaus.

"Niklaus, control is hard for me again" He texted. he sighed and tears dropped from his eyes, The aura seems to be emitting again, but he close his eyes before the blue eye balls turn reddish and he tried to cool himself.

"After he regain himself again, he took something like a diary in his bag and flips through the pages and when he got to a blank spot he started by writing

"It's been 120years since have been turned into a ...."

Caroline entered into the hostel room she met three other ladies already settled into the room, she greeted them formally and settled herself in her space in the room.

after that she joined the trio where they are seated.

"I'm Elena" one of them introduce herself. she looks like the 'talk too much' a type of girl. she has a long brown hair that compliments to her beauty. she extended her hand to Caroline for a hand shake with smiles all over her face, she has dimples.

Caroline shook her hand and introduced herself to them too followed by Olivia and Katherine.Caroline has a blonde hair while both Katherine and Olivia have long black hair respectively.

Olivia is the only black among them but she has her uniqueness too and Katherine is the mostly beautiful of them. she doesn't talk much as she barely contribute to the conversation and the jovial stories the girls were saying.

she started reminiscing about home, how difficult it was for her mother to pay up the levies and how she has worked tirelessly during the strike when they've not been admitted.

she was jolted back when Caroline ask her to tell them more about herself.

The girls talked and chatted till the night before they realize the time is fast spent.

Caroline and Katherine later stood up to go and buy consumable stuffs for the four of them since it was late in the night they couldn't start cooking any stuff. Olivia and Elena waited behind to tidy up the room.

Katherine and Caroline left the room and ventured into the night. since both of them are new to the area they did not know where to go and buy stuffs immediately. They started walking and Caroline decided to start a conversation.

" what course are you here for" she asked

"medicine and surgery" Kath answered shortly "and you?" she asked too

"oh!! that's great we're into the same course, I'm glad I'll be in the same classroom with a beauty like you" Caroline admist smiles

Katherine blushed and said "I'm glad too".

" so who is the guy that's lucky to have a beauty like you" Caroline teased further.

"I'm actually still single, I haven't met any guy I'm interested in, I've turned down those that came". she answered.

"Oh alright, you will meet a guy soon, probably in this campus". Caroline said

" I'm actually single too, I've dated a guy once but it didn't work out" she continued

" what Happened?" Katherine asked.

suddenly they heard a scream that really scared them, it came from the path of the bush they were in they ran and traced the voice to Know what's happening and probably provide help.

The voice continue shouting " please.....help!!!!"

They ran faster and on getting to the place where the noice was coming from

They saw a dead body, they were visibly shaking with fear. they moved closer to the body and they saw bits of blood still dripping from the neck, It was like the neck was bitten into and marks of fangs were evident in it. They thought it might probably be a wild animal.

Caroline scrutinized the area and in a spot amidst the trees she saw a pair of red eyes staring back at her