
1.Betrayal (part 1)

"Did you find anything ,Lilly?" devilese asked to her best friend Lilly while searching for something related to her archeology study.

"Nope de, there is nothing here did you find that thing?" Lilly asked.

Devilese and Lilly were in the big cave which was discovered by them underground.

They were searching for a ancient pendant which was recently got leaked about it's whereabout information.

Both Lilly and devilese were archeologist so both were very excited for this pendent.

It is says that ,that pendant belongs to a strongest demon Lord called"Trystan".

He was known for his power, position, ruthlessness , handsomeness and many more. He was also known as Merciless God.

He ruled this world about 1000 years old, nobody was as strongest as him so because of his power many peoples got jealous of him. Even heaven King Orrin was envious of him so to get his power king Orrin tried many times to defeat Lord Trystan.

"Hmmm, what would have happened to this strongest Lord Trystan? How did he died although he was invincible?" devilese thought about Lord Trystan.

"Maybe someone stronger than him came and defeated him?" Lilly add her "maybe" answer to devilese.

"Noway! are you kidding ? didn't we read that book? it says that throughout untill his death nobody were able to defeat him,so how could he died?" devilese said suspiciously.

"why are you so interested in that demon Lord anyway? are you his wife? you are thinking like he is your own husband." Lilly tease devilese.
