
Lich me once then lich me twice then lich me once again

Cerberus related an extensive counterpoint to Zion. To an onlooker this seemed to be their dynamic, but this wasn't how they always used to get along.

"Listen Cerb, who is being AS*Cerbic right now, I managed to pick up something for you on my day trip." Zion tossed him a bottle that looked like it contained silver smoke. "I wild crafted some wolfsbane and valarian and took the liberty to combine them with the inverted moonlight I've collected using that crystal scope you thought 'wasn't worth it' in my lab over the last month. And yes it is what you think it is. It won't completely return your human form, but it will allow you to shift back for a short amount of time. The wolfsbane will subdue your wolf form while the valerian will suppress your emotions that stimulate it and finally the inverted moonlight will reverse your shift. I don't know how long it will last, but I can make more every 28 days. YOU'RE WELCOME. Now if you'll excuse me, this donor body has a severe opioid addiction so I need to get some vicodinner because this whole meat suit feels like it's on fire. By the way, hello Lucky." The lich looked at the werechipmunk peering through the window in her tunnel flush with the ceiling. Lucky pulled one paw up to her chest afraid and crouched back. "Don't pee on my chair again. If you want more food check the pantry, y'know where food is kept." Then the necromancer sauntered off into their room and shut the door.


Cerberus held the bottle to the floor with his massive paws and chewed on the top releasing the swirling liquid inside. Silvery smoke began pouring out of his eyes. He started coughing, choking. His skin started to feel too tight. Writhing on the ground, a human form crawled out of the wolf one. As the human form emerged the wolf form disappeared in silver smoke. He quickly covered himself and walked off to his room mumbling "I still don't know why transmogrification magic doesn't allow for a change of clothes. It's not like this stuff is rocket science."


Lucky didn't know what was happening to her but she felt off. Her whole body felt like it was buzzing. Her heart rate was escalating and was starting to sweat. Even though she was afraid of the lich she was even more afraid of death and quickly followed her tube into Zion's room. Zion was passed out on the floor. Seeing this she ran to Cerberus's room and began chirping violently.

"Uuuuugh can you turn the volume down a little. Shifting gives me a migraine." Cerberus clutched his head as he lied down. Lucky crawled in her tube down to the floor in his room. She climbed up his comforter and jumped on his chest chirping frantically.

"Zion overindulging isn't anything new. They always take on the vices of every body they inhabit. They can't die, their soul is in a phylactery and the body they're inhabiting is already dead." It was clear this was a pattern with Zion and Cerberus was exasperated by it.

Lucky started to tremble and then threw up. She didn't know what was happening.

Cerberus immediately recognized something was wrong with her. He scooped her up and ran to Zion's door telling her along the way "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well?" Lucky just shook unable to answer.

Pounding on Zion's door he yelled "Unlock the door, Lucky's throwing up!"

Zion was unconscious. The door was locked. Cerberus felt panicked so he ran to the desk, grabbed a small sigil and clung it while chanting.

Zion's door started to shake and then blue smoke started to pour out from beneath it. The door shook wildly and then flew open with Zion standing upright in their cloak behind it. "Cerberus what did I say about attempting to use a summon?"

Thrusting his hand forward to show the sick werechipmunk he simply said "Lucky needs you."

Zion's glowing orb eyes softened. "Give her here." Zion cradled Lucky with the gauntlet. "Fetch me some fae dust and ginger oil" Zion said to Cerberus as the lich disappeared in a plume of smoke into their lab.

Cerberus ransacked the pantry and grabbed the ingredients then brought them back to Zion. Zion waved their hand and made a tiny cozy bed for Lucky and set her down in it, then took to combining the herbs mumbling an incantation. The mixture changed from golden glitter to a deep magenta. They rubbed it on Lucky's belly and she started to convulse more violently. Zion angrily spouted something in another language and something glowing started moving in Lucky's belly. Zion quickly drew a circle with white chalk around the bed Lucky was in and then put a metal contraption above it. Zion then sang an eerie tune in the same language as a jar in the metal contraption started to spark, eventually making a current that started to crackle and arc like lightning. Taking a square from where Lucky vomited Zion stitched it to a scrap of burlap, drew another circle and placed the burlap in the center. Chanting louder which then blended into an eerie song Zion raised their palm, waved their fingers and produced a knife. As the song reached its end they stabbed the knife down into the burlap as the lightning that was pulsing in the mechanical device's jar concentrated and struck. Inside the jar appeared a goose feather. Under the knife appeared a tapeworm.

"Lucky," Zion curiously asked, "how long have you known a witch?"
