
The Calm before the Storm

It became hard to fall asleep as my mind raced on the note he left and him still wanting to be my friend. If I choose to let him in others will find ways to destroy me. He will for sure be brought down with me. If we could just keep it a secret would that be ok.... My mind raced as it though of what could become of us and what could go wrong.... How can I do this he will get hurt being with me.... Before I knew it my mind drifted off to sleep. My body pulsed as a pink light covered my whole Body through the curtains The Moon shined so bright and in a instant I could feel the warmth surround me, I could see in my tall standing mirror that my hair was turning from brown to a white fading purple. I watched as my body lifted as everything stood still and when my feet touch the ground light appeared and disappeared. In shock from what happened and not sure of what was going on I screamed loudly I could feel the house shake and than my mirror shattered on to my floor. I shut my window and cleaned up the glass thinking what happened to me... As I may my way to the bathroom to see if I didn't turn into a monster I notice that ever plant in my house glowed with pink flowers and looked healthy and big as I examined myself in the mirror I notice only my hair changed, but why... as I went to the living room to touch the glowing plants it sprouted and grew roses and different types of flowers. To my amaze I didn't know how I did that. Still in shock I fell to the floor wondering what is happening to me. The glow slowly faded and the plants looked beautiful everywhere around me. As I thought to my self can I be a witch... No witches say spell, what am I. As I stood up I thought for a second can I make plants grow, can I make them come to me? and with that thought the plant with vines grew wrapping it's vine through my fingers. To my surprise I pulled off the vine and shuffled my way to my couch. It was late and though I was in shock I felt dizzy and before long I passed out on the couch. When morning arrived, I figured it was a dream but as I looked around all the plants were still big and beautiful. The vine that had reached out to me went back to it's original spot. As I focus on the rose bud that hadn't bloomed yet and with my finger tips in my mind I said Bloom and slowly the rose began to bloom. I have powers was it just plants or others so I thought can I fly. So as I stood up on the couch and try to jump off thinking the word fly I feel flat on my face.... ok well that sucks. with all that happened last night the thought of school didn't cross my mind. Till I heard a knock at the door and when I approach the door and asked who it was he said "it's Kyo"....How did he find where I lived. My house was small two bed room house with a big back yard. The house was a little run down and needed a little fixing, my yard was worse. In shock I ran around putting things away and than started to get dressed as I screamed out "hang on a second". He didn't say much and before I reached the door I realized oh noy hair so I ran back to the bathroom to figure out how to fix my hair to hide the color but when I looked my hair went back to brown. I fixed up my hair usually it's always down but since I was late and haven't showered I figured up it goes. As I rushed back to the door and open the door in a split second my heart pounded as I saw his face and with a simple word my face felt hot "Hello" he said, " Hello" in a weird awkward shy way. Than a thought hits and as I thought the words flew out of my mouth "how did you know where I lived". He smiled and said well when you left from your job the lady that you worked with came up to me and said you forgot your jacket. she said since you were talking to me and she never seen you talk to anyone meant we were friends, so I said yes so she gave me the jacket and your addressed since I told her that I didn't know where you lived yet". In my thought I was worried but my heart said other wise. He said "since it was late and I couldn't find your house I figured I would get up early and go look for it". Kyo face went red as he reached out his hands with the jacket in it and smiled a awkward smile, but when I went to grab the jacket the box felt heavy and than he said " oh, almost forgot I figured that we could eat lunch together so I made this for you". Kyo smiled as he looked away to point at a random thing outside as to say we should get going. We walked for a bit without saying a word. As the wind picked up, Kyo glanced at Luna and in a instant his face turned red. He only seen her with her hair down so when it was pulled up you can see her thin neck line and jaw line and how her face was a light tan color. As Luna went to glance at him he got startled and looked down. Not knowing what Luna did wrong she asked "Is there something one my face". Kyo replied "No". So the silence grew and the walk that usually only took ten minutes seem to take forever to get to school. As they arrived at school, they both looked at each other knowing that the friendship they had was to keep secret. Luna thought that how did we became friends when I haven't even said yes to his answer, but she never got to talk to him about it due to the awkward silence of their walk. Luna headed first into class and a minute later Kyo did so they didn't look like they arrived together. The girls and guys swarmed Kyo asking him different questions as he answered as many as he could before the bell. Luna watched him secretly so the evil girls didn't see her. Class had started and everyone took there seats. The class went by slow and Luna was wanting to hurry to be able to eat lunch with Kyo. Kyo would take small peaks to look at Luna but at the times the did Luna would look outside and her face would soften making Kyo's heart race. Luna kept thinking of what happened last night and was trying to figure out what she was and how did this happen to her. She thought maybe the schools library's computers would be of use. Maybe during free time I can go research what happened to find answers. During the small break from when the teacher got called out of the classroom to take a call. It seemed once again everyone went to talk to Kyo. Kyo easily was able to make friends seem he was gonna be popular and for Luna the only friend she had was Kyo it seemed. Yet there secret friendship was about to get tested when lunch time came around!
