
Apology Divine

On my bed, 7:28 pm, I called her. As the call connected, my heart started pounding, and when she answered the call, my heart skipped.

"Hello," she said from, the other end. The softness of her voice could make a man melt; it could really pierce a stony heart.

"Hello," she repeats the second time, the third and she dropped the call. I could not find a word to say, I got a bit jumpy, but then, I called her again.


"Hi, it's Nosy," I wasn't, however, sure if she would remember my name

"Hey Nosy," she sounded happy to hear from me, "how was your day?"

I thought of an adjective to describe how she had made my day.

I guess God has a way of apologising to someone he has not been fair too."

"Who has God not been fair to?" I could hear her chuckle in the background.

"Me of course. He apologised for letting me come in touch you."

"Hmmm, that sounds like another... [beep beep] "Kepso-Tech..."

I did not understand what she had said because of the warning signals, so I decided to sound ambiguous.

"I still give Him thanks," I pushed it with a smile, "even when I..."

[Your call credit has been exhausted, your call terminated. Please recharge your account]

My God! My-my-my, why now? The worst of it was that I had no money. I was still thinking of what to do when my phone rang and her number appeared on my phone screen.


"Yeah, I was saying that after meeting you, I came back to Enugu not disappointed."


"For wasting my time and money!"

"Oh," She laughed. "Can we meet at Crunches Restaurant tomorrow at ten?"


"Ok. See you there. Night." The line went dead.

I stared at the phone and chuckled. Crunches? A plate of whatever, even water, inasmuch as it is in a plate, goes for about N1,800 and I earn N1,000 in three days!
