
Father. We should talk.

I walked out of the room and looked around, and noticed a group of maids laughing in the corner. From my memories the servants treat me worse as dirt, knowing that they won't get punished by the family because of my status in the family. Sara Wu might have been a kind soul who would never cause trouble or confront those who harm her, but it's time for them to realize who is the boss among them.

I walked toward them with my head held high and noticed one of the girls block my path with a mocking smile. "Eldest miss, did you forget that the young miss wanted you to stay in that room until her friends where gone." The other maids laughed when she stated that face and they where waiting for me to go back in the room.

I rolled my eyes and pushed past them while saying, "I never heard of a younger sister having the right to order her elder. Also, it seems you all forget your place in this family." I said while giving them a cold stare.

While I was trying to walk to my room, the maid from earlier grabbed my arm, "Eldest miss, we have our orders. Forgive us for being rude but we will bring you back to the room." She said while trying to pull me back.

I sneered and yanked my arm free, "No matter how I'm treated in this family I'm still the eldest miss, and you all are just workers who could be fired with a snap of the fingers. Now I'm returning to my room and if you all try to stop me again, see if you don't find yourself looking for another job." I said this to them giving out a cold aura. I left them slacked jawed and went to my room to change out these horrible clothes.

Luck for me, Sara Wu had amazing taste when it came to fashion, no matter what she put together it would look wonderful on her body. After getting changed into a red dress and a white lace jacket, she exited her room in search of her father's study.

When she went to the first floor she heard laughter and saw four girls sitting in the living room having tea and cake. She instantly recognized Lily Wu, she had shoulder length brown hair and fair skin with big hazel eyes. Noticing Sara, Lily almost had a fit and wanted to yell but remember that she had guest over.

Lily excused herself and pulled her sister away, "Sara, why did you come out? I told you I had guest over." Lily angerly whispered.

I gave her a cold smile and whispered in her ear, "Little sister, I live in this home and I have the right to go wherever I wish. Why hide the eldest miss of the Wu family."

Lily was shocked by her older sister words, since she known Sara, she knew that she always been quiet and obedient. Everyone in the Wu clan knows that Sara is unloved and is pretty much a servant in the house who always listen. This is the first time Sara has went against the order of someone and maid claim of her identity.

Lily refused to believe her sister changed, "Sara I don't know what is wrong with you but return to that room and wait until I release you." Lily order with a frown.

Sara smiled and started to walk away, Lily thinking she was obeying her order smiled. Just as she was about to return to her friends, she noticed Sara going to the garden. She ran to stop her and Sara smiled, "Lily what do you want now, I have things to do and wish to be alone."

"Sara, where do you think you're going? I told you to return to the room." Lily said while trying her hardest not to yell.

I watched Lily turn red in anger and wanted to laugh but I had to show her that Sara Wu will not be pushed around any longer. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close in whispered in her ear, "Lily Wu, I'm your elder sister and you do not give me orders. I'm done with being order like a servant, you better remember who I am in this family." I gave her cold glare and walked to the garden.

Lily scared by Sara's glare and her mind couldn't handle what she heard. In all of her life, no one has ever spoken to her like that or gave her such a hard stare. The more she thought about what happen the angrier she got, 'How dare someone such as Sara Wu to dare to speak to me like that,' she thought as she clenched her fist.

She wanted to run and slap Sara, but she had guest over and had to keep up her image. With one last look at the garden doors, Lily made a promise to make Sara pay for disobeying her orders.

After dealing with Lily, I went and sat in the garden and watched Momo fly around the yard. I couldn't keep the smile off my face from seeing Lily's face. 'Oh, Lily. If you think this is the big shock you might faint in anger by the things I have planned for the future.' I thought with a small giggle.

I sat in the garden for two hours watching Momo and enjoying the peace and quiet while I waited for my father to arrive. When it was close to sunset I heard the head butler welcome my father back and I went inside.

I walked straight to him and said, "Father, We should talk." All while ignoring the confused glances of the butler, some maids, and my father himself. I had one goal in mind I would accomplish it tonight without fail.
