
Love you Mr.officer

it's a heart touching college Love story of a college girl ( Manvi) and a police officer Raghav. Manvi was kind and sweet whereas Raghav was rude and aggresive. let's see how there simple meet take form of love .how the people with totally opposite nature fell in love with each other. Raghav comes to Maanvi's college for a security inspection and Manvi was appointed as his assistant. After all, how will be their simple meeting which will make their relationship special? Will both of them ever be able to fall for each other ? how will their love affair begin? ..Keep reading to know "love you Mr. Officer".

smiley7890 · 都市
18 Chs


Priya was taking Manvi's hand and taking her somewhere very quickly.

"Where are you taking me?", Maanvi said looking at Priya.

"Wait a minute, you will know when we reach", Priya replies to Manvi.

After listening to Priya, Manvi did not say anything again until Bo reached the garden with Priya.

Priya takes Maanvi to the college garden. Where Maanvi's high school friend Sameer was waiting for her with a bunch of flowers. Sameer went to USA for his studies. These three were very close to each other since their high school.

[ Sameer :Sameer is a good friend of both Priya and Manvi, all three studied together till high school. Sameer was very calm by nature and also very funny. In his school time, Sameer had been a crush of many girls because of his good looks. With the dashing looks and muscular body with the height of 6.5, he was no less than the models at this time]

"Surprise", Priya said to Manvi.

"Sameer, you.... when did you come to India? And why didn't you tell me that you are coming?, Maanvi said to Sameer with a shocked face.

Maanvi was very happy to see Sameer, Maanvi's happiness was clearly visible on her face.

"If I had told you earlier, I would not have been able to see this expression of yours now , sameer said while giving flowers to Maanvi.

Maanvi takes flowers from his hand and hugs him tightly.

"I really miss you alot dummy ", Maanvi said to Sameer.

"Me too bunny ",Sameer also said while hugging Maanvi back.

"Let's sit and talk, Priya tells Maanvi and Sameer .

Everyone sat together on the chair in the park and started talking.

They all remembered their high school days and laughed.

"Yeah...yes," I remember, said Manvi, laughing.

"Sameer let's go to my house ;My mother will be very happy to see you there", Maanvi asked Sameer.

"No..No..Next time"," I'm really busy these days yrr ", he replied with a shy face.

"Ohhhh!".."Hey! why are you so busy?, What are you doing these days?, And why are you making such a shy face?, Priya asked Sameer looking suspiciously at him.

"Did you get married without informing us?", Maanvi and Priya asked him together in loud voice.

"No not yet but... I had actually come to invite both of you in my wedding", he said taking out the wedding invitation card from his bag.

"You... why didn't you tell us earlier?, Priya and Maanvi both stood up from the chair .

"I was just ... Sameer stood up with saying only these words and saw both of them (Priya and Manvi)looking at him angrily so he started running.

He already knew that Maanvi and Priya would be very angry on this matter.

"Catch me if you can", Sameer said to Maanvi and Priya, .. both of them was also running after him.

Priya stopped as she got tired but Maanvi was still trying to catch smeer. Suddenly Raghav came to the parking lot to get a file kept in his jeep.

"You just wait", "if I catch you then you are gone , I'm going to beat you more than you have made me run after you", Maanvi jokingly laughed with a heavy sigh.

Eventually Manvi grabbed Sameer and pulled his ear hard.

"You told me that whenever you like someone, you will tell me, but look, you have come straight with the wedding invitation and I have not even seen my sister-in-law", Maanvi said to sameer pulling his ear .

"Yes yes.. Maanvi is right, How can you do this to us?", Priya said to Sameer.

"Sorry, Sorry.... It's all my fault, let's meet tomorrow, I'll introduce her to you both.. i promise, now please let go of my ear, it's hurting".."Ouch! ", Sameer tells Maanvi while trying to let go of his ear from Manvi's grab.

"Okay..but I'm not forgiving you", Maanvi said to Sameer with leting go of his ear.

"Yes, yes.....I have accepted my mistake", he told Maanvi.

"It's late I have to go now, it took a long time to reach here and I have to return too", Sameer said to Maanvi while looking at his watch.

"OK...Okay, but don't forget your promise to introduce her to us", Maanvi tells Sameer.

"OK sure", Sameer said to Maanvi and hugged her.

When Raghav saw Maanvi hugging a boy, he was jealous, is he really jealous? Yess ofcourse he is his face and eyes clearly reflecting his feelings which is of jealousy.... but he himself could not understand this unknown jealousy.

Raghav was at some distance, so he could not hear what they are talking about.

"Ah"..."what's the matter"? Who is this boy? Raghav muttered angrily and left the place and went back to the cabin.

Maanvi says goodbye to Sameer and comes back to the cabin to collect her bag.

"Where were you?" Raghav asked Manvi.

"Yeah"..."I'm just...Maanvi was about to say, but then she remembered what Raghav had replied to her when she asked him that why Raghav didn't reply to her message yesterday?

"Ah... It's not the part of our work so it's nothing to do with you , she said and sat down on her chair placing flowers on her table.

"What ? What did you say ? how can you talk to me like this?", Raghav said to Maanvi in loud voice .he stood up with placing his hand on the table very aggressively.

He got hurt in his hand by a nail on the side of the table.

"Ahh!", Raghav said because of pain.

"What happened ?"," Oh!... your hand is are bleeding", Maanvi said with a worried face to Raghav.

Manvi got up from her chair and came running to Raghav.

"Show me what happened", Maanvi said to Raghav.

"No need, I'm fine", Raghav said to Maanvi and turned.

Maanvi grabbed his arm from behind and turned him back towards her, Maanvi grabbed Raghav's hand and started looking at him.

"It's a deep cut, wait!.. I have an antiseptic", she told Raghav.

Maanvi went to her almera and brought a first aid kit from there.

"Sit down", Manvi said to Raghav.

"I will do it myself", Raghav said looking at Maanvi with a expressionless face.

" You please remain quiet for a minute, Manvi said placing her hand on Raghav's lips.

Raghav started looking on Manvi with a shocked face. Raghav was a little flustered by Maanvi's touch to him, but Maanvi also got a little nervous. Raghav's lips were being felt by Manvi on her hands. There was a strange feeling in both of their hearts. Maanvi quickly removed her hand from Raghav's lips.

"Just sit down, I am your assistant, let me help you, she said to Raghav keeping the kit on the table.

Raghav quietly sat on the chair. Maanvi opened the antiseptic bottle and poured some antiseptic on a piece of cotton, she took Raghav's hand and started applying antiseptic on his hand.

"Ouch!", said Raghav in pain.

"Oh"...." Sorry- Sorry I know it is hurting, just a minute, it will get better soon", she told Raghav and started blowing on his wound.

Maanvi then slowly applied the antiseptic, her face was such that she too was feeling the pain of the wound that Raghav got on his hand. Raghav was constantly staring at Manvi.

"I have bandaged your injury, now take care of it", Maanvi said to Raghav, closing the first aid kit.

"OK...", replies Raghav.

Now, I have to go home, you keep your hand carefully and don't let water get in it, Maanvi said to Raghav.

Raghav did not reply just nodded his head in saying yes.

"Why are you like an angry bird?, looking at Raghav, she said in her mind.

"What ? do you want to say something?", Raghav asked Maanvi while looking at her.

"No..No.. Nothing, I'm just leaving now, take care, bye bye...", she said to Raghav and picked up his bag and flowers from the table and start moving towards the door of cabine.

Maanvi opened the door and went out of the cabin.

Raghav saw her leaving, as soon as he turned, Maanvi opened the door again and only her head was visible.

"Yes....I forgot to say something to you Mr. Officer, she told Raghav.

Raghav turned back again and looked at her.

"What?", Raghav asked Manvi.

"All I want to say is that it will be better for you if you stop behaving like an angry bird", Maanvi said this to Raghav and suddenly closed the door.

Angry... Angry bird, hey you.. stop there... this crazy girl will drive me crazy too.....