2 SCP- 1002 - The Indestructible Memorycard

Item #: 1002

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1002 is required to be contained in an 1cm x 2cm heat-resistant metal box, in an normal 10ft x 10ft Cell, and must be checked for any damages, before it can be touched or accessed all personnels who access it must wear an Radiation Suit before entering.

Description: SCP-1002 is an bite-size,  8MB (Megabyte) memory storage, it's mostly commonly used for gaming, SCP-1002 's origin was originally from [ERADICATED] in an old apartment, in ⬛️⬛️⬛️ Avenue, while our agent was searching, the owner was eventually was found on the floor, dead, he found nothing, except burn marks on his hands, as SCP-1002 was laying on the green laminated tiles, of the kitchen, As the agent continued searching SCP-1002 contained an deadly amount of radiation, as he found it, we  basically don't know how or did it got it from.

Addendum: We wouldn't find any more information about SCP-1002, we ran a few tests, but none where successful, instead moved it to ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️, to run more advanced tests and experiments, I'm sure the test will run more smoothly.

The Endurance Tests:

Endurance Test 1: A gun bullet was ineffective, the card received no damages.

Endurance Test 2: Three hard bashes from an hammer was ineffective, the card received no damages.

(Final) Endurance Test 3: A chainsaw was ineffective, the card received no damages.

Closing Statement: Nothing was effecting the card, the card received no damage on all the three tests.
