
Lucky Symbol

“A best friend is like a four leaf clover hard but lucky to find” A detective club was created in Ace International School (AIS) by four students. To their unluckiness, the group found their club in the brink of closure because their club was not an official one. When the three Chinese boys transferred to AIS, the club members were determined to make the boys official members of their club no matter what. The group would then find themselves tangled with a lot of mysteries and dark cases that needed their hard work to solve.

Byeolbit · セレブリティ
17 Chs


On Iseul's way to their classroom, she could not help thinking about Jackson and Roy. She did not notice it earlier but they seemed really familiar to her. She did not want to think about it so deeply, still, she was pretty sure that she had seen them somewhere. Then again, her memory had always failed her. It was not like those two boys were some serial killers or something like that. If she had seen them somewhere, maybe it was because they had happened to bump into each other before, she concluded. However, deep inside her mind, she was confused because as far as she were aware, she paid more attention to killers or the faces of the people she saw in some websites of Korea's policemen.

"Iseul!" Iseul heard Yerin exclaim when she finally arrived at their classroom, snapping her out of her senseless thoughts. "Are you okay now?" Yerin asked, walking over to Iseul with Seri trailing behind her.

Iseul nodded her head, offering her friends a kind smile. "Sorry for walking off like that. I was just a little upset because they let our club down just like that." As she spoke, the three of them made way to their seats which were just right next to each other—to be clear, Yerin and Iseul sat next to each other at the third row while Seri was in front of them.

"It's fine. It's understandable that you're upset. It was pretty unreasonable of them to just dissolve our club all of a sudden," Seri pointed out, sitting down on her own seat but was still facing her two friends. "Anyway, where were you?" She asked.

"Rooftop," Iseul replied, not bothering to explain what she did there.

"Did you even eat your lunch?" Yerin asked, concern was written all over her face. Iseul froze upon the mention of lunch since she had completely forgotten about the untouched packed lunch inside of her bag. Yerin seemed to get the meaning of Iseul's actions. "Your older sister would probably punish you if she were to find out that you actually forgot to eat," the former said.

Seri let out a chuckle. "It was nice knowing you, Iseul." She feigned loneliness—it was pretty obvious because she was grinning. She probably liked the fact that her friend might suffer soon. She was such a nice friend—mark the sarcasm.

"Can we stay here after class hours? I have to eat my lunch. My sister would surely tell our mom that I did not eat my lunch that I made by myself," Iseul huffed. She was the one in charge of cooking and making their lunches but it was Haneul's duty to check if one of the two of them did not finish it—it was usually Iseul though.

"This is a bit off topic but when will she learn how to cook?" Seri snorted.

Yerin shook her head. "Their kitchen is on the line. I don't think that we should encourage her to cook again. Remember how she burned some stuff?" She grimaced at the memory as if it were her kitchen.

"She should stick to being a detective. She cannot become a housewife. Guess she wouldn't get married then." Seri deadpanned. "I'm so concerned about her."

"Are we seriously just going to discuss about my sister? She'll kill us if she finds out," Iseul stated.

"Great. She'll have plenty of reasons to kill you now," Seri joked then she and Yerin laughed, obviously having fun with teasing Iseul. The youngest girl could only sigh at her friends' antics.

Yerin was the first one to stop laughing. "If you have time to talk to us, why not eat your lunch now? We still have a few minutes before class starts. It won't hurt you to take a few bites now. That way, you would not starve so much during class," she suggested, her voice was soft as usual.

Iseul shook her head. "I don't want to eat because I might not want to stop when the teacher arrives," she explained. Her friends nodded in response as if they understood her so she immediately jumped into another topic that she thought was interesting. "By the way, have you met any of the new exchange students?" She asked, not bothering to beat around the bush.

"Nope." Seri shook her head. "Why? What's with them?"

"Nothing." Iseul replied. "Just…" She trailed off, contemplating whether or not should she talk about the two boys that she met. They were pretty interesting to her yet she did not know if her friends would like to listen to her nonsense story. "I happened to meet some of them. I think that they're nice." She decided to tell only that much, smiling widely at her friends.

"You seem to be really happy. They must be that nice," Yerin commented. "What did they do? They cheered you up? Did they become your new best friends?" She asked, her voice was filled with concern.

Iseul chuckled. "They're nice and they cheered me up. You are still my best friend though, don't worry." She grinned. "Should we hang out after school today?" She asked.

Yerin nodded her head. Since she lived near Iseul's and Haneul's house, staying over was not really that much of a problem. Plus, their mothers were best of friends. "Sure. Your house?"

"I can't. I gotta run an errand for my mother." Seri made a face so the two other girls threw her a feigned look of pity.

"Poor you." Iseul snickered. Since their mother rarely asked her or her elder sister to run an errand, she could never symphatize with Seri. Instead, she found the later's suffering hilarious. "What is it this time? Buying milk for your cousin?" She tilted her head to the side as she asked.

"Grocery shopping." Seri groaned, making her friends giggle.

When their teacher entered the classroom, the three friends immediately sat up straight and acted like they were not just having a funny conversation. Iseul then completely forgot about how familiar Roy and Jackson to her and she had stopped thinking about why it seemed like she had seen them before. She did not know that something was bound to happen.