

When I wake up I saw that mom is sleeping with me on bed in behind part of plane.

Then I hear Greg words that come there "oh you wake up we pass America borderline so wake up your mother she wanted me to wake you both up"

"oh thanks I will wake her up soon" I said to him while he is going out.

"mom wake up" while saying it I start poking her arm

"what baby you want I had so good dream between me and your father" she said while rubbing her eyes

"oh don't want to hear details but Greg come here saying that we pass America borderlines" I said to her while sitting on bed

"oh good so we have some time to landing time to eat" she said to me. while hearing her words my stomach start making sounds that I become hungry.

"ok" I answer her while going to Greg. When I come there I saw that he is making something on his laptop 'oh its look like scenes good that I said mother who you are another way she could scream' I said to myself while sitting close to him while laying on him. Then I take one of his headphones and said "food will be here soon so finish your work for now"

"ok" he said to me while saving files that he was making few seconds ago. Then I kiss him passionately when we finish I saw that mom is looking at me while sitting in front of me.

"don't look at me continue what have you been doing" she said while drinking vine. When I start looking at her I said "did you don't drink too much"

Hearing me she said "oh maybe but you know today is one of days in year that I allowed to drink"

"oh so it's today" I said to her remembering that every year at start she take 3 days in year that she could drink unless its party where she drink glass of champagne.

"ok let's eat" she said while looking at food that come. Then we start eating.

After some time that we spend eating and talking at unnecessary thinks for me but Greg talk a lot with mom. I finish eating while they are in middle I lay on Greg laps saying "don't look at me I want to rest now"

"ok" I hear his answer and I start playing on phone.

Time pass so fast that I don't knowing when we are close to landing. Hearing pilot saying to us that we will land soon we go to our sits. Like always our landing go smoothly and while going out I said to our pilot "thanks for one again save travel"

"it's nothing miss I just doing my work" he answer me while I'm going out. Then after me mom go while saying "in 20 days I will fly to Hawaii"

"ok miss the same hour"

"I don't know yet I will call" she said to him

"ok" he said. Then we go to car that was close and to check all.

My and mom passing go one again fast but Greg one again have problems. When all pass we go to exit but then I saw father waiting for us.

"oh you finally come my ass become hurt from that seats here" and he point one of seats in VIP waiting room

"it's okay darling I'm here to realize your pain in home" mom said to father.

"oh I'm waiting for it now daughter give me that papers you have I need to check them one more time" when he finish Greg open his backpack and give them to him

"what you doing here? You aren't her assistant and probably she take you there for fun not to work. But wait what fun you both could have there if you together I don't allowed to it" father said while becoming more and more angry

"oh honey wait he probably go there for some reasons and he even is Sophia boyfriend so be nicer to him and I agree to him being with our daughter"

"no he couldn't help her there and wait what he is who" he said while looking at my eyes

" yes that truth he is my boyfriend and only thanks to him I could find all of them" I tell him the truth if Greg wasn't there we probably couldn't find what happened there they hide it to well.

"how it's possible" he said and wanted to continued but then Greg stop him saying

"easy that thought that I couldn't understand them but I could. And we live in free word so if she want to be with me she could" he said this while giving me a kiss in front of my parents

"hahaha don't make me laugh how could you understand them" father said while touching his stomach then he continued "you are only American that probably have less knowledge of Polish that me"

While he saying it I stop Greg from what he wanted to said while looking at father saying "really"

"yes I have a little challenge to make" then mom wanted to say something but I stop her by my look then I add "if he win you will accept him if nope I will break with him"

"oh you have confidence in him I accept your challenge" father said

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