
Envy of Another

I wake in the morning I feel as if someone was here, but I can't be sure. As I get up, I see the new winter cloths. There is a note and it reads;

My dearest Knittin,

I thank you so much for the gift.

It gives me hope that one day my heart will heal,

and that I will find love once more.

You looked lovely in the dress, I am glad that it didn't go to waste.

It was like a dream come true, these are for you as well thank you again for everything.

With love,


I am moved to tears, words can't express how I feel right now. After reading the note and crying a little I get cleaned up and ready for the day. I head to the kitchen to get a glass of blood, which seems so strange to me now. As I drink, I think back to the note and the cloths left in my room. I can't help but think something else happened. Lost in thought Daisy enters the room and sits down. I look up at her and see something is bothering her.

"What is on your mind Daisy?" I ask her as I can see something is on her mind.

"It's just…." she trails off as if she is trying to think up some kind, of lie.

"Daisy I feel as if something is bothering you since the lord has turned me" I say to her trying to get her to talk to me openly.

"Well I feel I have lost you somehow and …" She says looking down and away from me almost like she is afraid to say it.

"I am sorry you feel that way, but I asked the lord to change me because I wish to serve him far longer than my human life would allow" I tell her trying to get her to open, up and talk to me.

"Well it's just that … um" She stumbles over her words a bit and I think I have an idea of where she is going with this.

"Please be honest with me and speak freely" I beg her to just come clean and tell me.

"Well do you like the Lord? I think I am in Love with him" She finally tells me what has been on her mind.

"I am not sure how to answer that exactly, if you are in love with the Lord you need to come clean to him otherwise you may get hurt" I tell her almost meanly. She seems so indecisive about everything and it shows in her work.

"I fear I may lose my lord by telling him Knittin" she says with a heavy sigh.

"Lose him? He has a right to know your feelings and you owe yourself" I say to her very confused about her statement of losing him. He isn't hers to lose so why say that?

"Do you think it's wise?" She asks me with pleading eyes.

"You need to tell him, weather he feels the same or not you can't keep letting it eat you up inside" I tell her thinking to myself is she crazy.

"If you feel it's smart, I will do it" she says as she finds something to eat. I go to the stables to check the horses. I like to go and see them from time to time. There is a beautiful black stallion I call him midnight, he is a very fast horse. I leave and, on the way, back inside I see the lord sitting outside drinking a cup of blood and he is reading a letter. I wonder what is in the letter it seems to have him deep in thought. I choose to just do my duties for the day. When I am finished, I go and sit under a tree in the garden. I look up from my book and the Lord is walking towards me.

"Let's try practicing your self-defense and attack using your bare hands and then with weapons. The enemies never sleep." He says to me with a smile on his face. I get up and we head to the open field close to the manor. He stands right behind me rather close guiding me into the proper stances, whispering in my ear from time to time. I see from the corner of my eye I see that Daisy is wandering around lost in thought. I am not sure if she saw what was going on or what she may think is going on as I know how she feels about the lord now. After some practice Terminus heads to the front gates to welcome Mily. She is here to talk with Lord Terminus about the rise of Black witches across the four lands. I have already got a guest room made up for her, I head to the kitchen to make the Lord's favorite dinner. Daisy comes in and sits at the small table in the kitchen, she looks as if something is really bothering her. As I am cooking Terminus comes in with Mily following behind. When he sees me at the stove cooking, he comes to check on what I am making. When he reaches me, he places a light kiss on my cheek and whispers in me ear that the food is going to be a little spicy. He then grabs a few things to put in the soup to calm down the spice stands behind me and grabs my hand that is holding the spoon. With me still holding the spoons he guides my hand stirring the soup, he then has me taste the soup. I can't the blush that creeps into my cheeks. Daisy gets up and storms out side almost like a child. Terminus goes after her to see what is bothering her.

"What in the world was that all about?" She asks me. I look at her with a look of confusion on my face.

"She has feelings for the lord, but she has only just started so I do not know how she developed feelings like love so quick" I say to her rolling my eyes

"Should I go listen in to what they say?" She asks with a mischievous smile.
