
Lost Artefacts | A Game of Thrones fic

Roberts rebellion goes on a lot longer than usual, Jon is two years older than Robb, he finds that he can no longer stay in his home so he travels across the narrow sea to seek fortune and adventure. Discovering relics of ages that have long past. (Ignore the first synopsis it was actual dog crap, I’d also changed my mind about certain aspects of the story when during the first chapter but forgot to change it) Patreon.com/Captainalfie78Works I do not own a song of ice and fire or any respective works.

TheManUnderTheBed · 書籍·文学
29 Chs

The Price of Cowardice

Jon lay on his bed his eyes closed with pleasure as calloused hands rubbed the muscles on his chest and stomach, he looked down seeing the large blue eyes of Brienne as she bobbed her head on his cock while making eye contact with him. Something that made his blood rush straight to his cock, he had been fucking Brienne at every opportunity she was always willing to have him inside her and had the stamina to keep up with him.

She was able to take his cock deeply into her mouth, her rough hands felt good when she pumped his cock and he felt himself getting close, his hands ran through her blonde hair as he pushes down his cock going further into her mouth, the tip of his cock felt warmer and warmer as it went deeper inside her throat until eventually his cock started to twitch and he spilt his seed in her mouth.

She kept suckling, twirling her tongue around his cock in an effort to clean his seed off, she then removed her mouth from it and took her place back on his chest, they had been spending every single moment together for the past week as Jon decided that those who were injured could use the rest.

Brienne had never felt as happy as she was now, she'd finally found someone who wanted her for who she was and wouldn't change her or reject her, she felt complete every time Jon would push his cock inside her and fill her with his seed. Even now she could feel his seed leak out of her sex.

She snuggled her head into his chest kissing his muscles "You have to stop spilling your seed inside me" she whispers as she presses her body against me.

Jon chuckles "I don't think I can do such a thing, I'm afraid it feels far too good to remove myself," he says as he rolls on top of her making her laugh. He kisses her neck getting a small moan from her as she feels his cock grow and prod against her sex "If you keep doing it I might become with child" She breathes out as closes her eyes feeling the pleasure of Jon's mouth.

Jon stops sucking on her neck and looks her in the eyes "Maybe that is what I want... seeing your belly swell" he said and a low tone making her shiver.

Before she can reply they are both distracted "My Lord! You asked to be informed when the messengers had come back" one of his men shouted from the outside of his tent.

Sighing he kisses Brienne on the lips before getting up from the bed and throwing on his tunic and breeches, he heads out of the tent leaving Brienne's naked form inside. The soldier stands straight at attention as soon as saw Jon which made him sigh again. The soldiers had been treating him as if he were a king recently it was like Oberyn said they thought he was some kind of Demi-God, he didn't blame them too much it must've been shocking to see him wield his axe as he did and the supernatural feats of strength that he was responsible for, not even mentioning the ice magic.

Needless to say, every single one of them thought they would die when being sent on this mission and Jon had not only saved them but did so in a fantastical way, he supposed he was glad it overshadowed how he destroyed most of their army. Though he wouldn't be forgetting that for a long time.

He watched as a man dismounted his horse, he was sweating as he'd been riding hard for nearly two days "My Lord! They're gone!" He breathed out heavily as he walked towards him. 

Jon held his hand up "Take a breath and calm yourself" he commanded getting a nod from the messenger.

After he calmed down and took a drink that Jon offered him he started breathing normally "Now tell me the news" he stated.

"They're gone my lord, they have abandoned the hill, it looks like they're moving east heading onwards towards the bone mountains," he said calmly.

Jon didn't react and he kept a neutral face however inside his blood was boiling more than when he fought the Khal, they had always intended to leave him. Jon can't help but laugh that he even remotely trusted them in the first place they had said he could only have half the army with no elephants and no siege equipment and minimal supplies.

He starts laughing even more looking manic in front of the men before he looks to the soldier that called him out of his tent "How long have you been in the Golden Company" he asked.

"One year of service my Lord" he states as he holds up a golden ring that signifies each year a person has been with the golden company.

Jon looked to the messenger and saw he didn't have one year then he looked to the closest soldiers they all either had one or none at most two. He was given the greenest people in their army while they took all the elephants and supplies and siege equipment. The most experienced people he had were probably the archers.

'Even with the odds so stacked against me they did everything they could to fuck me, probably intended to marry Daenerys regardless' Jon thought to himself.

Jon let those thoughts go to the back of his mind as he had something more important to ask "Did you find the tracks of the knights that turned"

The messenger nodded "They joined the mass of tracks that the main army had made"

Jon found himself smiling for real for the first time that day they had done exactly what he expected and now he knew where they were.


Rhaella was once again struggling to keep things together, when everyone heard the news that Jon, Oberyn and Brienne had fallen in battle with the rest of his army it broke her heart. Jon was her grandson and her love, someone she never wanted to be without again and yet he fell dying in a foreign land facing a foreign army all because her fake grandson and his advisors were too arrogant and meatheaded to listen to sound advice.

Joanna had not stopped crying and she spent all day alone and the only thing she would do was fidget with the pouch that Jon had given to her, the only thing Rhaella could do was comfort her, she spent every night in her bed and cried herself to sleep in her arms. Daenerys even being older and more mature than Joanna did the same thing, she was distraught and thought that Jon had ended up dying for her and so she shouldered all the guilt of his death.

Val had not eaten and while she remained strong and steadfast in front of everyone, alone she let the facade drop and tears fall as she mourned someone she had come to love. However, there were two who did not accept his death, Ygritte and Arianne both refused to believe that he had died. When asked why she said he promised that he would come home and she believed him with Arianne wishing to believe in him too rather than accept what was most likely true.

Right now Rhaella sat at her table in her tent softly crying, she had to be strong in front of everyone but when she had a few moments to herself she let it all out, she had become so used to relying on Jon and she wished he was here right now. Someone announces themselves at the entrance to her tenant and she composes herself before allowing them to come in.

It was Aegon and Jon Connington the two people she wanted to see the least at the moment "What do you want Connington" she said in a much harsher voice than intended.

Jon narrowed his eyes at her "You may hate me but it was not my decision to go and fight a Dothraki horde with only 5,000 men"

"No, you just wished to marry my only daughter to a savage warlord and for what? Free passage? You'd treat one of the last dragons in this world in such a manner" Rhaella said venom dripping from her voice as she spoke, she then looked at Aegon.

"And you! You would give your aunt away to someone that you know would rape and abuse her, I expect better from someone that calls themself my grandson" Aegon feels himself wince, she was right and it hurt that she was. All he wanted was to do the best he could for everyone but he continually failed at it. First Daenerys and now his brother, what others didn't know is that he shed a few tears for Jon, he felt like an idiot and a coward for not joining him even if he wasn't as skilled as he should've stood by his brother's side. And yet here he was now not saying anything.

"I'm sorry grandmother... I should've listened to Jon the first time and I should've been there to support him when he went to fight for us" Aegon said solemnly.

"Don't apologise, your grace, we made the right decision but even when you do so oft it can still go wrong" Jon stated not allowing Rhaella to even speak.

Aegon didn't reply and just sat there full of melancholy "I came to inform you that we will be taking Joanna Baratheon and the Kingslayer into custody"

Rhaella stood up slapping Jon as hard as she could though the grizzled lord doesn't budge "You would dare hold my granddaughter hostage!"

Jon looks at her coldly "Her worth as a hostage is invaluable, even more than the Kingslayer, they will be important pieces in the wars to come"

Rhaella looked at Aegon "You're going to let him do this! She's your niece, your flesh and blood!"

Aegon felt himself wince again "They won't be harmed I've been assured" he said lowly. He hated himself for doing this to his late brother's daughter but he didn't know what else to do, he had 5,000 men and the support of Dorne, he wasn't like his namesake he didn't have dragons he didn't have any skills a leader should have.

Aegon couldn't bare to see the look on his grandmother's face so he stood up and left 'I am such a coward' he thought to himself as he exited the tent.

Jon Connington frowned as he saw Aegon leave but didn't comment he stood up and turned to Rhaella "You may visit her but she'll be kept under guard with her uncle" Then he too stood and left.

Rhaella was incredibly angry 'They were waiting for an opportunity to do this!' She thought to herself

'Well I won't let them take my family away from me' she thought resolutely.


There was a commotion in camp, the sound of steel clashing was heard and the pained screams of men being injured. Jaime Lannister stood outside of a tent guarding the entrance he stood there in his full Kingsguard armour with his sword out as he cut a line in the dirt "Come past this point and your life is forfeit" he stated sending chills down the spines of some of the men. In his left hand, he held a shield in case any of the idiots tried to kill him with a crossbow but he felt it was unlikely. Word would get out that the queen's brother had been killed and there would be a reckoning.

Jaime was slightly relieved he was too important to kill, he knew he could be swarmed if the men got brave enough but none wanted to risk their life first so they waited. What was Jaime guarding? He stood in front of Rhaella's tent where she hid with all the allies she had which weren't very many, even Viserys had chosen to not side with his mother which broke her heart. Val, Ygritte, Arianne, Daenerys and Oberyn's daughters all hid in the same tent to protect Joanna.

The girls would defend the inside In case any of them attempted to slide through the fabric, they knew this was a lost cause but what else could they do? Joanna was family and you protect the family you don't hand them over when the enemy asks, Jaime had stood his ground for over six hours straight which was easy for someone whose job it was to stand and defend someone. They knew as soon as he fell they would lose, while the girls apart from Daenerys and Arianne were good fighters they didn't have the same reputation that Jaime had and the men wouldn't think twice about swarming them.

One person who came to watch what transpired was the King's guard Gerold Dayne or as he liked to be called the Darkstar. He had mostly kept a low profile during their trip not wishing to draw attention to himself for whatever reason. However, he placed a seat off to the side and watched Jaime with an amused expression on his face. Some waited in anticipation to see if the Darkstar would fight the Kingslayer, they wondered who would win and the tension just kept increasing.

However, Darkstar wasn't as arrogant as men believed him to be as he knew in a contest of swords his skill would fall short of the Kingslayer, which was why he sat and waited. Like a predator he waited for the slightest hint of weakness, he knew the Kingsguard would eventually tire and it would tip the odds in his favour. Darkstar was a prideful man and did not wish to have it known he was beaten, he hadn't been beaten as of yet and he didn't want the Kingslayer to be the first to do so. Once he was tired and could barely stand then he would strike easily defeating his enemy adding to his already large reputation.

Rhaella sat in her tent with Joanna on her lap, the young girl hadn't said anything for nearly enough two weeks ever since the message had come that her father was dead, even though she knew him for such a short time she loved him deeply perhaps even enough to rival the love that Rhaella had for him. Rhaella would die before allowing them to take Joanna away from her.


"Everyone is assembled, Jon" Brienne states as Jon stands on a cart ready to address the men. Jon wasn't one for political manoeuvring but he knew that Jon Connington and Aegon's bad choices wouldn't just extend to this, an idiot can't help but be an idiot and Jon Connington was an idiot. Aegon wasn't an idiot but he was a bit cowardly, he didn't seem to have the will to fight against choices he knew were wrong, he wished too much to be liked like King Aenys. But in the end, King Aenys died hated and would be remembered as someone to walk over.

The whole crowd stood in silence as they watched Jon, it unnerved him the way they treated him now, it was borderline devotion and all because he led them to victory with little loss 'Or perhaps it is something to do with you nearly lifting a horse or tearing the head off a persons body' he thought to himself.

"You've most likely heard rumours, though I can imagine they might've changed much as they've spread person to person, I am here to tell you the truth of it" Jon shouts out to the crowd as they all listened attentively.

"But first I wish to express my gratitude to all of you, you all followed me through the gates of death. You who're mostly green boys were ready to die on my orders, had you been my man I would've rewarded you twice over, we've just won a victory that they will speak of in the history books!" He shouts over the cheering of the men.

"I would be proud to have fallen in battle for any one of you. You have done your company proud and have shown the true meaning of 'our word is as good as gold' so it is here I pledge to properly reward all of you who fought for me on that day" The crowd was positively roaring with approval, this was a man who was one of them, someone who would lay down his life for them.

Jon holds up his hand and the crowd starts to go silent "But now I must address the rumours, I wish I could be as optimistic as some of you but I must now dissuade you of the rumour that the other half of the company had to protect us from another approaching Dothraki hoard"

"The truth of it is... they abandoned us, as soon as we left for the valley they packed up and went on their way continuing unimpeded to the bone mountains" The shouts and jeers at his words were deafening, though a lot of them looked confused and slightly unconvinced. They had all known the Golden Company as a place of honour and to abandon their men in such a way was anything but.

Jon puts his hand up once again "Perhaps you doubt me but ask yourself this, where were our elephants? Where was our siege equipment? Where are the more experienced members of the company? A large majority of you have less than a year in the company. You were all seen as a reasonable loss" The looks of confusion started to turn into rage as they started to see the truth.

Jon fans the flames even further "You were sent to die here and why not? You are all easily replaced, any boy whore and third son dreams of joining the Golden Company, they sent us here believing it to be our graves, and instead of helping us they abandoned us"

"Even his brother! I am Daemon Targaryen and I was abandoned as well. But even when I saw the meagre supplies and green troops did I abandon you? No! I led you to victory!" He shouted getting roars of approval from the men.

"But it wasn't a flawless victory, we lost brave and honourable men in battle, and I am sure you all know why" he shouted with venom dripping from his voice.

"We lost 1,000 men because of 100 cowardly knights who tried to run, they set loose 5,000 Dothraki on us and fled when they couldn't escape the first time" The anger in the crowd was palpable a lot of the recruits were friends with each other and they had seen their friends and some their family cut down by Dothraki Screamers.

"So it is now I ask you, will you return to the Golden Company like faithful dogs still loyal after a beating or will you follow the man who fought and bled beside you!" The roars of the crowd suggested what option they picked as Jon held his axe up into the air. The men had seen the feats he performed with this axe, even a week later it had garnered a legendary status, it was as if he were wielding Blackfyre.

"Let them believe that we are friends and that all is forgiven, but know you are my men and I won't allow them to send you off to die. Now I say to you cast away the gold you wear, let the veterans who grow heavy with gold wear it, you shall become the bitter steel underneath" he shouted as men through their numerous golden items to the floor leaving a company of steel.

Jon shouted with them as they all roared. He had told them the truth though some parts were lies, but the important part now was that he had the men loyal to him. Leverage needed to take away Aegon and Conningtons advantage.


Jaime was struggling, he had stood for four days and during that time he had fended off dozens of attackers injuring them all severely, but he was only human and he knew that soon he would fall. Most likely it would be the Darkstar who came every day and sat a short distance away from the tent waiting for a sigh of weakness, whether it be the closing of his eyes or the quiver of his knees. He dare not ask one of the other girls to take over as they may not have any qualms about hurting them.

He may think Jon was unbearable most of the time being he was a good man and he encouraged Jaime to talk to Rhaella something he may not have done otherwise, perhaps that is why he found himself able to stand guard for so long. The weight of the guilt he carried for years was no longer present, he just wished he could think of a way to protect them. However he had never been a thinker that was more his brother's role, he was always the fighter and so he couldn't think of anything but delay the inevitable.

Jaime watched as Gerold Dayne finally stood a smirk on his face "I believe it's time for us to end this farce, now move out the way before I embarrass you" he said arrogance dripping from every word from his mouth.

Jaime returned his smirk "Do you finally believe the fight to be in your favour? After watching me here stand for days, well I am afraid to inform you that you're still no match for me" he stated much to the ire of Darkstar.

The sun beat down relentlessly on the Dothraki sea as Jaime Lannister and Darkstar faced each other, their swords glinting in the harsh light. Jaime, despite his outward arrogance, couldn't shake the weariness that came with four days of guard duty without sleep. He knew he had to be cautious, for Darkstar's reputation as a skilled swordsman preceded him.

The Darkstar sneered and approached Jaime with deadly intent. Without hesitation, he launched into a powerful overhand swing. Jaime quickly raised his sword, blocking the attack with a resounding clash. He felt the force of the blow reverberate through his arms, but he pushed back, forcing the Darkstar to stumble slightly.

Using the momentum of his parry, Jaime twirled his sword, going into a swift sideways slash. However, the Darkstar was quick and agile, easily evading the attack by jumping out of harm's way.

Their swords clashed again and again, the sound of steel on steel ringing through the air. Jaime could feel the strain in his muscles as he tried to match the Darkstar's speed and agility. Despite his weariness, he refused to let it show, focusing on the fight at hand.

With each exchange, Jaime gauged the Darkstar's strength and technique. He could tell that the man was indeed powerful, but Jaime's strength was a match for his. Their swords danced in a deadly rhythm, both fighters seeking an opening.

Jaime lunged forward with a quick thrust, aiming for the Darkstar's chest. But the Dornishman sidestepped the attack, causing Jaime to overextend slightly. Seizing the opportunity, the Darkstar counterattacked with a diagonal slash. Jaime managed to deflect it, but the blow came dangerously close to his shoulder.

As the fight wore on, both men grew more determined and focused. Jaime knew he couldn't afford to make any more mistakes. He kept his guard up, waiting for the Darkstar to make a move. And make a move he did.

With a sudden burst of speed, the Darkstar launched a flurry of attacks, his sword becoming a blur of deadly precision. Jaime blocked and parried as best he could, but he could feel himself growing more fatigued with each passing second.

The Darkstar pressed on, sensing Jaime's weakening defence. He swung his sword with a ferocity that seemed almost inhuman. Jaime struggled to keep up, his movements becoming sluggish and imprecise.

In a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand, Jaime took a risk and feigned a stumble. The Darkstar, thinking he had the advantage, lunged forward with a powerful thrust. But Jaime was ready. With a sudden surge of strength and determination, he sidestepped the attack and delivered a swift counterstrike, catching the Darkstar off guard and leaving a cut across his face.

The fight continued with Jaime and the Darkstar locked in a fierce duel. Despite his recent success, Jaime knew he couldn't afford to let his guard down. He focused on each movement, anticipating the Darkstar's attacks and countering with precision.

The Darkstar, undeterred by his momentary setback, came at Jaime with renewed determination. He displayed incredible speed and skill, his swordplay becoming more unpredictable and aggressive. Jaime did his best to keep up, but the exhaustion from four days of guarding without rest was beginning to take its toll.

As the minutes stretched on, Jaime's movements grew slower, his reflexes dulled by fatigue. The Darkstar, sensing his advantage, pushed harder, his strikes coming faster and more ferocious. Jaime tried to block and parry, but his defences were not as sharp as they once were.

A few times, the Darkstar's sword managed to nick Jaime's armour, leaving shallow cuts on his arms and legs. Jaime gritted his teeth, pushing through the pain and refusing to show any sign of weakness.

With each passing moment, it became clear that the Darkstar was gaining the upper hand. Jaime's attacks became less effective, and his movements lacked the same finesse and strength they had earlier in the fight.

The Darkstar pressed on relentlessly, driving Jaime back step by step. Jaime felt the weight of his armour and sword as though they were a thousand pounds, and his breathing became laboured. His limbs felt heavy and uncoordinated, making it difficult to defend himself effectively.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Jaime tried to summon every ounce of strength he had left. But it was not enough. The Darkstar's attacks were relentless, and Jaime found himself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with the Dornishman's relentless assault.

With a swift and well-placed strike, the Darkstar knocked Jaime's sword from his hand, sending it spinning away. Jaime stumbled, off-balance and vulnerable. The Darkstar saw his opportunity and closed in, delivering a powerful kick that sent Jaime sprawling to the ground.

Jaime tried to get back to his feet, but his body felt like lead. He could barely lift his arms, and his vision blurred with exhaustion. The Darkstar stood over him, a victorious glint in his eyes.

As darkness threatened to consume Jaime's senses, he knew he had been outmatched. The fatigue had finally caught up with him, leaving him defenceless and defeated. He could only watch helplessly as the Darkstar raised his sword, ready to deliver the final blow.

However, as Darkstar's arm rises and he goes to swing his sword, ending Jaime's life, he swings down only to find no sword there, and even more, his hand is gone as well, the only thing there being a bloody stump. He starts to scream as he holds his stump, looking behind him and seeing his hand still gripping his sword.

Jon, who was responsible for it by throwing his axe, approaches having snuck into the camp. He says, "I apologize, my lord. I was aiming for your sword. Such a shame that it was your sword hand." His voice is dripping with amusement and sarcasm, showing he meant to cut Darkstar's hand off. All the while, Darkstar grits his teeth and looks at Jon with pure hate.

In the heat of the moment, as Darkstar's eyes widen in shock and agony, he clutches the bloody stump of his severed hand, his screams echoing through the night, mixing with the sounds of battle nearby. The camp is now in chaos, and soldiers rush towards the commotion, drawn by the cries of pain and the spectacle unfolding before them.

Jon stands there, his expression a blend of smug satisfaction and cold determination. He had seized the opportune moment to strike, knowing that Darkstar's arrogance would be his weakness. The tension in the air is palpable as onlookers gasp in horror and disbelief at the ruthless display.

Jaime, still shaken and breathless from the fierce duel, can only watch in shock as the scene unfolds. He realizes that Jon's calculated move has saved his life, albeit in a brutal manner.

Darkstar's hate-filled gaze remains fixed on Jon, his fury mingling with the pain. He grits his teeth and musters what little strength he has left to retaliate, but it's clear that he is at a severe disadvantage now, both physically and mentally.

As the soldiers approach, Jon calmly reaches for his axe and grips it tightly, ready for any further confrontation. He stands firm, his eyes never leaving Darkstar's, the unspoken challenge evident in his stance.

"Now would anyone care to tell me what is going on?" Jon says with a cold smile.


Rhaella thought she was dreaming when she saw Jon enter the tent, she thought mayhaps they had all died and had joined Jon in the great beyond. But it wasn't, Jon was here and the smile he gave her as he saw her made the last few weeks seem as if they had never occurred.

"Jon!" The girls all shouted as they rushed to him engulfing him in a hug, he smiled lightly as he hugged them back but his eyes were on someone else. Jon had not moved during the entire commotion she still leaned her head against Rhaella seemingly not caring that Jon had returned. Jon detached himself from the girls as he slowly walked over to Joanna and Rhaella, he then knelt and their violet eyes both met.

"Are you not happy to see me little one?" Jon says with a gentle smile.

She shakes her head "I know I am dreaming kepa because I see you every night... but I know when I wake up you'll be gone again" she says with tears falling from her eyes.

Jon cups her face and kisses her forehead with a gentle smile he looks at her "Did that feel like a dream?" He asks, Joanna's eyes widen as she jumps into her father's arms bursting into tears.

"I promised I'd never leave you" he whispered into her ear as she clung to him desperately as if he might disappear.

For a while, the rest of the occupants of the room leave him so he can reunite with his daughter but eventually, she can't handle it anymore and walks into his vision "Is our father well?" Obella asks with uncharacteristic desperation in her voice.

Jon smiles at her and nods "He is fine, I believe he is currently taking command of the men he should be in our camp just a few miles away from this one" he states and the two bastard daughters quickly leave the tent looking for their father.

"I know you all have questions, I have some myself such as why Jaime was fighting Gerold Dayne, but we will leave those for now. Right now you are all to pack we will be going to the other camp, I don't trust your safety with the fools who run this one" Jon states sternly and they all nod their heads but not before Daenerys runs and reaches up on her toes kissing him on the lips. She was the one who was most relieved out of everyone that Jon was well as she had shouldered the blame for his supposed death.

The girls all gave him kisses as they all went about packing, Jon knew it would be a fool's errand to try and detach Joanna so he carried her outside. A dozen soldiers waited outside not an ounce of gold on them, they had taken to calling themselves the Steel men "Pack up the camp and protect the women on their way to ours, cut down anyone who gets in your way" Jon commands getting a shout of affirmation back.

Jaime had taken to sitting on the ground his body still exhausted, Jon looked at him and smirked "You look very comfortable there Ser Knight, perhaps I could fetch you a drink"

Jaime glared at him "Fuck... off" he breathed out as he struggled to his feet, Jon couldn't help but chuckle but then gave him a serious expression "I'm not sure what occurred here nor do I have the time to listen but I am not stupid I could tell you stood in defence of my family to which I am grateful for" he said with a small bow of his head.

Jaime nods his head "They aren't just your family, and those that aren't mine are still good people" he replied.

"Escort the girls back to our camp, then get some rest you look like shit" he said jokingly getting a snort from Jaime as he entered the tent.

Jon then called to one of his men "Are the men ready?" He asked getting a nod in return.

"Good, I want no mistakes and no failures they are all captured and executed tonight" Jon stated sternly, he then dismissed the soldier who went about enacting his plan.

One of the mistakes the 100 traitors failed to realise was that they had left certain people to die, namely their Squires people who had fought and bled because their masters had abandoned them, but more importantly people who recognised and mostly knew where the traitors would sleep. So with three guards to a squire Jon planned to drag them out of their tents and line them up for execution, he have to wait until nightfall but he was a patient man and you couldn't rush vengeance.


Aegon awoke to the panicking of his camp, he got out of bed quickly throwing on some clothing before exiting his tent, men were running everywhere screaming of a night raid, he jumps as he is grabbed from his side by none other than his most loyal servant Jon Connington "Your grace you need to come with me" he said sternly leaving no room for argument.

As they headed through the camp they finally got to the boundaries where a group was gathered, he and Jon pushed through the crowd coming to the empty field beyond their camp, however, the field wasn't empty as there stood his brother, he wore no shirt letting his powerful physique be put on display, in his hand was an axe and by his side were his two wives who wished to see the men who had abandoned their husband be put to death. Beneath his feet was a block of wood that had one of their knight's heads stretched out upon it, the man was crying and blubbering as he begged for mercy and shouted for help to anyone who might hear him.

With a swift swing of his axe the man is left headless as his head rolls down the small hill they were on, Jon then kicks his body down the hill so it may join his head "What is the meaning of this!!!!" Connington shouts as he walks forward men falling into step behind him.

"This my lord is justice... they betrayed their men and brothers when they turned traitor and ran" Jon simply said as the next man was brought to the chopping block and made to kneel.

"STOP THIS MADNESS IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING!!!" He shouts to the men that surrounded Jon however they stood there not moving at all as Jon smirked coldly at him. Connington then gestures to the men beside him "Take them into custody!" He shouts however before they can obey his order the sounds of bows being drawn and arrows being knocked sounds out and Connington can see that the men behind Jon were all bowmen.

"It seems you are short on bows my lord, a shame Black Balaq will only have 50 troops to command," he said chuckling as the men behind him laughed as well.

"Free those men at once bastard!" Connington warned as he gripped his sword.

"You are in no position to make demands Connington, I am tempted to drag you up here to join them, the girls told me what you attempted to do. But those were only words, had you taken my daughter to hold captive I would've killed everyone here" he stated with a cold smile.

"You'd condemn yourself as a Kinslayer and a kingslayer?"Connington says in disbelief.

However, Jon doesn't reply to him just smiling at his words, before he brings his axe down again executing another traitor. Connington growls as he feels helpless "Men get ready to attack!" He shouts out much to their confusion of them, some aren't even armoured and fewer do not even have a sword equipped. They would be slaughtered like cattle if they attempted to go up the hill however small it was and attack.

It was at this point however Aegon uncharacteristically came forward putting himself between the men "Peace! Please, we are not enemies and have no need to quarrel" he shouts.

He then looks to Jon "Brother I am glad you are safe I feared the worst when we got the news"

Jon looks at him coldly "So I'm brother now? You seemed to have forgotten that when you and the rest of the company left us behind" he said with venom dripping from his voice.

Aegon had the modesty to look guilty "I admit it was a mistake, I have made many of them on this expedition and I can only apologise, but please is there a way that we can come to an accord"

Jon doesn't reply for a moment but after thinking for a while he speaks "Supplies will be halved and given to my camp which will remain separate from yours, these men will all be executed right now for their treason and you will no longer have any input on family matters"

"Done" Aegon simply says much to the shock of those present, including Jon.

"Your grace certainly you can't-" Connington goes to say but is interrupted.

"It is done Jon" he simply says before leaving, he did not wish to witness the execution first-hand, Connington walked quickly after him whispering furiously into his ear but to no avail.

Jon watches them leave with a smile before looking back down at those beneath him, usually, he took no pleasure in the deaths of others, but these men were special, they caused the death of over 1,000 men with their cowardice so he would execute every single one of them this night.

"Bring the next one..."

(AN: Next chapter will have them arriving at the bone mountains and the city, what price will they pay for passage? Then they'll finally be in the desert where the sword is said to lay. But first Jon must show his girls some attention, Daenerys and Rhaella haven't been shown some in a while, he needs to deflower Daenerys as his reward.)

If you like my stuff consider supporting me, I'm still thinking of pairings for my Fire and Blood fic so give me any ideas you may have
