
Presentation is everything

Who is this guy? Probably is the question that you are asking yourselves, we can skip this part, you don't need to know my name, what really matters is what I can do for you.

I'm almost certain that you guys are calling me delusional, maybe even lunatic. But everything in life has a reason(yeah, I like to talk this kind of bullshit, better get used to it hehe).

There is one guy in mythology that I like much, he was given many names, Satan, Lucifer, King of hell, the Devil. Pick whatever you want hehehe.

My line of work is pretty similar to the king of hell, I never liked this title "king of hell, I always prefered "the fallen angel" or perhaps "the most beautiful angel in the heaven", sorry readers I usually get distracted but backing to the point, I can give whatever you want as long as the proper compensation is paid, just stop what you are thinking right now, i'm not a real demon that can make contracts and give you all that supernatural shit, sorry to disappoint you but this is the real world, and the real world is a sad and cruel place, all that I can provide to you is something called lights, one light can be a guidance, a favor, some wanted item, a help in some task to be done (use your mind here, but just don't only think in illegal or shady things, use your imagination to the fullest), almost everything. So if you need a light in your life, just download your Lucifer's lights app and call Lucifer, I'll be pleased to accept your request because your happiness is my happiness.

Errrr I got distracted again, I'm working on this, I promise I'll get better. Secondly, my name comes from my love for humanity, the Bible describes Lucifer as an exceedingly beautiful angel. Lucifer was likely the highest of all angels, the most beautiful of all of God's creations.Because of his beauty, his heart became proud and his wisdom was corrupted. Pride in his perfection, wisdom, and beauty became the source of his downfall, and God threw him to the earth.

The Bible says that Lucifer got envy of humans that were favored by God and then was outcasted from heaven.

I have others thoughts on this matter, I think that Lucifer is the good guy, Lucifer probably loves humanity more than god, you may think how is this possible?

Humans are made in the image of God himself, how come an angel does not love creatures made by his father?

God create humans to be ignorant, to be his pets in the best place for living, in a cage who looks like heaven. What a sin Lucifer committed my friend, he wanted humans to eat the fruit of knowledge.

The Serpent in the Garden (as Lucifer) only pointed out to Eve that she had free will, and to eat the fruit would mean she would actually become aware of her surroundings instead of being a mindless drone. Eve had a choice.

He reminds humans that they are not slaves to God's demands and that they have free will. Many of the mentions of "Satan" in the Bible talk about him 'behind his back", and are not actual appearances by Lucifer himself. How come Lucifer is the bad guy, and god is righteous one?? So my friends never total believe I what is written in the books, think for yourselves.

I love humans too, more than anything, humans are the most addicting drug, we are so intriguing and so unpredictable, even for a dealer like me there are things completely unknown to me happening and happening and appearing before my eyes and lapsing back into unknown every single day. That is why I can never ever leave the places where humans abound! LOVE! I LOVE HUMANS! I LOVE YOU ALL! THAT'S WHY YOU ALL SHOULD LOVE ME.

Hahahaha, cough cough, I tend to lost control when humans are the topic, maybe even a little mad but don't get scared I don't bite unless you want me to.