
love of phoenix

作者: Blackwitch
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 5.4K ビュー
  • 10 章
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What is love of phoenix

WebNovel で公開されている、Blackwitch の作者が書いた love of phoenix の小説を読んでください。A love fate relationship of the two most powerful figures of the kingdom. Can the evil plots stop them or incerase the burning desire inside their heart??...


A love fate relationship of the two most powerful figures of the kingdom. Can the evil plots stop them or incerase the burning desire inside their heart??

10 タグ

The Requiem of Lost Sheep

An old man appeared out of place in this landscape of a bar. It's bartender was rather strange, one moment a boy the next an old man on his last breath, even coughing a few times. A while later, having calmed down, the old man started a conversation with the odd bartender. "Hello, my name is Anthony Vargus. May I know why I'm here?" [Welcome current head of the Vargus familia, your new aren't you. Well, now your here, to have your sins be judged by me. Yes, a surprise isn't it. What? You thought that your organisation already killed Death? Well..., who said there couldn't be another one? Who said that those arrogant assholes up in their so-called Heaven can't be killed? Really, you guys did a really good job killing Death, now, I have a request, could you help me kill every single bast*rdous piece of crap that stinks in that "Heaven" of theirs? In exchange, your people will be free from Death's grasp for 2 years. I'd advise you to hurry, afterall, you were the one to come up with the idea of deicide aren't you? Now, scuttle back to your little mouse hole and grow tremendously with the time I bought you, grow so well that you shall no longer be a weak rat but a hungering Gigant, willing to fulfill your role to tear those f*cking Gods to shreds and when your done, We shall have a taste of the Divine flesh. Drink their blood and feast on their bones! Go! Let loose on them! Leave on my decree!] "You intend to kill more Divinities?", the old man cried out, shaking in fear at the thought. [Divinities? The Divine? Gods? Those narcissistic asshats don't deserve to be called that. I'm sure that as a member of the 5 Kings and an expert in kingdom management that you should realise that every single one of those Churches, be they member or Cardinal, their minds no longer belong to themselves and are but mere pawns of those damned "Gods" to be used for that trashy game of theirs. If you do help, outside of 2 years without Death, I shall also hand over 2 Divine ranked items and the Vessel of Chaotic Corruption, agreed?], saying that, the 'thing' in front of him raised its hand and offered it to him. And he took it. He too, had had enough of the Four Churches and was willing to even become the greatest sinner in the history of the world of Rein just to take down the Churches and stop the cruel games of the Divinities. "I hope I didn't make the wrong choice here.", said the man for he quickly reverted to his youthful days. [Don't worry too much about this deal of ours and just enjoy the new and youthful body of yours. Afterall, you aren't the only one within the 5 Kings to have contact with me. Other than you, every one of them has met me before. The first was the King of Undeath, as a Lich King, it was rather easy to pull him over here. Anyway, I'll establish the mental connection of the Mana network with you now. There it's done.], after saying this, the King of Delhait Kingdom titled King of Structure felt something poking into his head and suddenly felt a connection to 5 different places. (Ah, our old friend here finally joined us) A young voice rang out as the image of the King of Life shown itself, quickly followed by the other members of the 5 Kings. Following this the creature's mouth moved again. [Now, it's time. The first to be taken down is the Goddess of Life. Next is the Four-Elements God. After that would be the Primordial Moon Goddess. Finally, the main course will of course be the man behind the scenes, the World God.] Following this, a year and three quarters later, the world suffered tremendously for the Gods died in the hands of Men and their Divine Orders were taken away, each one in a different hand except for the King of Undeath for he was promoted to Death by the mysterious being. Finally, humanity was free from the greedy grasps of the Gods. From here on out is the story following the events as we go on and look at the being's life. [Well, well well. A rat is peeking out of it's cage. How interesting!]

Friends101 · ホラー
4 Chs

Let's Go, Everyone!

[Hey, everyone! I recently came across a very interesting web/light novel created by "LA." which translates to "LA 'Army' in English. I was taking the time to read through it until I stopped at Chapter 11. The translation was pretty horrible, so I thought to myself, "Why not spice it up and make it even better in English, by creating a remake English version of the story?" I'm not taking any credit for the plotline and characters; I'm simply adding more stuff to it and creating an even better version. The credit for the original storyline goes to the original author. I haven't asked permission since there is no way to contact them, but I'm going ahead and doing it anyways. "Why?" You may ask. Because, it's Fun and keeps me busy.] Nasser Virginia was once the most renowned dragon summoner in the world, revered for his power and respected by all. However, one fateful day, a hero from another world appeared, and with a single strike, shattered Nasser's Life - the symbol of his power on his chest and the ability to summon a Dragon. In a single moment, Nasser lost everything - his wife, his power, and even the trust of the people he once held dear. "Betrayed by the citizens of the Kingdom, the King himself, the church, and even the guild master," Nasser's world crumbled around him, leaving him alone and broken. The power of dragon was no match against The Hero that had appeared, and the people of the kingdom praised him and looked on him with great favor. The emotional suspense of Nasser's story is palpable - the feeling of betrayal, loss, and despair that hangs in the air as he watches his world crumble around him. He had been the most powerful dragon summoner in the world, yet in a single moment, he had lost everything. In the end, it was the arrogant Hero and those that were with him that ruin his world- and Nasser was left with nothing but emptiness and grief, and a new profound Thirst for Revenge. The story of Nasser, the former strongest soldier turned worst avenger, is one of revenge and retribution. Despite the odds being against him, Nasser was determined to exact his revenge against The Hero and all those who stood with him. His actions would have far-reaching consequences, and the world was about to be changed forever. As the great philosopher Aristotle once said, "Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy." Nasser's actions, although driven by anger, were calculated and precise, and would soon bring about a new era of terror and destruction with a new summon power, which is: "The German Army."

Radiance101 · ファンタジー
3 Chs


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  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定



Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating