
Starting a club

For Karuta, Studying has been everything. Since birth he has always come in first but now for the first time ever he has been beaten by someone of the same year. Yui Kasumi a cold princess is the idol of the class, top notch beauty who doesn't interact with anyone, daughter of the director of the school they are studying in. Her beauty and intellect have stolen and crushed the heart of uncountable men regardless of age, looks or social standing, she developed the identity of the untouchable queen of the school. Karuta who was beaten for the first position for the first time in his life was furious, he has developed extreme hate for her, but can't deny the fact that she is beyond him and the only way to catch up with her is to do what he does best but unfortunately for him the school has a rule of mandatorily being part of a club, which means he won't be able to study during that time. Karuta being naturally smart devised a plan of opening his own club where he would be alone and get to study peacefully, he penned a draft of proposal and took it to his homeroom teacher and got the approval to use the club room of an extinct club but he had to use the name the extinct club used 'Mystery Research Society'. This request stirred up a question in his mind but because the request wasn't anything big and he really didn't care what it will is called he nodded and agreed with his homeroom teacher being the club mentor. The clubroom wasn't anything fancy but just an old classroom which is used only occasionally. Karuta got the key to the room and headed there noticing the ambience he nodded slightly while smiling, contemplating that his decision was really correct, after which he locked the door and left from school for the day. The next day he went in nodded with a happy expression then sat down to go through the course, his studies were progressing at a monstrous pace as if there was no tomorrow, thinking that this is a good place. He suddenly jumped from his chair when he heard a knock and the door opening slowly, he was startled and woke up from his trance like state. When he glances over he see's the person whom he hates the most enters through the door and hand him a paper as she sat down on the chair opposite him, when he checked for the contents of the paper he was shocked to find out that it was a club application with the homeroom teacher's signature and note stating that she is already part of his club. He desperately wished to say something but couldn't get his voice out, his haven and place for respite was encroached by the one person he did not want to deal with. He knew better than to talk with her and continued studying trying to ignore her which is a monumental task considering she is roaming around like she owns the place and start's opening the cupboard doors when suddenly a cardboard box falls from the top as she looks inside the box and finds a stick with a ball tied to it. She looks at it with an empty face trying to figure out what on earth is that strange object. Her face turning from empty to a curious one as she kept on glancing at it. "Seriously, you don't even know what a kendama is how did you beat me as the #1 of this year?" Of course he could only say that in his thoughts. He just got up picked the second kendama and put the ball in ken(sword) perfectly, seeing this the Yui's face immediately changed and glowed like a diamond shining its light when put in front of sunlight, which caused Karuta to immediately lose his calm and his heart go at a million miles an hour, he felt the terrifying effect of gap moe which kills even the strongest of men and women. After a while his heart finally calms down and when he sees her continuously failing he devised the brilliant idea of just ignoring her trying to get the tama(ball) in the ken(stick) and her continuous failing attempts made him extremely happy as he has finally beaten her in something, he let her continue her attempts and started studying but couldn't concentrate because of continuous failed attempts, he finally got up took the other kendama and gave her a tutorial, her face glowed again but she appeared to be pouting like crazy, he kept on showing her the tutorial without saying a word when she finally landed one time, he let out a sigh of relief and decided to go back to study and letting her practice on her own and finally overpower her, but to his dismay the moment he sat down Yui pulled his sleeves asking him to show it to her again, he cried in disappointment over losing his haven and also being completely overwhelmed by her.
