
Loving You is Deadly

There's a sudden feud between the Higher and Lower family. The Lower Family has attacked the Higher Family's estate in search for the heir(Kelan Pierce). But little did they know that he had already left the home before they even arrived. Later on, he was invited by some friends to a bar to go hangout and have drinks. He was met by one of the Lower Family's top guards(Prince Wilson), and was taken into custody. Prince had released him later on since he felt he didn't really pose any threat to what he had thought. But little did he know that won't be the last time he sees the young heir. (Irregular time when published but every once or twice a month) Also support me on Wattpad : https://www.wattpad.com/1304548642?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=MsDeville23&wp_originator=QihkEvynS1rM7MLF%2Bf1vAms0RtNgMhm3bl3rgi7GJueru67mNFf%2FyM2o9EuHgo9mEmm%2FCiqd8ZzMt0ldfZMw%2FVNFN1t7zjwv8CrUq%2B4oh3KrRWRsjMLXotdUkwSdXWxy

MsDeville · LGBT+
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Fanboy

Once Dylan serves out the plates, Prince didn't take even one second before he started eating. As he was eating, Dylan couldn't help thinking that he looked like a chipmunk as he kept stuffing his face. Prince looked up from his plate to see Dylan staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" Prince asked.

"You." Dylan replied.

"Why?" Prince asked.

"Because you look like a chipmunk right now. It's cute." Dylan replied.

"Shut up and eat!" Prince said as he got slightly flustered by his words.

Dylan laughed a little then started eating. Once they were done, Prince got up from the table and went to wash the dishes. As he washed them, he felt someone holding his waist tightly.

"What do you want?" Prince asked as he was scrubbing the plates.

"Nothing, just want to stay like this with you." Dylan replied as he laid his head on his shoulder.

Prince stopped washing and turned towards him.

"We'll do it after I'm done. Wait a little you horny monkey." Prince said.

Dylan stayed holding his waist. Prince gave up and continued to wash the dishes. Once he was done, he took off his gloves then turned around to Dylan and kissed him. Dylan gave in to the kiss and lifted Prince off his feet. He put him on the counter and continued to kiss him. He then went to his neck and kissed him around his neck.

He took off Prince's shirt and started kissing and licking his body. He then was going to unbutton his pants when suddenly Prince stopped him.

"Let's continue this in the bedroom." Prince said as he was breathing heavily.

Dylan nodded in response, picked him up, and carried him into the bedroom. They continued in the room for the rest of the night.

Once Kelan woke up, he was surprised by his brother sitting down on the sofa busy scrolling through his phone. Kao looked up and saw Kelan rising up from his bed. He put down his phone and got up.

"Dad allowed me to come with you. Come on, let's go! We only have a short amount of time!" Kao said.

"Mhm." Kelan said in response.

Kelan got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. Kao was in his room watching TV as he waited on his brother. Kao wouldn't stop making noises while watching the show that even Kelan could hear it all the way to the bathroom.

Once he got out Kao quickly turned off the TV and stood up.

"Are you ready?" Kao asked him.

"Yea, let's go." Kelan replied.

Kao nodded and followed right behind Kelan. Kelan walked to the area where the planes were parked and went into the designated plane. Kao got in right after him and sat on the other side. Gene along with Ale and Olive at the back of the plane. Kao turned on a movie and Kelan put in his headphones and listened to music during the trip.

In the morning, Prince woke up to see Dylan had left his side. He got up and went to the bathroom. Once he was done, he went to the kitchen. When he reached the kitchen, he saw Dylan setting up the table. He turned to see Prince standing right behind him and flashed a smile.

"Good morning, I was just about to wake you up." Dylan said.

"Mhm." Prince replied.

"How are you feeling? Is your body aching anywhere?" Dylan asked as he was concerned.

"Ah, I'm fine don't worry. Let's eat." Prince replied.

"Mhm." Dylan said.

As the plane was moving Kao fell asleep watching his movie. Kelan was busy thinking about how he would be able to talk to the Korean investors. He was slightly nervous since they were important people that his father cared about. He didn't want to mess up again like he had already done.

Suddenly the plane landed with a bump to the ground. Kao woke up to the sudden bump. Once the plane stopped Kao and Kelan unbuckled their seat belts and got off the plane. The other guards were left to manage the luggage and Gene, Ale, and Olive followed behind them.

Once they reached the meeting place, they walked in. They were met by four men seating down at the table.

"Hello, I am Kelan. You'll be dealing with me and my brother for today." Kelan said in Korean.

"Hello, I'm Kao, I'll be joining all of you and Kelan today." Kao said after in Korean.

One of the men tapped their finger on the table.

"Very well have a seat." The man said as he showed them the seats.

Kelan nodded in response and sat in the seat and Kao then sat next to him. They began their discussion.

After breakfast, Prince was cleaning and packing up his bags. Dylan was busy in the bathroom showering. Once he got out, he saw that his bags had already been packed and the place had already been cleaned.

"You did a good job." Dylan said as he looked around.

"Well, why would I leave this place a complete mess?" Prince replied.

Dylan smiled.

"That's why I'm so glad to have you." Dylan said as he pinched Prince's cheek.

Prince removed his hand from his face.

"Don't do that. You know you do it too hard." Prince said.

"But I can't help it if your so cute." Dylan replied.

Prince rolled his eyes, took his bag, and left the room. Dylan smiled then laughed a little as he saw Prince leave the room mad. He then grabbed his bags and left the room.

"Hm we'll consider it." The man said.

"Thank you, I hope you consider investing soon sir. It will help to expand our businesses more." Kelan said.

"Mhm I will." The man replied.

"Well, if that's all for today we'll be leaving now." Kelan said.

"Mhm, let's call it a day." The other man replied.

Kelan and Kao got up and walked out of the building.

"So, where we are going next?" Kao asked Kelan.

"To the hotel, why? Do you want to go somewhere?" Kelan asked.

"Yea, I want to explore a little." Kao replied.

"Then ask Ale and Olive to accompany you." Kelan said.

As Kelan was walking away Kao suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Nope you're coming with me. You need to explore a little too, brother." Kao said.

Kelan sighed and released his arm from Kao's grasp.

"Fine but make it quick." Kelan replied.

Kao smiled and dragged Kelan into the car. As they were driving. Kao was looking out the window and saw a place he wanted to go.

"Stop!" Kao suddenly yelled.

"What's wrong Mr. Kao?" Olive asked.

Kao pointed out the window to the place he wanted to go.

"Let's head over there. I want to try that place out." Kao said as he continued to point in the direction.

Kelan sighed and gave approval to go.

Once Prince reached back, he went into his room to check if Kelan was still there. As he looked around, he saw no sight of him. Prince sighed and threw his bag on the bed and laid down on it.

"I guess he must be happy now that he's free. But this won't be the end though since the Lower Family really wants him..." Prince said as he mumbled to himself.

He then got up and took out his phone. He dialed Dylan's number.

"Hey Dylan, can I take a couple of days off? I want to go visit my brother." Prince asked him.

"Yea sure." Dylan replied.

"Thanks." Prince said before ending the call.

Prince got up and started to pack some clothes in his bag. Once he was done, he called Alana to come pick him up. As he waited, he went downstairs to help clean the bar. As he was cleaning, suddenly he heard a honk outside.

He went outside to see Alana at the front. He put his bag in the trunk then he got into the car.

"Hey Prince! Long time no see!" Alana said.

"Yea hey Alana." Prince replied.

"So, how you've been? Has Dylan been treating you well?" Alana asked.

"Yea everything's fine. How about you?" Prince asked.

"Oh, I'm fine too. Just kind of sad that me and Atlas will have to move to America next year to finish school." Alana explained.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you guys." Prince said.

"I'm going to miss you too! You and Dylan. Honestly, I wish I could finish here but our parents won't stop pushing it, so we literally have no choice right now. Unless we want to suffer from nagging and hearing how disappointed they are." Alana explained as she rolled her eyes.

"Mhm it must be tough for ya'll." Prince said.

"Yea tell me about it...anyways what relationship do you and Dylan have?" Alana asked.

"Nothing really. I'm just a plaything to him really." Prince replied.

"Hmm really? I thought it would be more than that." Alana said.

"Yea no." Prince replied.

They went silent for a moment until Alana decided to break it.

"So, since we're going to visit your brother...how's he been?" Alana asked.

"Well...I don't know...I haven't talked to him for a while." Prince replied.

"Oh...ok..." Alana said.

As they were talking, they had finally reached the house. Prince had got out of the car and grabbed his backpack. He then went to the driver's side of the car. Alana looked and had wined down the window.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing, just wanted to say goodbye." Prince replied.

"Oh! Well goodbye and have an enjoyable time with your family." Alana said as she gave him a cheerful smile.

"Mhm I will." Prince replied.

As Alana was driving away, he waved her goodbye as she left. He then turned around to face his house. He sighed then unlocked the gate. He went into the house. He looked around to see if anyone was there but there was no sight of anyone.

Prince took out his phone and started to dial Eli's number.

"Hey, Eli." Prince said when Eli answered the phone.

"Oh, Prince, what's up? Why you called me?" Eli asked him.

"I was wondering if you were done with school. Isn't it past school hours?" Prince said.

"Yea I'm at school right now at a play. My Idol I was telling you about is performing for us! I can't miss it!" Eli replied in an excited tone.

"You mean that Kim guy?" Prince asked.

"Yes!" Eli replied.

"Well alright. Have fun then, I'll be at home waiting for you." Prince said.

"Alright." Eli replied.

Prince hung up the phone. He went upstairs since he knew it was going to be a while before his brother made it back.

Once Prince hung up the phone, Eli went back to his friends. As he got back, his friends saw him and waved their hands at him as a signal to come over. He saw it and quickly walked over to them.

"Hey Eli! What took you so long with that call?" His friend asked.

"Oh, my brother was calling. He was just wondering where I was." Eli replied.

"Oh ok." His friends said together.

"Anyways, the show is about to start let's pay attention!" His other friend said.

As they sat down in their seats the show began.

"Hello everyone. I'm glad that all of you could make it here today. Now I would like to welcome our lovely cast for our play today." The host said.

Suddenly people started coming from both sides of the stage. Once Kim came on stage, the crowd started cheering. Kim gave a lovely smile back at his fans screaming at him. Eli couldn't help but feel excited and cheer him on.

"Alright! Now who we have here today with us is Ella." The host said.

She walked forward onto the stage. The crowd started roaring.

"Ella here with be Jess, the female lead of our play." The host said.

Ella bowed then waved at the crowd in front of her. They started cheering.

"Okay next we have Kim." The host said.

As Kim walked up everyone was cheering and yelling out his name. Eli was cheering with everyone else. As Kim looked around the room, Kim and Eli locked eyes for a moment. Kim smiled and waved then looked back up as he broke the gaze. Eli suddenly felt his heart beating fast. He didn't understand why.

"Okay, as everyone may know. Our beloved Kim here will be playing Lex the male lead of the play." The host said.

The host went on to announce the other people of the cast.

"Now that's everyone! Let's get started with the play all of you have been waiting for!" The host exclaimed.

Suddenly all the lights went out. Everyone was looking around confused. Suddenly they turned back on to see Kim on the stage. He was in a ballet outfit. He was dancing swiftly to the music played in the background.

As he was moving his body to the music Eli couldn't help but be amazed at his wonderful dancing skills. Suddenly Jess came onto the stage. She stood there and watched him dance. Once he turned, he had realized she was right behind him. He immediately stopped.

"Jess! What are you doing here?" Lex asked her.

"I came to see you, but it looks like you were busy doing something else." Jess replied as she looked at him up and down.

"Well..." Lex said.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody." Jess said to reassure him.

"Really? Thank you!" Lex replied as he felt relieved.

"No problem. Plus, you seem happy when you're dancing." Jess said with a slight smile.

"Well, I like to dance but...it's considered weird for men to do this type of thing in my parents' opinion." Lex said.

Jess went up to his face and squished it with her hands.

"Never think that way! It's fine to have an interest in ballet no matter the gender Lex." Jess explained to him.

"Hm, I guess so..." Lex said.

Lex sat there for a while Jess patted him on his shoulder and gave a warm smile.

"Don't worry it's fine. Trust me. Plus, nothing's wrong with you, just be yourself. Alright?" Jess said.

"Mhm." Lex responded.

"Well let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!" Jess said as she wrapped her arm around Lex's shoulders.

They then walked off stage. Eli was busy taking notes of things that happened in the play. He wanted to have tips on how to improve if he does poorly on his acting. Then suddenly the love scene came up.

Lex ran up to Jess and hugged her tightly. Tears fell down his face as he hugged her. She hugged him back and patted his back as if to tell him it was alright.

"So...what happened?" She asked him.

"They don't accept it...they say it's not something a man should do..." He replied in a sad tone.

"Oh...well...it's something you love to do right?" She asked him.

He nodded in response.

"Then do what you love. It doesn't matter if others don't accept it." She explained to him.

He nodded and hugged her tightly. She smiled as she realized he felt a little better.

"I like you." He whispered into her ear.

She froze for a second at those words and pushed him away.

"Y-you...like me?" She asked as she was confused.

"Yea...I do. For quite some time now..." He replied as he scratched his neck.

As she heard those words, she a smile on her face. She then kissed him on the cheek.

"I like you too." She responded.

He smiled at that response and hugged her tightly.

As Eli watched the scene, he was so in love with it he wrote down every little detail of it. Once the play ended, Eli got up to go use the bathroom. Once he was in there, he saw someone else walk in. This time it was Kim who had walked into the bathroom.

Eli tried to keep his cool so he wouldn't scare him off. Suddenly Kim spoke.

"I see you've been staring at me for quite some time now." Kim said as he made eye contact with him.

Eli quickly turned to the other side to avoid his gaze. Kim smiled at how embarrassed Eli was.

"Don't worry, I won't bite or anything." Kim said.

Eli nodded in response and quickly went to wash his hands. Kim came right next to him to wash his hands.

"Well, did you like the play today?" Kim asked.

"Mhm! I did! You and Ella did an amazing job portraying your characters in the play." Eli replied in a happy tone.

Kim smiled and dried his hands. He then walked back over to Eli and patted him on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you liked it. I hope to see you again at my next play." Kim said before walking off.

After Kim left Eli was literally jumping with joy as he had finally met his idol. Once he was done, he went out of the bathroom. As he walked outside, he saw his friends waiting for him at the front.

"What took you so long?" One of them asked.

"Well, something good happened." Eli replied.

"Like what?" The other friend asked.

"I met Kim! He happened to be in the bathroom at the same time as me and I got to talk to him a little!" Eli said as he was incredibly happy to have met him.

His friends sighed.

"Anyways let's head home now." One of his friends said.

Eli nodded and they walked off. Kim had walked outside at the time and had saw Eli walking off with his friends.

"Oh, it's that kid again." Kim mumbled to himself.

He then saw a note on the floor and picked it up. It was a written scene from the confession scene.

"I guess I'll give this back to him when I see him again." Kim mumbled to himself once again before putting the note in his pocket.

He then walked away in another direction from them.

As they were driving to the hotel, Kao was so worn out from playing games the whole time, he fell asleep as soon as he got in the car. Kelan was busy organizing appointments with other investors.

As soon as they reached the hotel. Kelan came out and walked into the hotel to check in. The bodyguards were left to wake up Kao.

"Mr. Kao, it's time to get up." Olive said as he tapped his shoulder to wake him.

Kao groaned then turned his head. Ale then moved Olive out of the way and flashed a light in his eyes. Kao immediately woke up.

"Hey! Who flashed a light in my eyes! Do you want me to go blind?" Kao said as he started whining.

"Sir since you're awake now, we can head into the hotel." Ale said.

Kao stopped whining then he turned to see they were in front of the hotel.

"Hmph! Okay then." Kao said as he came out of the car.

He fixed his hair then walked into the hotel. He went into his hotel room and started to bounce on the bed to see how good it was. He then laid on the bed and started calling his friends.

Kelan on the other hand went into his room and set his computer bag on the bed. He then grabbed a towel and put it on his shoulder. He put his clothes on his bed and went into the bathroom.

As he was in the bathroom his phone was ringing in the bedroom. Jay, Time, and Leon were trying to get him the whole time.

"Dang why isn't he answering?" Jay said as he was confused.

"He's probably busy right now. Let's give him some time before we call back." Time said as he put his hand on Jay's shoulder to calm him down.

"Yea." Leon said in agreement with Time's statement.

Jay sighed and nodded in response. He put his phone in his pocket and turned towards his friends.

"Well let's head in." Jay said.

"Yay!" Both Time and Leon said as they were ready to go in for a while.

Kelan finally came out of the bathroom and looked at his phone. He had noticed he had missing calls from Jay, Time, and Leon. Instead of calling them back he decided to send them a message in their group chat.

"Hey sorry I was in the shower at the time. Let's talk tomorrow when I have time." The message said.

He put his phone down on the nightstand and started to put on his clothes. Once he was done, he got onto the bed and fell asleep as soon as he hit the sheets. He was exhausted from everything that happened today.

Once Eli reached home, he was met with Prince sitting in the living room reading a book. He looked up to notice his little brother Eli standing there. He got up and hugged his brother tightly. Eli hugged him back in response, he was happy to finally see his older brother after 6 months. Suddenly Prince let him go.

"What took you so long?" Prince asked him.

"Well, the play ended up going on for longer than I thought. Plus...I was able to meet my idol!" Eli explained.

Prince smiled then rubbed his head.

"Well, I bet you were really happy. Did you get an autograph from him too?" Prince said.

Suddenly Eli realized he didn't get anything from him. He started to sulk a little. Prince started laughing.

"Ah so you forgot to ask. Well don't stress over it, at least you met him. Isn't that enough?" Prince said as he tried to cheer him up.

Eli nodded in response.

'Well, I made dinner so let's go eat! I'll go warm it back up." Prince said as he showed him the set-up table.

"Okay then, I'll wait for you at the table then." Eli said.

"Mhm" Prince said before walking to the kitchen.

As Prince was warming up the food, there was a sudden knock at the front door. Eli got up as he heard the sound.

"I'm going to go see who it is." Eli said as he was walking to the front door.

"Mhm." Prince said in response.

Eli looked out the front door window and saw nobody. He then went outside to double check nobody was outside when suddenly a man popped up. Eli stood there questioning who the man was.

"Hello, you must be Eli." The guy said with a smile on his face.

Eli looked at him surprised that he knew his name.

"Uh...how do you know my name? Who are you?" Eli asked as he was suspicious of the man.

"Ah I'm Dylan, your brother's boss. I'm here to discuss something with him." Dylan replied.

Eli nodded then closed the door on him so he couldn't come in. He then called to Prince.

"Prince someone is here to see you! He claims he's your boss." Eli called to him.

"What's his name?" Prince asked him.

"Dylan." Eli replied.

Prince took the food out and rushed to the door.