
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · テレビ
21 Chs

The kidnapping

Lucifer hid himself inside his blankets when he felt the first rays of sun touching his face. He wanted to sleep for five more minutes,despite feeling rested. A good night's sleep is such a bliss.

He hadnt slept like that, undisturbed and without nightmares,since...since...

Lucifer threw the blankets aside and as he had suspected there was no baby. No wonder he had slept so well. But where was David? He was too little to move on his own and there was no one else in the house except Lucifer and...


Maze came running but she was very annoyed . She didnt like being called like

a dog

-What?Why are you yelling like that?

-Did you notice something different about me this morning?

-Yeah,you are more grumpy than usual. You usually start whining after you third class of morning whiskey.

-Anything else?

-Now that you mention it,yeah,you also slept in.So what? You wanted more beauty sleep?

-Ah,so you noticed I slept more than usual. And tell me Maze,why,for the past few weeks,I have been sleeping less? Its only eight o'clock in the morning after all.

-Because the little bastard woke you up every two hours,every night. Honestly,I dont know why you didnt lock him in a box or something.

-Excellent. And now for the most important question:where is the little bastard,Maze?

-How the Hell should I know? I didnt even know he was missing. Maybe he realised he was unwanted so he left.

-Are you kidding me,Maze? He is one month's old. He cant even crawl.

-For a one month's old child,he seemed perfectly capable of understanding what I said to him yesterday and causing a scene about it. Why do you care anyway? I thought you wanted him gone.

Lucifer was starting to get really irritated. He approached Maze threateningly while looking her straight in the eyes.

-I wont ask you again,Maze. Where is he?

-Fine. Lorenzo appeared last night,out of the blue,about half an hour after you have fallen asleep. He said you owned him money and that he would tear this place apart. Of course,I knew I could kick him out and send him to the hospital without you realising a thing.

-So why didnt you?

-Because,Lucifer,it was an amazing opportunity to finally get rid of the newborn problem.I pretended to be afraid and I offered Lorenzo the baby .In exchange he promised to leave you alone. It was humiliating having to act all frightened and such but it was all worth it. Lorenzo agreed and I managed to take the baby from your side and handling him over without waking him up. Isnt this great news,Lucifer? You are finally free.

All of the sudden,the glass Lucifer was filling, while Maze was talking,shuttered next to Maze's face whose back was against the wall.

-Yes,Maze,Im so grateful for your assistance. I feel so happy now that my brother is at the hands of the most dangerous mafia boss in LA. And since you have it all figured out,answer me this: What am I going to tell Amenadiel when he returns? That I gave away the baby I was meant to protect?He is going to kill me.

-Since when are you afraid of Amenadiel?

-Im not afraid of anyone,I just dont like someone accusing me and be right at the same time.

-I still dont understand what the problem is.Let me deal with Amenadiel.

-You think Amenadiel is my problem? I didnt think I would have to explain it to you but since you pulled a stunt like that,I have to treat you like an ignorant fool.I owned money to Lorenzo on purpose. I think he is responsible for Chloe's death and I wanted to keep him close for awhile while I investigate. And I knew that the only thing in the world that make men like Lorenzo act irrational is money. But now,thanks to you,I lost my advantage and worst of all,Lorenzo can now blackmail me.

-Its not my fault you have kept me in the dark. Again

-Now its not the time to talk about...

Suddenly the phone rang and Lucifer picked it up with haste


-Lucifer,its been awhile. I came by your house yesterday but you were indisposed. I know the polite thing would be to leave you something on my way out but your hot assistant had an other idea.Unfortunately I dont have much use of newborns so I have a proposition for you. It has come to my attention that you are investigating me for the death of your girlfriend. Stop searching and the child will be returned to you unharmed

-It was you,then. You killed her

-Such a rush conclusion. I never said that. Its just annoying having to deal with your little suspicion.-You dont convince him. I am not making any deals. And you are not so well informed as you would like to believe.I hardly care about the child. Do what you want with him.

- Haha,Lucifer,you have developed a sense of humour. I guess its true what they say that death makes us appreciate life.Dont underestimate me. I have been watching you for sometime now but you were grieving too much to realise it.I know you care,Lucifer. I know how you act around this baby when everyone leaves and you are alone with him. I know how weak your mental defences are when it comes to this child.

-You dont know what are you saying.

-But I do,Lucifer,I do. I saw you that night with the thunderstorm when you sang him a lullaby to calm him down. I was surprised with how fast you returned home yesterday the moment you heard him crying. So cut the bullshit with me,okay? Meet me toady at Pershing Square,twelve o'clock. And come alone.

-How do I know you havent hurt him already?

-He is okay,but Im afraid we gave him a little sedative to stop him from crying and he hasnt woken up since. Thinking about it,he may not be as okay as you would like.Would you like to meet earlier? How about now?

-Its not like I have anything better to do.

-That is a devoted big brother. I will be waiting

Lucifer hung up, signed and went to get dressed

-What happened,Lucifer,where are you going?,Maze asked

-To fix the mess you caused. And you are not coming. I will deal with this myself.