

She locked him deep inside her heart which was full of agony, anger and frustration of her love for him.....She still gets flashbacks when he had chosen her over her.....she was flabbergasted why it was her after all they were best friends.

can't friends be the best lover...

she only loved him to hate him forever...

It has been a 2 year, since that day but she still couldn't get over him. It was eternity in her had stopped everything seemed disastrous. But to make it worst, I still missed him totally unaware of the reason why. Some question still haunted her why he is the one that is never off her mind.

That leads her to wonder, whether she even crosses his thoughts for seconds.

The only thing that she knew "He broke her" like anything else She keeps repeating his deeds into her mind so that she could never ever get influenced by his serenity of innocence

Failed to reach any consequences, she gives up the thought and puts up her earphone. Deep breaths, earphones plugged in and eyes staring out of the window beside the study table. That was her favourite spot where everything was just according to her choice with no drama and no stress. Just herself and her songs. A place which gave peace to her.

It was the first year of her college. Everything around her was new. She was slowly and steadily trying to mould herself according to the new life. Like any other girl she was extremely excited and hopefully looking forward to the coolest college life she was ever gonna have, completely unaware of the fact that some events were Waiting to unfold revealing her new self.

After a few weeks, the club. Which she had joined started the introductory classes for the newcomers moving on to the normal training. She was a funloving person and joined the 'Adventurers Club' of her college.

Initially, the days passed by with a monotonous routine ..reaching college at 9 o clock in the mornings and in the back by 7 o clock in the evenings.

Within a short span of time, she made new friends as well.

Bunking classes, gossiping under the tree, playing games particularly' Truth or Dare' ...one of the most loved games of teens, where her day to day activities. She studied too of course.

Sometimes she would steal a bit of time for herself and spend it in the library with one of her best book' the naughty little pups'.

Whenever she fell down, she would rush off to the library. The aroma of books would immediately uplift her mood and make her bloom with happiness.