Lukz Death is about a 22-year-old bad boy who has a complex about life. The novel follows his footsteps in what it is like to be a Demon slayer in today's world, while uncovering an unimaginable truth behind the demon's existence and how he became what he is today. Spoiler Alert!" Un-explained grewsome deaths keep occurring within the counties of Dorset and Hampshire. Lukz and his brother Kevin are called to aid in these mysterious deaths, only to always be caught within conflict. Lukz, being the Demon slayer fights these things to the death being able to fully interact with them. However, as the story develops the main group discover that Lukz is the only being they know of which can touch these things, let alone kill them. Once this is discovered the main group go on to find out why... and a whole lot more!
A cold bitter night lays frost across a row of brickwork terrace houses, it glistens in a pale moon light whilst guiding the shadows and movement towards number three. Blistering silence howls through the street, as if you could feel movement where none could be seen. A slight crack in an upstairs window of number three lets out a small beam of light being permitted by a dim bed side lamp, in the house's main bedroom. Silence roams through the cracked window, allowing some thick red curtains to be slightly obscured. It shows a plain white room with a large oak wardrobe standing tall in its corner, alongside a 6ft standing mirror. Adjacent to that, a small dressing table with everything standing uniformly on top it's glass surface. A large bed presses firmly up against the back wall, as it faces towards a display of dispersed pictures scattered next to a closed door.
A sole woman lays in the large and spacious bed, with her mousey blonde hair spread across some pillows. The dim sidelight floats over her slightly bronzed skin as she lays silently within some thick covers. *Creeeeeek*, breaks out down the hallway outside her door. Followed by a sudden *thud*, rattling everything within the room! The women immediately wake's, flailing her arms around she knocks her bed side light off its table. *Ting!* Everything falls completely black, apart from a small beam of light coming through the cracked window. The slight pier of light glows on a now marginally open door…
Sitting up dazed, she gently shakes her head to try and re-focus what's going on. Feeling on the bed side table, she grasps her phone and clicks its top button, shining its screens light over the broken lamp, "Dahm it!", She says, sharply. Shaking her head, she goes to put the phone back down, when some fast-paced scurrying echo through the door. Startled, she quickly turns her phone, shining its vague light towards the opening. She slowly moves it left and right, revealing nothing other than the slightly ajar door. Taking a deep breath, she steadies herself then squints her brownie coloured eyes, only to notice the door closing ominously. Her eyes burst open as she franticly rushes over to the other side of her bed, opening her mouth she goes to ask, "who's there?", but no sound comes out, just a small wisp of air followed by a deep gulp.
Delicately removing the covers, she plants her toes onto a cold wood floor, attempting to be as silent as the room around her. She tries to hear for the strange animal like scurrying again, but darkness and a lack of noise blurs her senses. Taking another small breath, she subtly walks towards the door slightly shaking from a cold chill. Leaning towards its handle, she goes to push it down but cannot feel anything? Slowly tilting her head downwards, she notices the handle is already pressed, as if being opened from the other side! Gasping a chilling breath, she stumbles backwards. A brisk movement shoots straight past her feet and seems to wrap around the room, conveying a sense of being trapped. She instantly twists and franticly tries to pinpoint the noise, but her sleepy daze confuses her. Stepping backward once again, "AHHHHHHHH!!", She screams out in agony! Grabbing her foot and lifting it up, she feels a thick liquid ooze spilling out, as it drips onto the floor. Using her phones light, she notices a shard of glass wedged into the sole of her foot! Puzzled as to how the glass got there, when her lamp broke on the other side of her bed, she quickly realises something is in there with her. Taking another gasp of air to hold in a tremendous amount of pain spreading throughout her leg. A small tear rolls down her delicate face, slightly reflecting some of her phones lights towards the other side of her bedroom, catching an extremely strange outline. She turns her head, focusing onto the mirror. A re-flection of two red dots stare right towards her, followed by a curdling gargling noise which creeps out of what seems to be a small mouth like shape, held together by some razor-sharp teeth, almost grinning at her. Her screams travel out into the dark, soulless night.