
Lucifer's true love

A fanfiction from Tv series Lucifer After Chloe is killed while trying to put a mafia boss in jail,Lucifer is devastated. He doesnt leave his bedroom,he doesnt eat or drink anything and he seems to have lost his will to live. But his life is about to change when he finds a letter from his father,God. "Son,while I was on Earth,me and your mother had a little 'reunion'.The result is my final gift to you.". I will also post this story on royal road

eyaggelia146 · テレビ
21 Chs

Linda is home

lucifer's house

amenadiel was staying home for the day. he didnt have anything of importance to do so he decided to treat himself to day of relxation. honestly,he couldn't remember the last time the house was so quiet. he could almost hear the crackling sound. of the wooden floor under the weight of chair. amenadiel felt so calm. he just wanted to close his eyes,still his mind and lose the track of time.

but a monent later he heard the sound of keys on the front door. that was strange. lucifer told him he would be at his clubs all day and the boys were on their trip so who was it?

when the door opened the first things he noticed were long blonde hair falling down gracefully on slumped shoulders,one of which was supporting a big brown medical bag that was undoubtedly very heavy.amenadiel recognised the middle aged visitor immediately and happiness exploded inside him.


he run happily towards her and embraced her strongly and she hugged him back with equal force

-what are you doing here? i thought you were in chicago for a conference. you even told me you were a presenter and that you wouldn't be able to return home until real late this evening.

-well,the conference was cancelled. a big storm broke out and all flights to chicago were cancelled and no one came. can you believe it? everyone was waiting up until the last moment to come. and i cant blame them. this conference was going to be a big fiasco anyway. like the last one in paris? remember? like...

amenadiel stopped her rambling with a passionate and long kiss that linda was quick to reciprocate. the kiss ended due to their need for breath but their eyes remained fixated on one another.

-I missed you,Linda. you haven't been home in ages.

-I think you are overreacting. I was only gone for a couple of hours.

-You know what I mean. Even when you are here all you do is eat,sleep and work.

Linda crossed her arms across her chest and moved past Amenadiel, clearly annoyed.

-We have already discussed this,Amenadiel. I am working so hard so that our son can have the best.

-I dont remember agreeing on you being absent on Charlie's most important events.

-When I met you,you were a realist,perhaps a little too much. Now you have developed a tendancy towards drama. I think living together with Lucifer has affected you more than you have realised.

Amenadiel didnt answer right away.It was obvious than an offensive approach would prove to be ineffective. So he thought it was time to try a different method.He took a step back and drew a big breath.

-When are you leaving again,Linda?

-Next week probably. The weather forecast predicted that the storm will continue for a couple more days but after it is over Im sure they will want to reschedule the conference as soon as possible. It is remarkable how people attach themselves to things that are condemned to fail.

-You dont know which day you will leave?

-No. Why do you want to know? Looking forward to getting rid of me again?

The last sentence was said with a smile but Amenadiel wasnt in the mood for jokes.

-Thats not it Linda. I have to tell you something.

Suddey her phone ringed,the sound indicating the arrival of a new message.

-Wait,I have to see this.

She read the message slowly and carefully but when she finished she put the ohone back in her pocket angrily.

-I dont believe it.These bastards already rescheduled it for next tuesday. Why the sudden hurry? Anyway,you now have your answer. Why have you grown pale all of the sudden?

-Tuesday? But Linda in Tuesday is...

He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence because the sound of keys turning was once again heard and this time,when the door opened,Charlie bursted into the room nearly bumping into his father. He was sweaty and clearly panicking but Linda was so happy to see her son and she didn't notice either of those things.


-No. Why do you want to know? Looking forward to getting rid of me again?

The last sentence was said with a smile but Amenadiel wasnt in the mood for jokes.

-Thats not it Linda. I have to tell you something.

Suddey her phone ringed,the sound indicating the arrival of a new message.

-Wait,I have to see this.

She read the message slowly and carefully but when she finished she put the ohone back in her pocket angrily.

-I dont believe it.These bastards already rescheduled it for next tuesday. Why the sudden hurry? Anyway,you now have your answer. Why have you grown pale all of the sudden?

-Tuesday? But Linda in Tuesday is...

He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence because the sound of keys turning was once again heard and this time,when the door opened,Charlie bursted into the room nearly bumping into his father. He was sweaty and clearly panicking but Linda was so happy to see her son and she didn't notice either of those things.


-No. Why do you want to know? Looking forward to getting rid of me again?

The last sentence was said with a smile but Amenadiel wasnt in the mood for jokes.

-Thats not it Linda. I have to tell you something.

Suddey her phone ringed,the sound indicating the arrival of a new message.

-Wait,I have to see this.

She read the message slowly and carefully but when she finished she put the ohone back in her pocket angrily.

-I dont believe it.These bastards already rescheduled it for next tuesday. Why the sudden hurry? Anyway,you now have your answer. Why have you grown pale all of the sudden?

-Tuesday? But Linda in Tuesday is...

He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence because the sound of keys turning was once again heard and this time,when the door opened,Charlie bursted into the room nearly bumping into his father. He was sweaty and clearly panicking but Linda was so happy to see her son and she didn't notice either of those things.


-No. Why do you want to know? Looking forward to getting rid of me again?

The last sentence was said with a smile but Amenadiel wasnt in the mood for jokes.

-Thats not it Linda. I have to tell you something.

Suddey her phone ringed,the sound indicating the arrival of a new message.

-Wait,I have to see this.

She read the message slowly and carefully but when she finished she put the ohone back in her pocket angrily.

-I dont believe it.These bastards already rescheduled it for next tuesday. Why the sudden hurry? Anyway,you now have your answer. Why have you grown pale all of the sudden?

-Tuesday? But Linda in Tuesday is...

He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence because the sound of keys turning was once again heard and this time,when the door opened,Charlie bursted into the room nearly bumping into his father. He was sweaty and clearly panicking but Linda was so happy to see her son and she didn't notice either of those things.


-Mom? How are you...? Nevermind that now,dad where is Lucifer?

-Lucifer? He said he was going to inspect a new delivery of drinks in one of his clubs downtown.But why are you looking for him? And how come you are not in the museum with David? What happened Charlie?

-Something horrible and I need Lucifer's help to fix it.

-First of all,if it is so serious as you say,I doubt talking with Lucifer over the phone is going to help you solve anything.

Linda decided to help her husband in his attempt to calm their son.

-Also, whatever it is,it will affect us all so it would be best to let us know now. Maybe we can help in a way you haven't thought we could.

Charlie grew angry at his mother and he wanted to shout at her for offering to help him while she was always absent and didn't know in what he needed help in his life.But suddenly,the image of David being dragged inside the van flashed through his mind and he couldn't contain his tears any longer. He launched himself onto his father and started explaining everything through sobs.

-Im sorry. Im so sorry. It was all my fault. David and I were on the bus but we had a little argument so I decided to walk a few meters ahead of him. If only I havent. Then I would have protected him when the black van stopped and the guys that came out assaulted him. But I wasnt.And now David has been kidnapped and I am so scared what will happen to him and I dont want to go to the police because we will lose valuable time on pointless questions. I believe Lucifer will be able to help. Gid,how will I look him in the eues ever again?

Linda and Amenadiel looked at each other in shock. Thankfully,Charlie seemed to calm down after his breakdown and was now trying to regain control of his breathing.

-Hush. Its not your fault. We will save him,dont worry. Why dont you go and sit with your mother on the couch while I call Lucifer?

Charlie nodded weakly and while Linda was trying her best to be a supportive mother,Amenadiel was dialling Lucifer's number. Finally,he picked up

-What? Dont you know I am busy? Especially today? These idiots messed up my order. I am going to...

-Lucifer,come home.

-What? Why?

-Trust me,Lucifer. This is very important. The sooner you get here the better.

-Something is definitely wrong. I can tell by the sound of your voice. Ok. I am leaving now.

-Ok. And one more thing,Lucifer. Practise your breathing exercises on your way home.I dont want you to tear this house apart.

Before his brother had a chance to reply,Amenadiel hung up and then he grabbed his head.

How was he going to announce this to Lucifer?