
Lost Love Spells Caster Get Back Your Lost Lover In Just 24 Hours Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Lost: To Be Found

    In a world full of magic, monsters, and mysteries; Dahlia was destined to take part in events that would change history. ________________________________________ Having lived a life of an abused and isolated child, Dahlia only had her studies to pass time and her plants to keep her company. After having been forsaken by her family, it's no surprise that her whole life began to change after leaving her home and being introduced to society. It would only take a single encounter between her and a seductive vampiress for her to find a new start to her life as well as a happy and obsessive love. Now with their fates entwined, the two are bound to face not only changes in their own lives, but also changes that will redefine their era. Going from being trapped in a powerless situation, Dahlia now begins her journey as she discovers secrets about herself, the world, and slowly but surely grows into power and becomes someone that would shake the world. ________________________________________ Welcome to my first novel! I'm quite nervous writing this but also very excited! Going forward, I'm sure there's a lot I'll need to learn, but I hope you enjoy the story and journey along with me. This story is going to contain some serious and dark themes. I can't do a proper trigger warning list because I don't know how the story will progress, but abuse, violence, gore, and sexual assault are topics that will be covered. Credit to the artist who created the cover art. I couldn't find the original artist's name, but I would like to give credit if possible. If there are any conflicts, please contact me and I can remove the art.

    AngelAsphodel · Fantasy

    [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Come closer, I won't bite" he said calmly as he took a sip from the wine glass while feasting his eyes deviously on her like a lost prey. Laura looked up at the masked man nervously while sitting at the other end of the sofa. She felt vulnerable and silly while biting her finger with her red rosy lips. His next action surprised her. He stood up and grabbed her unexpectedly. "I can't wait any longer" he said as he clasped his arms around her. "You're driving me crazy" the masked man added. Laura swallowed nervously, this was not going to end up well as she thought. Laura was a poor orphaned girl who was desperate for the need of money to pay for her late father's bills in order for the debtors to stop harassing their lives. And the only way out she could think of was seeking help from her best friend, who hooked her up with an unknown billionaire. That was the only way out of her mess. Spending one night with the Billionaire. But what would happen if something were to go wrong? Will this be a reoccurring affair, or is it going to be only tonight... ***** Please don't copy the cover is mine. Thanks!

    DaoistJhgTfu · Urban
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  • The Demon CEO Finds Lost Love

    SEASON 2 TELAH SELESAI SEASON 3 UNTUK SEMENTARA HIATUS, DEMI PERSIAPAN KONFLIK BARU MENGUSUNG SCI-FI. HIATUS...!!! Maaf jika Season 3 tidak langsung saya garap. jujur mengusung tema Sci-fi yang di padukan dengan romance itu sulit. Apalagi, sebenarnya novel saya basic nya itu adalah kisah cinta ala-ala CEO, yang di gemari para ibu-ibu. sedangkan di season 3 nanti banting setir ke sci-fi demi alur. Jadi, mohon pengertiannya. Tapi karena memang dari season 1 sudah membawa alur menuju ke sana. Maka harus saya lanjutkan juga membawa SCI-FI. INGAT!!! tidak semudah itu membuat cerita, saya bukan kekurangan ide, hanya masih dilema akan lanjut atau di buat sekuel. Karena memang jalan ceritanya genre nya akan sedikit berubah. AKAN DI LANJUTKAN SEASON 3 SETELAH 3 TAHUN YANG AKAN DATANG. TERIMA KASIH . MOHON DOANYA SEMOGA 3 TAHUN YG AKAN DATANG SAYA MASIH BISA MELANJUTKAN CERITA INI KE SEASON 3. Dapatkah seorang atheis berhati dingin jatuh cinta? Temui Ludius Lu! Pria atheis berdarah dingin, penguasa sekaligus CEO yang mendominasi Seluruh Daratan China ini mampu mendapatkan apapun yang ia inginkan, termasuk wanita. Tapi...kenapa dia tak bisa dapatkan hati gadis ini? Ia tidak tahu apa yang salah dengan dirinya? Mengapa ia tidak bisa menaklukkan wanita lemah sepertinya? Hatinya yang beku sekian lamanya begitu mudahnya dicairkan oleh seorang gadis tak berdaya. Gadis yang terlahir dari rahim wanita Indonesia ini, Silvia Zhu, seorang wanita berkeyakinan kuat. Demi mengemban amanah Ayahnya sebelum meninggal, Ia bertekad pergi ke Negara China untuk mencari keluarga Ayahnya berada. Tapi apakah Silvia tahu, bahwa niatannya akan berujung pada sebuah Takdir?? Takdir yang merubah hidup keduanya, menggoncang hati sang penguasa dingin. Akankah Ludius berhasil mendapatkan hati Silvia? Ketika Takdir di hadapkan pada dua kehidupan yang saling berlawanan, apa yang akan terjadi? Sequel dari Novel ini "Ludius, cukup..! mengapa kamu selalu menanggungnya sendiri? Tidakkah itu menyakitkan?" Bisik Silvia, air matanya tiba-tiba saja menetes. Ludius hanya terdiam, mulutnya seakan terkunci untuk berbicara. 'Silvia, kamu tidak tahu betapa kejam dunia ini. Jika aku ingin bertahan, maka aku harus berdiri tegak di depan semua orang. Selama ini aku sudah membuang hati dan perasaanku, yang ku anggap sebagai kelemahan ku. Tapi kamu mampu melihat sisi lemah ku'. Ludius melepas pelukannya, Dia mengusap air mata Silvia dengan lembut. "Jangan menangis, aku tidak pernah mengizinkanmu untuk itu. Kamu tahu.. Kamu adalah wanita pertama yang mampu menebak isi hatiku". "Walau begitu kamu masih tidak mau membaginya denganku?" Perkataan Silvia penuh makna. "Belum waktunya, Jika tiba saatnya aku pasti akan membaginya denganmu". Ludius menarik tangan Silvia menuju hamparan bunga yang memenuhi taman. Mereka duduk di bangku di tengah hamparan bunga.  Angin berhembus menyibakkan rambut Silvia,  "Ludius, Bukankah bunga ini menenangkan hati mu? Disini seakan kita bisa lebih jujur pada hati kita sendiri" ucap Silvia yang masih menikmati kesejukan angin yang berhembus. "Entahlah.. aku hanya merasa sedikit nyaman berada di sini". jawab Ludius yang masih memandang hamparan bunga. // // // // // TAG MAFIA, CEO, SWEET ROMANCE, COLD MAN, PERFECT HUSBAND, ACTION, ARROGANT, SWEET, MISTERY, BOSS, PERFECT PARTNER, KILL, BLOOD, TRAGEDY, Di Volume ke 2 nantinya akan banyak pemain baru, cinta dan aksi serta mengungkap masalah yang masih tertinggal di Volume 1. Bagi pembaca baru saya sarankan membaca Volume 1 terlebih dahulu untuk memahami alur cerita. copyright Embun_nada Hak cipta di lindungi undang-undang, dilarang mengcopy dan sebagainya tanpa sepengetahuan penulis. fb Embun_nada dan Rotul nada instagram Embun nada

    embun_nada2 · Urban
  • The Lost Love

    Banyak orang bilang, hubungan yang berada dalam status long distance (jarak jauh) yang konon selalu menjadi suatu ancaman hubungan akan mudah berakhir, namun nyatanya tidak semua benar demikian. Lalu bagaimana hubungan itu akan berjalan dengan akhir yang indah, setelah bertaburan dengan kata-kata manis, kepercayaan, kejujuran dalam waktu yang begitu sangat panjang? Jika nyatanya dua sejoli yang kini sedang menjalani hubungan itu tengah memiliki perbedaan keyakinan yang begitu kuat sebagai makhluk yang beragama. Mencoba untuk melawan dengan mengatasnamakan cinta yang begitu dalam di hati mereka, yang tumbuh tak terduga sejak pada pandangan pertama. Karena sejatinya cinta yang sesungguhnya, tak pernah mengenal status, suku, adat, atau ras sekalipun. Ini adalah tentang hati yang tidak bisa kita kendalikan kepada siapa akan berlabuh, mencoba untuk tetap bertahan dan menjalani skenario Tuhan yang mereka percayai telah di takdirkan untuk mereka yang akan memulainya. Lantas bagaimana akhir dari kisah mereka? Siapa yang harus mereka pilih? Cinta yang begitu dalam, atau keyakinan yang begitu sakral tehadap sang pencipta (Tuhan).

    Michella91 · History
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  • Sealed Fate: Love Found and Lost

    "In my head, I knew this wasn't right, but every other fiber of my being screamed otherwise. Our breaths mingled together as our tongues conversed passionately with each other. Had it not been for Jordan's solid grip on my waist, I wouldn't have been able to hold myself up because of how weak my knees felt. He moved his lips from my lips to the hollow portion on my neck and a moan escaped my mouth. If it was the alcohol or the absolute fatal attraction that I had felt for him since the moment we met, I didn't know. All I knew was that this felt euphoric. It felt right and I wanted to feel like this some more." ____________________________________________________ When Skylar Rose lands a job to write a magazine about the infamous playboy of the business world-- Jordan Parker, there is instant attraction. Jordan is obnoxious, selfish, a certified lothario and just insufferable to sum it up. But with looks like his, who cares, right? Skylar cares. While the very presence of Jordan in a room makes her brain go wild with the hormones, the moment he opens his mouth all of Skylar's energy goes into not slapping that mouth off his pretty face. So when an impromptu dinner date goes wrong in ways no one could ever imagine, Jordan finds himself in a bit of crisis and it seems like Skylar is his only way out. Leaving her no choice but to agree to his cause; Jordan entraps Skylar to form a PACT. One that will give them both what they want. Jordan can finally get his mother and her attempts at getting him married, off his back and Skylar will get the unfiltered details of Jordan's journey into the business world. All she has to do is pretend to be his girlfriend. Skylar agrees, but on one condition: what transpired on his balcony that night can never happen again. Easy enough? But life never goes how it's planned, does it? Feelings. Desires. Lust. All find their way into the crack of their hearts. Burdened with a secret of hers, which she plans to carry to her grave, Skylar can no longer stay. So she vanishes in thin air leaving Jordan nothing but pieces of his broken heart and memories he wishes to now erase. He swears to never let anyone in again. But months later he finds a journal, Skylar's journal, which has the answers to all his questions and so he embarks upon a journey to find Skylar and get the closure that he deserves. Will he find the answers he's looking for? Or will an even unimaginable secret unearth itself in front of him? ----------------- WPC Winner #159 (Bronze Tier) || DAILY UPDATES **SLOW BURN** THIS STORY IS MY ORIGINAL CREATION. THE COVER PHOTO BELONGS TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER. It is not my original creation.

    itslikeametaphor · Urban

    SPELL CASTERS Most Effective True Love Spells Caster, Bring Back Lost Love Spells, Voodoo Spells Caster SPELL CASTERS Most Effective True Love Spells Caster, Bring Back Lost Love Spells, Voodoo Spells Caster To Stop Cheating, Black Magic Spell Caster, Death & Revenge Spells In Singapore, Norway, Ecuador, France, Greece, Honduras, Ireland, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Israel, Poland, Jordan, Colombia, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Brunei, San Marino, Denmark, Netherlands, Malta, Spain, Cyprus, Slovenia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Estonia, Croatia, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Australia, Sweden, New Zealand, Canada, Indonesia, Seychelles, Bahamas, Panama, Finland, England, London, Namibia, Wales, Scotland, Wales Ever wondered what love spells could do for you? Are they worth the money or time? We have all heard of people who cast a love spell, and it worked, but did they know that there is so much more to these types of spells than just casting them. Also, there are so many spellcasters as the great Spellcaster Maxim who has had experience with these spells for love professorbashiri@gmail.com Pros like him understand the dynamics of casting spells, the various types, and rituals. In this blog post, we will be going over some fun facts about love spells and how to make sure that yours work. Spell for love Spells for love can give you true love Do you want to find true love? Have you been unlucky in love and feel like all your efforts have gone unnoticed? Do not give up hope; Maxim has a few powerful love spells that can help bring the right person into your life. There is no need to spend hours looking for that special someone because magic can help you with that. Whether it's finding a soulmate or even just an easy date, these simple spells will do the trick. They may sound like hocus pocus, but they really work. A compelling love spell pulls all the right strings to help you land the person you have always wanted to spend your life with. A professional starts with attraction love spells, which are spells to make someone fall in love with you. Then a follow-up marriage love spell is cast so that you can finally get bound to one person for the rest of your life. Magic can bring you the love of your dreams. Whether you want to find a partner, get married, or have kids, spells for love can help you reach your goal. They are easy and fun! The chances of the target realizing that they are under a love spell are slim Love spells with pictures or without are a tricky business. So much so that the chances of the target realizing that they are under a love spell is slim to none, and even if they do, it's difficult for them to undo this kind of magic. However, there are plenty of ways you can use magic to make someone fall in love with you. These simple love spells range from casting an enchantment on yourself so that your natural charm shines through. Or using a more powerful love spell that works immediately like Voodoo dolls or potions. And if things don't work out? It's not the end of the world; these spells only last as long as needed. And using a professional will help you stay protected and keep the one you love around for the longest time.

    professor_bashiri · Urban
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  • 24hours

    If you're into Action Novels then do stop by. Here is an Action-thriller based book web novel has to offer you. Working for the National Intelligence Agency for nearly 20 years, it always goes ride or die with Kcee Jones. Even after the death of his wife and his son cutting him off his well-being, Kcee never stopped working even when he's faced with a big task. This time, another day begins for kcee as a group of terrorists are attempting to release bioweapons into the city. Kcee with the help of NIA must do all in its power to stop the attack and also make sure the peace treaty between the government of Nigeria and ghana goes smoothly, however kcee is faced with good and bad decisions to make...

    tobih_daniel · Action
  • how to get your ex lover back in 24 hours

    ARE YOU HAVING A TOUGH TIME ON YOUR MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP? AND YOU AREN'T COMFORTABLE? THEN CONTACT DOCTOR OSAGBAI TODAY AND BE FREE REAL AND GENUINE LOVE SPELL CASTER THAT CAN RETURN YOUR EX LOVER BACK FAST AND  SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE Contact Now ON  whatsapp:+2347051121884      EMAIL:dr.osagbaisolutiontemple@gmail.com hello everyone, My name is Martin Colley, When i read a testimony online on how Dr,Osagbai the great and most powerful spell caster help to bring back Divorce husband or wife EX LOVER. I was wondering how this can be true, Because many have failed me in the past without any result from them. I just let the post pass by and move on to the forum. To my notice again, Some person posted and said tested and trusted spell caster. After reading through the mail it was this same man Dr Osagbai she was talking about. So I have no other option than to really check up how he works.I was totally devastated when my beloved husband left me. It was like my entire world vanishing into sorrow and pain. I know it sounds weird but out of all the spell casters I contacted, he was the only one to give me that impression of being so true and trustful. More than his words, He brought my husband back and he made all my wishes come true. He is now loyal, pays attention to me, he offers me flowers every Sunday, and we often go out at the cinema and the restaurant. My husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family is living together happily again.. I will be forever thankful for turning my life from hell to heaven! I believe those who need help should get to him for help. May God continue to use you to save broken relationships. To every one with marital problems, divorce issues, lost lovers or any relationship related issues, you can contact Dr, Osagbai wonders the ultimate spell caster.   

    Daoistc1vofK · Urban
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  • Lost in the World

    Sarah is an ordinary small-town girl who falls in love with her childhood friend but her plan for a happy life turns upside down when her lover leaves for the city and disappears. Now she is on the verge to find her lost love. She knows it might even cost her life, she has seen people getting hurt because of it. Is she brave enough to face danger for love? Will she be able to find her love or else find someone better along her way? But what she doesn't know is that the bitter realities of the world awaits her. Note: Want free coins? Just follow me on insta@ nizrah_moin and dm me! ========= EXCERPT "Do we really love each other?" I asked. "I believe," he responds, moving his face towards mine, he looks into my eyes. "What if I'm gone missing someday?" "I'll go finding you to the deepest core of the Earth." "Doesn't it sound childish?" "Love is childish." "What if you don't find me?" "I'll not give up until I find you." "It could be dangerous out there." "Love is the name of sacrifice and I am glad I have the courage to love someone." He leans closer and my heart almost skips a beat. We are so close but still too far away. I gasp as I notice that we have stopped walking and slowly he's been reducing the distance between us. I close my eyes and he leans even closer, I could feel the heat radiating through his body. "But Sarah, do you have the courage to love?" He whispers in my ear. For a while his question lingered in my head, it was a simple question but with a deep meaning behind. It wasn't just a question but many questions in one. Do I really love him to the extent of sacrifice? Do I have the courage to sacrifice? Am I able to face all the dangers of the world for him?

    Nizrah_Moin · History
  • Just show me Your Love

    _Putri Aku selalu mencintaimu, karena kamu adalah lelaki yang memberiku banyak kebahagiaan. Meski kamu jauh kebahagiaan yang kamu berikan tak berkurang. Walau begitu terkadang masih ada kekosongan karena dirimu yang tak ada di samping ku. Hari tenang yang sudah terencana dengan baik akan kah terwujud? Aku yang menanti kepulangan mu dengan tenang dan menyibukan diri dengan keseharian yang menyenangkan, bermain dengan teman-teman atau mengunjungi orangtua mu. Aku sudah mengatur semuanya agar bisa lekas bertemu dengan mu yang jauh di sana. Hari-hari ku yang penuh tawa selalu terasa kurang tanpa dirimu yang semakin sibuk di sana. Aku coba untuk pahami kesibukan mu, tapi entah mengapa perasaan hatiku tak tenang memikirkan mu yang jauh di sana bersamanya. Bukannya aku tak percaya padamu, hanya saja aku khawatir kalau ada yang lebih baik dariku dan mungkin kamu menyukai nya. Meski kamu tak berniat memiliki nya tapi tetap saja kamu menyukai nya. Itu lah yang aku lihat saat menemuimu di sana, tatapan hangat itu membuat ku kesal dan marah. _Bayu Kesibukan yang ku alami tak membuat ku lupa tentang mu, setiap hari aku merindukan mu. Meski setiap hari bertukar kabar dengan mu, aku tetap merindukan mu. Tapi tiba-tiba saja dia datang mengguncang hatiku, aku memang masih memikirkan mu tapi dia juga muncul di benak ku. Apa aku kehilangan akal? Itulah yang aku pikirkan saat perasaan itu muncul, semakin berusaha untuk lepas darinya semakin kuat cengkraman nya menari ku kedasar. Walau aku memikirkan mu tapi aku juga tak bisa lepas darinya, mau kah kau memaafkan aku?

    Chocolatte_Latt3 · Teen


    Hakeem_Ahemd · Urban
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  • Lost Love Spells, Black Magic Spells Caster, Voodoo Love Spell Caster

    Call/WhatsApp +23490502639 Email: adachispirit@yahoo.com if you want : Lost love Spells, Voodoo Love Spells To Bring Back Ex Lover, Get Back Your Ex Husband, Bring Back Your Ex Boyfriend, Instant Black Magic Voodoo Spells, Urgent Voodoo Spells Caster, Love spells - Death Spells - Protection spell - Business spell - Curse removal spell - Luck spells - Revenge Spells - Money Spells - Marriage Spell - Divorce Spells, lottery spells, bring back ex lover spells, curse an abusive lover spells All spells are: *100% safe *Guaranteed *Fast and powerful I offer confidential spell casting services Call/WhatsApp: +2349050702639 Email: adachispirit@yahoo.com Website: https://adachispirit.blogspot.com Website: https://instantmagicspells.wordpress.com

    Black_Magic_4667 · Urban
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  • The Lost Asteroids

    [Check out My new Novel, "Temporal Pearls"] Earth, the year 2063. Technology has stagnated after reaching a certain threshold. There were a lot of breakthroughs in innovation and inventions, but nothing groundbreaking enough that will send scientists crazy. In that situation, a strange phenomenon starts to appear from different parts of the world: Unique children born with Special Ability. And finally, Scientists went CRAZY like never before!!! *** Bala, our MC, was born bearing a Unique Ability. An ability that he did not completely understand. At the age of fifteen, he was first kidnapped by a group of Mysterious Witches. After he managed to escape, a few years later he was kidnapped again by one of the most Powerful Organisations in the world. In the Organisation's Research Facility, he met with others like him, with ability. From the Facility, Bala learned about an impending doom encroaching toward Earth. Unfortunately, for Bala, the World Authority (World Government) thinks he has one of the few Abilities require to stop the Calamity. And it might lead to their death to do so. To save his life, a game of chase began between him, and almost every Country and All-powerful Organisations in the world! If that is not enough a group of Ancient Sorcerers and Witches also wants a piece of him too! Will he be able to save himself from the terrible fate of being a sacrifice to save Earth? Maybe not!!!! ******************************* Discord https://discord.gg/CbfPyXgAuV

    The_Celestial_King · Sci-fi

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