
System Upgrade and New Skills


The sound of an alarm clock woke Chris up from her nap. It was nighttime and Chris felt annoyed by that and as soon as she lift her eyelids it opened wide by shock and quickly lifting her upper body like doing a sit ups. It was something that she didn't expected that the system upgraded.


Chris saw that the greyed ones on the bottom right of her vision was lightened as it shows its availability to open.

"Sweet, this new functions were so much useful." She was flabbergasted by the notification especially the [CREATE SKILLS] panel on the [SKILLS] tab button with a portrait of fire and it was next to a human resemblance figure button.

As she was about to open the [LOG] button that has the design of a piece of paper with lines, when she saw a green dot on the mini map was outside of the door of her room.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Chris went and opened the door when she saw a girl that looks like the same age as her was waiting outside of her room.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry for interrupting you but I was told by your friend. I think her name was Aaa...aaa-..."


"Ah! Y-yes Its A- Arisa. She asked me to call you and head downstairs for dinner." The loli was a bit nervous as they normally don't notify their customers to come down when the dinner is ready as they usually go by their own.

"Oh...as you say that I'm hungry now alright thanks for notifying me." As Chris handed out a silver coin to the loli.

"Hm? W-what is this for?"

"I'll give you that as a tip as i said earlier." Chris doesn't want to think something of her.

As the loli and Chris went downstairs they chatted some things about legends and about the dragon that its roar was heard and made the locals worried.

And when they arrived they parted ways as the loli was called to help serve the dishes.

Chris looked around as she was looking where Arisa was seated.

"Hey Chris, over here!" Arisa shouted while waving her hands in order for Chris to find her.

Chris found her and went towards Arisa who was waiting for her and sat on the chair in front of Arisa.

"Why did'nt you just knock on my door to notify me and called one of the employees here to do the job?"

"I apologize, young lady." Arisa look downwards as she was embarrassed by it.

"I told you to not call me that in public, Arisa." Chris was not mad or anything and did not fail to notice Arisa's mood. She looked depressed. "Arisa is there something wrong?."

"Ah! N-nothing C-chris." Arisa was sad because she remembered the day that they got ambushed by The Death's Touch. The group of assassins brutally murdered Arisa's family except for her who fell unconcious with blood as the assassins killed her parents, siblings and the driver of their carriage. And they thought that one of their members killed her and stormed away along with their stuff and money.

"A-Anyway, Have you ordered yet Chris?"

"Ah not yet."

Then a moment later a cat loli came by and asked for their order.

After they finished eating both of them went to their rooms respectively.

"Oh, that's right. I have this necklace my grandfather gave to me in order to train." Then she inserted her mana into the necklace. The necklace reacted and glowed as she was transported to her "mini earth". Chris was in the middle of a huge flat plains with a futuristic looking podium in front of her. She opened the skills tab and went to create skills section that was filled with runes in different colors and letters that was familiar to Chris as it was similar to 'Baybayin letters' in Filipino's early writings. She tried to combine many different patterns and such but she was failed to create a single one.

"Oh geez, this is much harder than i expected and Calculus was easy than this." Chris letted out a sigh and was flabbergasted by how difficult this truly was. Chris gave up at the moment on trying to create a spell and explored around her inventory and retrieved the magic gun. "I'll practice this magic gun, since i still can't create skills at the moment, I think i need to go find the nearest library and find a book about 'The Invoker' Job class in order for me to create a spell. But right now , I'll practice shooting this gun for long range since arisa will be the front line." Chris thought about it and went near the podium and summoned a level one golem for target practice then she went ahead and tried to shoot it. And to her surprise even its just a level one it can withstand a single shot even though she's level 60. That was until a notification popped up.


After the notification dispersed she went ahead and took a look on her skills tab and Skills section.













With a smug on her face she immediately maxed all of her skills at once. "This is so awesome I will become the most powerful adventurer in this city." Chris thought to herself.

"Alright, I'll try this again." She fired her magic gun on the golem and it immediately dispersed to the ground. She went to the podium again and summoned a golem. Then again she shooted it and dispersed. Chris repeated doing the same thing all over again but everytime she kills one, she summon another one but two times stronger than the last one.

She repeated it and finally reached the level of 300. It was much tougher stronger and faster. Chris thought of something and that was firing the magic gun faster as the golem got really fast. After she defeated the golem. Another notification popped up.


"Awesome a skill!" Chris was overjoyed as she got her own an offense skill..

If you spot an error or mistake within my novel please point it out as i want to improve my writing.

That's all thank you and enjoy reading.

MrAntukincreators' thoughts